Friday, August 30, 2013

Kerry: History would judge indifference toward Syria ‘extraordinarily harshly’ -The US is pushing for intervention to stop the Syrian government from using chemical weapons.( THE FULL VIDEO 30-8-13)

Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday delivered a strong call for action in Syria, pushing the need for a response to the use of chemical weapons and stressing that the mistakes of Iraq will not be repeated.
He also said a lack of action would be judged “extraordinarily harshly.”
“History would judge us all extraordinarily harshly if we turned a blind eye to a dictator’s use of chemical weapons,” Kerry said.

Kerry recognized the war fatigue that exists in America but said the situation demands action — even as Americans long for peace. He said the Obama Administration will not repeat the mistakes of Iraq.

“We are more than mindful of the Iraq experience,” Kerry said. “We will not repeat that moment.”
Kerry’s remarks were supplemented by the release of the government’s report on the Syrian government’s alleged use of chemical weapon on its people — something Kerry reinforced did occur multiples times.
“It’s findings are as clear as they are compelling,” Kerry said of the report.
He added later: “Our choice today has great consequences. … History is full of leaders who have warned against indifference and silence.

French President Francois Hollande said Friday that his country is ready to act, despite the British Parliament’s rejection of its use of force on Thursday.
The White House said as recently as Thursday that President Obama hadn’t made up his mind about how to handle the situation. Kerry made no indication of exactly what kind of force might be used.

John Kerry Syria FULL Speech 8/30/2013. Kerry Makes Case For Syria Military Action


  1. Kerry Outlines Evidence of Chemical Attack by Syria...

    Secretary of State John Kerry declared on Friday there was “clear” and “compelling” evidence that the government of President Bashar al-Assad used poison gas against its citizens, as the Obama administration released an unclassified intelligence report on the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

    “Read for yourselves the evidence from thousands of sources,” Mr. Kerry said in aggressively laying out the administration’s case for strikes on Syria. “This is the indiscriminate, inconceivable horror of chemical weapons. This is what Assad did to his own people.”

    Mr. Kerry said that more than 1,400 people were killed in the chemical attack, including more than 400 children.

    A four-page intelligence summary released by the White House said the government had concluded that the Assad government had “carried out a chemical weapons attack” outside Damascus, based on human sources as well as communications intercepts. The suggestion that the opposition might have been responsible “is highly unlikely,” the assessment said.

    Mr. Kerry said the administration had “high confidence” in the intelligence, much of which was being released to the public as he spoke. But he vowed that the government had carefully reviewed the evidence to avoid the kind of intelligence failures that preceded the Iraq war.

    “We will not repeat that moment,” he said.

    Mr. Kerry said the time for questions about what happened in Syria had passed.

    “The question is whether we — we collectively — what are we and the world going to do about it?” Mr. Kerry said. He said that taking action in the face of the use of chemical weapons “matters deeply to the credibility and the future interests of the United States.”

    Mr. Kerry acknowledged that the public in the United States was weary of war, saying that he, too, was tired after the years of military conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. But he said that should not be used as an excuse not to act.

    “Fatigue does not absolve us of our responsibility,” he declared. “Just longing for peace does not necessarily bring it about.”

    American intelligence agencies in the three days before the Aug. 21 attack detected signs of activities by the Syrian authorities “associated with preparations for a chemical weapons attack,” the assessment said. Syrian chemical weapons personnel were operating in the suburb of Adra from Aug. 18 until early on the morning of Aug. 21. On that date, it added, a “Syrian regime element prepared for a chemical weapons attack,” including the use of gas masks.

    Spy satellites detected rocket launchings from government-controlled territory 90 minutes before the first reports of a chemical weapons attack. The intelligence agencies said they had identified more than 100 videos attributed to the attack, many showing large numbers of bodies with physical signs consistent with nerve agents, and they added that the Syrian opposition “does not have the capability to fabricate all of the videos.”

    The agencies also said they intercepted the communications of a senior Syrian official who “confirmed that chemical weapons were used by the regime on Aug. 21 and was concerned with the U.N. inspectors obtaining evidence,” the assessment said. It added that on the afternoon of that day, Syrian chemical weapons personnel were directed to cease operations....

