Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Egypt's army to suspend constitution, parliament if no deal reached - sources RT

Egypt's army would suspend the constitution and dissolve the parliament under a draft political road-map to be pursued if President Mohamed Morsi and the liberal opposition fail to agree by Wednesday, military sources told Reuters.
Sources in the military told Reuters on Tuesday that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) was still discussing the details of the draft plan and said that it could be changed based on ongoing political developments and consultations.
Military sources also said that troops were preparing to deploy on the streets of Cairo and other cities to prevent clashes between rival political factions.

The roadmap itself was announced by the head of Egypt’s armed forces, Chief-of-staff General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, back on Monday after a crisis between President Mohamed Morsi and the liberal opposition brought millions out onto the streets in protests.
El-Sisi announced that the army was giving politicians 48 hours to answer the demands of the Egyptian people and end the violent stand off on the streets or the military would put into action its own “road map for the future”.
Meanwhile, the political wing of the ruling Brotherhood the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) has called on supporters to take to the streets to resist any move by the army to stage a coup.
A spokesman for the FJP, Murad Ali, compared the army threat of intervention to the 1952 coup by Gamal Nasser, which overthrew King Farouk and resulted in six decades of military rule.
Ali said that the people of Egypt had agreed to a constitution and that the FJP and its supporters would resist any attempt to overlook it.
Egyptians are very aware that there are some people that are trying to push the country back in history and back to dictatorship,” he said.
The people agreed to a constitution and this constitution draws the map,” he added. 
The FJP is part of an alliance of Islamist parties that are calling on people to take to the streets to defend democracy and their right to freedom.
After its headquarters were attacked on Monday, the Muslim Brotherhood has said it was considering action to defend itself after its national headquarters were ransacked. The army and police have said they would not defend the Brotherhood.
But despite the rhetoric of his supporters President Mohamed Morsi is looking more and more isolated, with six of his minsters resigning, the liberal opposition refusing to talk to him and the armed forces supported by millions of protesters still camped out on the streets  giving him until Wednesday to share power.


  1. Draft Egypt army road-map to change constitution...

    CAIRO - Egypt's armed forces would suspend the constitution and dissolve an Islamist-dominated parliament under a draft political roadmap to be pursued if Islamist President Mohamed Morsi and the liberal opposition fail to agree by Wednesday, military sources said.

    The sources told Reuters the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) was still discussing details and the plan, intended to resolve a political crisis that has brought millions of protesters into the streets, could be changed based on political developments and consultations.

    Chief-of-staff General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi called in a statement on Monday for Mursi to agree within 48 hours on power-sharing with other political forces, saying the military would otherwise set out its own road-map for the country's future.

  2. EGYPTE. El Baradei va représenter l'opposition...

    Le diplomate et prix Nobel de la paix a été choisi pour être la "voix" du "Front du 30 juin", qui rassemble les principaux partis et les mouvements opposés au président Morsi.

    L'opposition égyptienne a annoncé, mardi 2 juillet, qu'elle désignait Mohammed El Baradei, ancien chef de l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique (AIEA), pour la représenter et préparer une transition politique.

    Le "Front du 30 juin", qui rassemble les plus importants partis et mouvements hostiles au président islamiste Mohamed Morsi, a déclaré dans un communiqué que Mohammed El Baradei, qui a obtenu le prix Nobel de la paix en 2005, serait sa "voix" et était chargé de "préparer un scénario" en vue de mettre en oeuvre une "transition politique".

    En parallèle de ce communiqué, un chef islamiste a déclaré qu'il fallait empêcher un coup d'Etat, au besoin par le "martyre".
    La veille, l'armée avait lancé un ultimatum à Mohamed Morsi, l'exhortant à satisfaire les revendications du peuple, un ultimatum rejeté mardi matin par le gouvernement.

  3. Israel agrees to Egypt troop movements in Sinai as ultimatum to Morsi nears...

    Egypt is believed to have moved several dozen armored vehicles to the volatile border; Muslim Brotherhood calls supporters to take to the streets....

    Israel's military said Tuesday that Egypt has moved forces into the border area near the Gaza Strip in coordination with Israel.

    With unrest sweeping the country, Egypt is believed to have moved several dozen armored vehicles to the volatile border area to contain militant activity. The Israeli military gave no details.

    Under a 1979 peace treaty, Egypt is required to coordinate any special military activity in the area with Israel.

    In a statement Tuesday, the Israeli army said "the Egyptian military activity in Sinai is coordinated with Israeli security elements and authorized at the most senior levels in Israel, to contend with security threats in Sinai that pose a threat to both Israel and Egypt."

    Violent Islamic extremists are gaining strength in Sinai, and Palestinian militants have infiltrated through tunnels from Gaza.

    Earlier on Tuesday, images from Al Jazeera's Egypt news channel satellite showed troops chanting, marching and training for unarmed combat in the streets of the Red Sea city of Suez......http://www.haaretz.com/news/middle-east/egyptian-troops-train-in-streets-of-suez-as-ultimatum-to-president-nears-1.533378?localLinksEnabled=false

  4. Egypt army plans to suspend constitution...

    Military issues outline of intentions if crisis surrounding President Mohamed Morsi remains unresolved for another day...

    The Egyptian army has said it will suspend the constitution, dissolve parliament and force fresh elections if politicians cannot meet a looming deadline to resolve the country's political crisis, according to Reuters news agency.

