Friday, August 30, 2013

Obama on Syria: US has obligation as "world leader" to act (video). -"The Top Ten Reasons for Obama to Attack Syria" (VIDEO)

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama says he recognizes the world and the U.S. are war-weary in the face of potential military action against Syria.
But he says the United States has an obligation “as a leader in the world” to hold countries accountable if they violate international norms.
Obama says he has strong preference for multilateral action. But he says, quote, “we don’t want the world to be paralyzed.”
Regarding the U.N., Obama says, quote, “there is an incapacity for the Security Council to move forward.”

Despite a vote in Britain against taking action in Syria, Obama indicates that France is with him.
Obama’s comments came as his administration made its intelligence case against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad for a chemical attack against civilians earlier this month.
Earlier in the day, the Obama administration bluntly accused the Syrian government of Bashar Assad of launching a chemical weapons attack that killed at least 1,429 people — far more than previous estimates — including more than 400 children.
“Some cite the risk of doing things” in response, Secretary of State John Kerry said in a speech that acknowledged that Americans at home and U.S. allies abroad are weary of war. “But we need to ask what is the risk of doing nothing.”
Halfway around the world, U.N. personnel carried out a fourth day of inspection as they sought to determine precisely what happened in the attack last week. Videotapes said to be taken at the scene show victims writhing in pain, twitching and exhibiting other symptoms associated with exposure to nerve agents. The international contingent arranged to depart Syria on Saturday and head to laboratories in Europe with the samples they have collected.
Residents of Damascus stocked up on food and other necessities in anticipation of strikes, although no signs of panic or shortages were evident.
“We got used to the sound of shelling” after three years of civil war, said Kheireddine Nahleh, a 53-year-old government employee. “Death is the same, be it with a mortar or with an American missile. I’m not afraid.”

President Barack Obama met with his national security aides at the White House as aides insisted he has not yet made a decision to attack military facilities belonging to the Syrian government.
Even so, the administration did nothing to discourage the predictions that he would — and soon.
“Our approach is to continue to find an international coalition that will act together,” said Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, on a trip to the Philippines.
U.S. warships were in place in the Mediterranean Sea armed with cruise missiles, long a first-line weapon of choice for presidents because they can find a target hundreds of miles distant without need of air cover or troops on the ground.
White House officials previewed the intelligence findings Thursday night in a telephone briefing for senior members of Congress.
The Assad government has accused rebels of carrying out the attacks.
The looming confrontation is the latest outgrowth of a civil war in which Assad has tenaciously — and brutally — clung to power. An estimated 100,000 civilians have been killed in more than two years, many of them as a result of attacks by the Syrian government on its own citizens.
Obama has long been wary of U.S. military involvement in the struggle, as he has been with turbulent events elsewhere during the so-called Arab Spring. In this case, reluctance stems in part from a recognition that while Assad has ties to Iran and the terrorist group Hezbollah, the rebels seeking to topple him have connections with al-Qaida terrorist groups.
Still, he declared more than a year ago that the use of chemical weapons would amount to a “red line” that Assad should not cross. And Obama approved the shipment of small weapons and ammunition to the Syrian rebels after an earlier reported chemical weapons attack, although there is little sign that the equipment has arrived.
With memories of the long Iraq war still fresh, the political cross-currents have been intense both domestically and overseas.
Dozens of lawmakers, most of them Republican, have signed a letter saying Obama should not take military action without congressional approval, and top leaders of both political parties are urging the president to consult more closely with Congress before giving an order to launch hostilities.
Despite the urgings, there has been little or no discussion about calling Congress back into session to debate the issue. Lawmakers have been on a summer break for nearly a month, and are not due to return to the Capitol until Sept. 9.
Obama’s efforts to put together an international coalition to support military action have been more down than up.
French President Francois Hollande has endorsed punitive strikes, and told the newspaper Le Monde that the “chemical massacre of Damascus cannot and must not remain unpunished.”
But British Prime Minister David Cameron’s attempt to win a vote of approval in Parliament for military action ended in ignominious defeat on Thursday. American attempts to secure backing at the United Nations have been blocked by Russia, long an ally of Syria.
United Nations Secretary General Ban ki-Moon has urged a delay in any military action until the inspectors can present their findings to U.N. member states and the Security Council.