  2. Syrie/attaque chimique: près de 1.500 morts, selon le renseignement US...

    Près de 1.500 personnes ont été tuées dans l'attaque chimique lancée le 21 août dans une banlieue de Damas, a annoncé vendredi le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry, citant les services secrets du pays.

    Selon un rapport du renseignement américain, le massacre chimique perpétré dans la région de Damas a fait au moins 1.429 morts, dont 426 enfants.

    L'Occident en rejette la responsabilité sur le gouvernement syrien et envisage une intervention militaire en Syrie.

    Les autorités syriennes réfutent cette accusation et affirment n'avoir jamais utilisé de gaz de combat contre les civils.

  3. USA machen Assad für Giftgaseinsatz verantwortlich und versprechen „begrenzte“ Reaktion...

    Amerikanische Geheimdienste haben laut US-Außenminister John Kerry schlüssige Beweise dafür, dass hinter dem Giftgas-Einsatz vom 21. August bei Damaskus das Assad-Regime steht. Bei der Attacke seien 1429 Menschen, darunter 426 Kinder getötet worden, teilte Kerry am Freitag in Washington mit.

    „Die Beweise, die aus mehreren Tausend verschiedenen Quellen stammen, wurden bereits veröffentlicht“, sagte Kerry. Daraus gehe hervor, dass Assad chemische Waffen in den von der Opposition kontrollierten Vororten von Damaskus habe einsetzen lassen. „Wir wissen ganz genau, wann und wo die Raketen abgefeuert wurden und wo sie einschlugen.“

    Kerry betonte, dass die amerikanischen Spezialisten die Angaben mehrmals überprüft hätten, um die Fehler, die einst im Irak begangen wurden, nicht zu wiederholen.

    „Begrenzte“ Antwort

    Die USA werden auf den C-Waffen-Einsatz laut Kerry „begrenzt“ reagieren. „Präsident Obama hat deutlich gemacht, dass unsere Schritte begrenzt sein werden, um die Schuldigen zur Verantwortung zu ziehen.“ Die USA glauben, dass der Syrien-Konflikt auf dem Verhandlungswege beigelegt werden muss, so Kerry. Bevor die Entscheidung über ein militärisches Eingreifen falle, werde sich Obama mit dem Kongress beraten.

    Am 21. August war östlich von Damaskus laut Medien Giftgas eingesetzt worden. Die syrische Regierung und die bewaffnete Opposition, die sich seit März 2011 blutige Gefechte liefern, beschuldigen sich gegenseitig, hinter der Attacke zu stecken. Nach russischen Angaben waren es die syrischen Oppositionskämpfer, die eine Rakete mit Giftgas abfeuerten.

    US-Präsident Barack Obama hatte bereits vor einem Jahr den Einsatz chemischer Kampfstoffe als „rote Linie“ für ein militärisches Eingreifen in Syrien bezeichnet. Nach den Meldungen über die jüngste Attacke ist eine mögliche westliche Intervention in greifbare Nähe gerückt.

  4. Syrie : Washington évoque une action "ciblée" sans troupe au sol...

    Alors que Washington ne cache sa détermination à intervenir en Syrie, évoquant une action militaire "ajustée", vendredi 30 août, François Hollande s'est entretenu au téléphone avec son homologue américain pendant près de 45 minutes. Les deux dirigeants "partagent la même certitude sur la nature chimique de l'attaque [du 21 août à Damas] et la responsabilité indubitable du régime" de Bachar Al-Assad, a déclaré l'entourage du chef de l'Etat français.

    "François Hollande a rappelé la grande détermination de la France à réagir et à ne pas laisser ces crimes impunis et a senti la même détermination du côté d'Obama", a la même source.....[lestitres]

    1. Hollande conduce a Francia a una nueva alianza con Estados Unidos...El presidente afirma que hay que golpear a El Asad sin “tratar de derrocar a la dictadura”...

      El presidente francés, François Hollande, ha dejado claro en una entrevista a Le Monde que Francia quiere participar en una hipotética coalición internacional para castigar al régimen de Bachar El Asad. Hollande sostiene que “es un hecho establecido” que la dictadura usó armas químicas en el ataque del pasado 21 de agosto, y reitera que se trata de “un crimen contra la humanidad” que debe ser replicado con una intervención “de alcance limitado”. El jefe del Estado galo es contundente: “La matanza química de Damasco no puede ni debe quedar impune. (…) Yo no soy favorable a una acción internacional que intente ‘liberar’ a Siria o derrocar a la dictadura. Pero sí creo que hay que frenar a un régimen que comete actos irreparables contra su pueblo”.