    The announcement on Tuesday came a day after the military gave politicians 48 hours to come to an agreement and calm mass protests against the rule of President Mohamed Morsi – leaving only 24 hours for a solution to be found......http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/07/20137215593626253.html

  5. Egyptian sports minister resigns...

    The number of cabinet defections rose to six since last Sunday when protesters demanding ouster of Egypt's president took to the streets in mass demonstrations

    CAIRO (AA)
    – Egyptian Sports Minister Al-Amry Farouq told the Anadolu Agency he has resigned, bringing to six the number of ministers who have quit Prime Minister Hisham Qandil's government so far.

    “I tendered my resignation for personal reasons,” he told the AA, describing his decision as "final".

    “The political division in the street has stymied my effort to promote the Egyptian sports,” he said.

    A source with the Sport Ministry confirmed that Amry has faxed his resignation to Qandil.

    The ministers of foreign affairs, environment, communications, tourism and legal and parliamentary affairs have earlier tendered their resignations.

    At least two governors and 24 lawmakers have also quit.

    Hundreds of thousands of protestors have been staging protests across Egypt to call for President Mohamed Morsi’s resignation and demand snap presidential elections.

    But supporters insist the Islamist president, who was elected in June 2012, must complete his four-year term.

    The army has given all parties a 48-hour ultimatum to find a solution to the crisis before intervening.

    But the presidency hit back, saying President Morsi was not consulted about the army ultimatum and that "the mechanism of democracy are the only way to solve the crisis."

  6. Militär macht Pläne ohne Mursi....

    Das Ultimatum des Militärs in Ägypten läuft morgen Nachmittag ab. Bis dahin bleibt Präsident Mohammed Mursi Zeit, den innenpolitischen Konflikt zu lösen und eine Einigung mit der Protestbewegung zu erzielen.

    Gelingt das nicht, will das Militär die Verfassung außer Kraft setzen und eine Übergangsregierung einberufen. Das berichtete die staatliche ägyptische Nachrichtenagentur. Nach Informationen der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters soll außerdem das von Islamisten dominierte Parlament aufgelöst werden. Am Ende des Prozesses soll dann ein neuer Präsident gewählt werden......http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/aegyptenproteste126.html

  7. Morsi's supporters, opponents defiant, confrontation feared....

    CAIRO/Amr Emam (AA) – A sense of possible confrontation wafted through Egypt's main streets and main squares on Tuesday as Islamist parties allied to President Mohammad Morsi are mobilizing followers and sympathizers behind him, while hundreds of thousands of opponents are holding their ground across the country.

    Thousands of Morsi supporters converged on Al Nahada Square, just outside Egypt's oldest state-run educational institution, Cairo University, in the Giza Governorate to demonstrate support for the president and defy demands for his ouster.

    "We are here to defend the votes we have cast for the president," Ashraf Eid Mohamed, a bearded 31-year-old contractor, told the Anadolu Agency.

    "The problem is that if Morsi is forced out of office, no president will be able to spend more than one year in office in the future."

    Behind him, hundreds of fellow protesters carried photos of the president and Egyptian flags.......http://www.aa.com.tr/en/headline/199845--morsis-supporters-opponents-defiant-confrontation-feared

  8. Φήμες για επτά νεκρούς στις συγκρούσεις στο Κάιρο...

    Σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες του Γαλλικού Πρακτορείου επτά άνθρωποι έχασαν τη ζωή τους σήμερα κατά τις συγκρούσεις ανάμεσα σε υποστηρικτές και αντιπάλους του Μοχάμεντ Μόρσι
    Επτά άνθρωποι βρήκαν τον θάνατο σήμερα κατά τις συγκρούσεις που σημειώθηκαν ανάμεσα σε υποστηρικτές και αντιπάλους του Αιγύπτιου προέδρου Μοχάμεντ Μόρσι στο Κάιρο, όπου αμφότερες οι πλευρές έχουν διοργανώσει ογκώδεις κινητοποιήσεις, επιβεβαίωσαν στο Γαλλικό Πρακτορείο ιατρικές πηγές.

    Δεκάδες άλλοι άνθρωποι τραυματίσθηκαν κατά τις συγκρούσεις αυτές στο προάστιο της Γκίζας. Πολλοί εξ αυτών φέρουν τραύματα από σφαίρες, επεσήμαναν οι ίδιες πηγές.


    1. EGYPTE. Sept morts dans des heurts entre pro et anti Morsi...

      Ces échauffourées au Caire ont aussi fait des dizaines de blessés. Un peu plus tôt, le président Morsi avait refuser de céder aux revendications du peuple.

      Sept personnes ont péri, mardi 2 juillet, dans des affrontements entre partisans et opposants du président islamiste Mohamed Morsi au Caire, où les deux camps manifestent en masse, ont indiqué des sources médicales.

      Ces heurts dans le quartier de Guizeh ont également fait des dizaines de blessés, dont plusieurs ont été grièvement touchés par des tirs, ont précisé ces sources. Ces événements interviennent alors que l'opposition a choisi le Nobel de la paix Mohammed El Baradei pour se faire représenter.

      Par ailleurs, les Etats-unis ont réitéré leurs appels au calme. "Le président Mohamed Morsi doit écouter la voix du peuple égyptien pour résoudre la crise politique qui touche le pays et pourrait mener à une intervention militaire", a déclaré mardi une porte-parole du département d'Etat......http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/monde/20130702.OBS6238/egypte-sept-morts-dans-des-heurts-entre-pro-et-anti-morsi.html?xtor=RSS-17


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