Tuesday, July 2, 2013

FYROM NEWS: Skopje is interested on building strategic cooperation with China

Photo: balkaneu.com
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski held a meeting today in Beijing with the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xiping Si. During this meeting, both interlocutors have praised the friendly relations that exist between the two countries in every level of bilateral cooperation.

Prime Minister Gruevski said that cooperation with China is seen by Skopje as a possibility for strategic partnership, especially in the economic domain, trade and investments.

The two interlocutors concluded that both countries can cooperate in construction, energy and medicine.

The Prime Minister of FYR Macedonia has briefed the Chinese president about the reforms being implemented in FYROM and on the measures being undertaken by the government in order to attract investments and on the numerous novelties for the improvement of the business. Nonetheless, Gruevski said that FYROM is open for the incentives of the Chinese government for close cooperation in economy between China and the countries of eastern and southeastern Europe.

Prime Minister Gruevski has reconfirmed the will of the government of FYROM to build industrial technological parks dedicated for Chinese companies.

“We also talked about other affairs with the president of China. Once again we confirmed our previous offer for the opening of a special zone for Chinese companies in FYROM. There’s still no interest for that, but this is understandable given that the country has a new government, new president, new prime minister, but I hope that in the future there will be a greater interest for investments by Chinese companies in FYROM”, said Gruevski.

On his part, president Xiping Si has thanked Prime Minister Gruevski for his visit and stressed that China remains a good partner of FYROM. He said that the participation of FYROM in the conference for cooperation between China and eastern and southeastern European countries shows that the two countries are boosting up their relations. /ibna/
- See more at: http://www.balkaneu.com


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