      En realidad, la “solución política” que Hollande vaticina para la guerra civil siria parece mucho más un deseo inalcanzable que una probabilidad real. Pero París se mantiene en todo caso fiel a la estrategia que ha mantenido en Siria desde que el líder socialista llegó al poder en mayo de 2012. Como recuerda el propio presidente en Le Monde, Francia apoyó a los rebeldes desde el primer momento, fue el primer país que reconoció a la Coalición Nacional Siria como legítima oposición a la dictadura, y también uno de los pioneros en armar, diciéndolo públicamente al menos, al Ejército Libre Sirio.....

  5. Kerry muestra “alta confianza” en las pruebas del ataque químico...

    La Administración asegura que tiene evidencias el uso de armas químicas por el Gobierno sirio, frente a quienes dudan de la fiabilidad de los indicios.

    El secretario de Estado de EE UU, John Kerry, ha dado a conocer este viernes las pruebas que evidencian la responsabilidad del régimen de Bachar el Asad en el ataque con armas químicas contra civiles del 21 de agosto en Damasco. En su intervención, el jefe de la Diplomacia estadounidense ha sido tajante al asegurar que disponen de evidencias que demuestran que la agresión se preparó varios días antes de que tuviera lugar y una conversación telefónica entre funcionarios del Gobierno sirio que confirman que que la ofensiva provino de allí.

    "No les voy a pedir que crean en mis palabras, sólo quiero que ustedes mismos lean el veredicto al que han llegado nuestros servicios de inteligencia", ha comenzado Kerry. "Sabemos que tres días antes del ataque, el personal que trabaja con las armas químicas estaba sobre la zona desde la que se dispararon los misiles haciendo preparativos. Sabemos que a los miembros del régimen se les proveyó de máscaras antigas por orden del propio Gobierno", ha asegurado el secretario de Estado en el que ha sido el comienzo de una enumeración de hechos, que él considera constatados, y que han incluido la alusión a una llamada de un funcionario del régimen de Asad, tras el ataque, reconociendo que el Gobierno estaba detrás de la agresión y su preocupación ante una investigación por parte de los inspectores de Naciones Unidas.....

    1. US intel report stops short of confirming Assad is responsible for chemical attack...

      United States Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday that the US intelligence community has concluded that the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is responsible for killing more than 1,000 people with chemical gas last week near Damascus.

      In a statement released in tandem with Kerry’s remarks from the State Department headquarters in Washington, DC Friday afternoon, the US government says they assess “with high confidence” that the government of Pres. Assad carried out a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburbs on August 21, 2013.

      According to the remarks made by Sec. Kerry, the assault last week caused the deaths of at least 1,429 Syrians, including no fewer than 426 children.

      But despite days of research and an international investigation, the US says they cannot declare with 100 percent certainty at this time that Assad’s regime was responsible.

      “Our high confidence assessment is the strongest position that the US Intelligence Community can take short of confirmation,” the report reads in part. “We will continue to seek additional information to close gaps in our understanding of what took place.”

      Nevertheless, Kerry all but confirmed on Friday that Assad ordered the use of nerve gas against civilians last week.....

  6. US intel report: ‘High confidence’ that Assad used chemical arms...Unclassified assessment puts number of dead in attack near Damascus at 1,429, including 426 children...

    The unclassified report says at least 426 children died.

    The report says the “high confidence” assessment is the strongest position that US intelligence agencies can take short of confirmation.

    It dismisses the Assad government’s contention that rebels were responsible.

    The US says additional intelligence remains classified but is being provided to allies and Congress.

  7. Obama to speak about Syria during 2:15 ET public comments...

    WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama will speak about Syria during a 2:15 ET White House appearance on Friday with three leaders of Baltic nations, a senior administration official said.

    Obama will address Syria "to some extent" before a meeting with presidents of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, the official said.

  8. Kerry spricht von „klaren und schlüssigen“ Beweisen...

    Amerikas Außenminister Kerry hat keine Zweifel mehr. Die Beweise für die Schuld Syriens stammten aus Tausenden Quellen und seien „so klar wie schlüssig“. Bei der Attacke seien 1429 Menschen getötet worden, darunter mindestens 426 Kinder.

