Saturday, August 11, 2012

Greek EEZ and European Geopolitics

N. Lygeros (OPUS)
Translated from the Greek [1] by Evi Charitidou
When we examine the Mediterranean Sea we realize that all its islands are European and they do in fact belong to the Mediterranean. To this effect the EU has the biggest EEZ in the Mediterranean. In addition, this EEZ is coherent, which is substantial quality for routes of ships, especially the LNG ones and what is more for natural gas or oil pipelines. For long now the EU has been seeking for an energy source different than the Russian and Azeri ones. Now with the deposits found in Israel and Cyprus the EU has an access to them via Greece.
So, it is not by chance that the EU supports both Cyprus extracting natural gas and Greece proclaiming its EEZ. For, the combination of the two along with Israeli requirements offers the possibility of deploying a horizontal energy hub in the Eastern Mediterranean. This axis has very strong geopolitical significance, extensions of which are not yet conceived in our country. In this new framework the EU acquires historicity, which is connected to its older history of course. And it is on this historical background that we see diachronic mental schemata traversing centuries. When we merely examine economic interests, due to lack of strategy, we do not realize how deep our common history is. However, when we study geopolitics of the region, we are obliged to accept that geoeconomics do not define everything. There are more profound elements displayed by topostrategy and operating as an open structure. It is on this one that the EU has been based upon. And it is not by chance of course that Croatia’s membership integrates the largest EEZ of all former Yugoslav countries. 

The topological and coherent element minimizing borders and maximizing area at the same time functions in an effective way as regards the EEZ issue as well. Therefore, it is important to overcome our phobias, now that the geopolitical given have radically changed by the proclamation of the EEZ of Cyprus and the three agreements she reached with Egypt, Lebanon and Israel. The opening still exists and we have to follow the path to convince everyone that there is no need to exert pressure on us regarding economic matters, since we offer large possibilities in the energy sector. By declaring the Greek EEZ we give a signal to all that we are not going to wait passively. We will effectively resist economic pressure by showing that we pass to a new phase much more dynamic and efficient to the benefit of the whole European Union, because this has to do with growth and not just with economy.  


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