    Amerika gibt dem Regime des syrischen Machthabers Baschar al Assad eindeutig die Schuld an dem „entsetzlichen Chemiewaffenangriff“ vor neun Tagen in Syrien. Die Beweise dafür stammten aus Tausenden Quellen und seien „so klar wie schlüssig“, sagte Außenminister John Kerry am Freitag in einer emotionalen Erklärung in Washington. Bei der Attacke am 21. August seien 1429 Menschen getötet worden, darunter mindestens 426 Kinder. Dies sei ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. Amerika würde darauf entsprechend reagieren.

    Gleichzeitig veröffentlichte das Weiße Haus einen Bericht zu den Geschehnissen: „Die US-Regierung stellt fest, dass die syrische Regierung mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit einen Giftgasangriff in den Vororten von Damaskus ausgeführt hat“, heißt es darin. Es sei „äußerst unwahrscheinlich“, dass die Opposition für die Angriffe verantwortlich sei.....

  9. NATO não vai participar numa operação militar na Síria...

    O alegado uso de armas químicas na Síria exige uma resposta da comunidade internacional, mas uma intervenção direta da NATO está excluída, declarou esta sexta-feira, o secretário-geral da aliança, Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

    "Não vejo papel para a NATO numa reação internacional ao regime" sírio, disse Rasmussen em declarações a jornalistas dinamarqueses citadas pelo jornal Politiken, na sua edição eletrónica.

    O secretário-geral da NATO considerou a utilização de armas químicas "um ato terrível e horrível".

    "Os ataques químicos constituem uma violação flagrante das normas internacionais, um crime que não pode ser ignorado". Isso "exige uma resposta internacional, de maneira a evitar que se repita", acrescentou.

    Até agora, o secretário-geral da NATO tinha insistido na necessidade de uma solução política para o conflito sírio....

  10. US report says 'high confidence' Syrian forces used chemical weapons multiple times...

    A U.S. intelligence report disclosed on Aug. 30 that there was "high confidence" that Syrian forces had used chemical weapons multiple times in the last year, including the Aug. 21 attack outside Damascus.

    The report said that 1,429 people were killed in the chemical weapons attack, including at least 426 children.

    U.S. President Barack Obama is using the report to make the case for retaliation against the Syrian government.

    The report, based partly on intercepted communications, stressed U.S. authorities have a high degree of confidence that the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad was responsible, which it said is the strongest position the U.S. intelligence community can take short of confirmation.

    A central piece of intelligence included a communication that was intercepted from "a senior official intimately familiar with the attack," who confirmed that chemical weapons had been used by the government on Aug. 21 and was "concerned with the U.N. inspectors obtaining evidence" about it.

    The report said a nerve agent was used in the attack, which took place in the Damascus suburbs and was aimed at ridding the area of those trying to topple the al-Assad government.

    The death toll given by the report was the first precise number and far larger than previously estimated. A senior administration official who briefed reporters said the number could rise.

    The report said the conclusion was based on human, signals and satellite intelligence as well as a significant body of public material, such as amateur videos.

    The report said three hospitals in the Damascus area received some 3,600 patients showing symptoms consistent with nerve agents in less than three hours on the morning of Aug. 21.

    Rejecting claims by the Syrian government that the Syrian opposition conducted the attack, the report said the rebels had no capability to fabricate all of the videos and the physical symptoms verified by medical personnel.

  11. ‘Russian Obstructionism’ Pushing US to Act on Syria Without UN...

    WASHINGTON, August 30 (RIA Novosti) – US Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday that Russian “obstructionism” in the UN Security Council has pushed Washington to act against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, which Washington has blamed for a deadly chemical weapons attack last week, without waiting for a UN resolution.

    “Because of the guaranteed Russian obstructionism of any action through the UN Security Council, the UN cannot galvanize the world to act as it should,” Kerry said in a speech at the State Department, hours after British lawmakers voted against any British involvement in action against Syria.

    “President Obama will ensure that the United States makes its own decisions, on its own timeline, based on our values and our interests,” Kerry said, adding that Washington has commitments from several allies, including the Arab League, Australia, France and Turkey, for action against the Assad regime.

    Any US intervention in Syria would be “tailored” and limited to “ensure that a despot’s brutal and flagrant use of chemical weapons will be held accountable,” he said, ensuring Americans “weary of war” that any US action in Syria would “not involve any boots on the ground, will not be open-ended, and it will not assume responsibility for the civil war that is already well under way.”

    “Fatigue does not absolve us of our responsibility,” Kerry said. “Just longing for peace does not necessarily bring it about.”

    To better make its case for retaliating against the Syrian government for using chemical weapons, Washington on Friday released details of its intelligence assessment of the Aug. 21 attack.

    Information gathered by the US intelligence community showed that the rockets used in the attack on a Damascus suburb that the Assad regime was trying to “rid of its opponents… came only from regime-controlled areas,” Kerry said.

    Kerry said the administration had “high confidence” in the intelligence that he said showed it was the Assad regime that carried out the chemical weapons attack. He added that it was “highly unlikely” that opposition forces were responsible....

  12. Δεν θα συμμετάσχει σε επέμβαση στη Συρία ο Καναδάς
    Το καθεστώς Άσαντ ευθύνεται για την επίθεση με χημικά στη Δαμασκό, αλλά η χώρα δεν θα συμμετάσχει σε στρατιωτική επέμβαση, είπε ο εκπρόσωπος του Καναδού πρωθυπουργού.

    Ο Καναδάς είναι πεπεισμένος ότι ο πρόεδρος της Συρίας Μπασάρ αλ Άσαντ ευθύνεται για την επίθεση με χημικά όπλα της 21ης Αυγούστου στη Δαμασκό, δήλωσε σήμερα ο εκπρόσωπος του πρωθυπουργού Στίβεν Χάρπερ, επαναλαμβάνοντας ωστόσο ότι η χώρα του δεν σχεδιάζει να συμμετάσχει σε μια στρατιωτική επιχείρηση.

    "Αυτό που μπορώ να σας πω είναι ότι, με βάση αυτά που μας έδειξαν, είμαστε της άποψης ότι το καθεστώς του Άσαντ ευθύνεται για την επίθεση», είπε ο Άντριου Μακντούγκαλ, ο διευθυντής επικοινωνίας του πρωθυπουργού, μιλώντας σε δημοσιογράφους.

    Ο εκπρόσωπος επανέλαβε ότι ο Χάρπερ δεν σκοπεύει να συγκαλέσει το κοινοβούλιο για να συζητήσει το θέμα της Συρίας.

    Πηγή: AΠE-MΠΕ

  13. Guido Westerwelle: "Kerrys Argumente sind plausibel"...

    Außenminister Westerwelle wirbt für eine geschlossene Haltung der internationalen Gemeinschaft in der Syrien-Frage. Peer Steinbrück hat einen Sechs-Punkte-Plan zum diplomatischen Vorgehen vorgelegt.

    Nach der Rede von US-Außenminister John Kerry hat sein deutscher Amtskollege Guido Westerwelle für eine geschlossene Haltung der internationalen Gemeinschaft in der Syrien-Frage geworben. "Wir werden weiter intensiv mit unseren Verbündeten und Partnern beraten und uns für eine geschlossene Haltung der Weltgemeinschaft einsetzen", sagte Westerwelle am Freitagabend der "Welt am Sonntag".

    Die von Kerry vorgebrachten Argumente wögen schwer und wiesen klar in Richtung des Assad-Regimes, fügte Westerwelle hinzu. "Sie sind plausibel. Jeder sollte sie ernst nehmen." Der FDP-Politiker betonte: "Umso mehr setzen wir uns jetzt dafür ein, dass die Untersuchungen der Vereinten Nationen so schnell wie irgend möglich abgeschlossen werden." Nach Informationen der "Welt am Sonntag" haben Kerry und Westerwelle unmittelbar nach der Rede des US-Außenministers miteinander telefoniert.

    Zuvor hatte sich Deutschland erstmals mit deutlichen Worten eine Beteiligung an einem Militärschlag gegen das Assad-Regime ausgeschlossen. Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert sagte in Berlin: "Es ist nie ein militärisches Engagement in Betracht gezogen worden." Es habe bei der Bundesrepublik auch keine Anfragen nach einem militärischen Engagement gegeben. Die Hoffnung der Bundesrepublik ruht nun darauf, dass Russland und China ihren Widerstand im UN-Sicherheitsrat aufgeben und doch noch eine diplomatische Lösung möglich wird....


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