  1. Syrie : Obama dit qu'il n'a pas encore pris de "décision finale"...

    Les présidents français et américain sont convaincus de la "responsabilité indubitable du régime" de Damas, selon l'entourage de François Hollande.

    Alors que Washington ne cache sa détermination à intervenir en Syrie, Barack Obama affirme, vendredi 30 août, ne pas avoir pris de "décision finale". Assurant qu'un recours à des armes chimiques menaçait la sécurité nationale américaine, le locataire de la Maison Blanche a déclaré que le monde ne pouvait pas accepter que des femmes et des enfants soient gazés....[lestitres]

  2. Obama considers 'limited' military action against Syria...

    President Barack Obama said Friday that he has not yet decided what action, if any, will be taken by the United States military against the regime of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.

    Following a Friday afternoon press conference in which Secretary of State John Kerry said Pres. Assad’s regime used chemical gas last week to kill more than 1,000 Syrian civilians, Obama said he has yet to decide how the US will respond.

    “The world has an obligation to make sure that we maintain the law against the use of chemical weapons,” Obama said from the White House’s oval office. “I have not made a final decision about the various actions that might be taken to help us enforce that goal. But, as I already said, I have had my military and our team look at a wide range of options.”

    The president added that his administration has consulted with US allies and Congress, and that conversations have occurred “with all of the interested parties.”

    Obama also echoed Kerry’s statement from earlier in the day when he promised he wouldn’t put any “boots on the ground” should the US military be ordered to strike Assad’s army.

    “In no event are we considering any kind of military action that would involve boots on the ground, that would involve a long term campaign, but we are looking at the possibility of a limited, narrow act that would help make sure that not only Syria but others around the world understand that the international community cares about this chemical weapons ban,” Obama said.

    Earlier this week, the president said that the US intelligence community would release a report justifying any action taken by the US against Assad. The report, released Friday at the same time as Kerry’s address, concluded that the US government “assesses with high confidence that the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburbs on August 21, 2013.”

    “Our high confidence assessment is the strongest position that the US intelligence community can take short of confirmation,” the report reads in part. “We will continue to seek additional information to close gaps in our understanding of what took place.”

    The US currently has five warships deployed outside of Syria and has the largest military on the planet at its disposal.

  3. Obama declaró que habrá una "acción limitada" y fue crítico con la ONU...

    Obama criticó la "incapacidad" del Consejo de Seguridad para actuar en Siria, en guerra civil desde hace más de dos años, pero aseguró que Estados Unidos debe proteger las normas de seguridad internacionales, en alusión al ataque con armas químicas en Damasco cuya autoría no está dereminada por Naciones Unidas.

  4. Obama says Syria chemical weapons attack threatens Israel, Jordan...

    WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama said on Friday the chemical weapons attack in Syria threatened US allies Israel and Jordan and said his preference would have been for the international community to move forward on a response.

    While meeting with visiting leaders at the White House, Obama told reporters the United States was still in the planning process for a response to the chemical weapons use in Syria.

    He said he was looking at a limited action against Syria that would not involve an open-ended commitment or major military operation.

  5. La Maison-Blanche est décidée à frapper Damas...

    Il n'y a désormais plus aucun doute à Washington : les Américains vont frapper en Syrie après l'utilisation de gaz de combat par le régime contre des civils. La France sera sans doute l'un de leurs seuls alliés.

    Dix ans après le déclenchement de la guerre en Irak, il n'y a quasiment plus de doute: l'Amérique va aller frapper en Syrie les positions du régime d'Assad, et probablement très vite, peut être même avant le départ mardi d'Obama pour l'Europe et le sommet du G20 prévu jeudi à Saint Pétersbourg.

    Cette volonté déjà martelée par maints responsables américains, est devenue évidente après l'intervention télévisée du secrétaire d'État John Kerry, puis celle de Barack Obama, ce vendredi.

    Le président a évoqué «l'obligation américaine en tant que leader(...)de faire en sorte que quand un gouvernement utilise des armes prohibées, il en soit tenu responsable». «Il ne s'agira pas d'une opération majeure», a toutefois dit Obama, tout en précisant qu'il n'avait toujours pas pris de «décision définitive» sur le type de riposte à apporter....

  6. Obama erwägt begrenzten Einsatz...

    US-Präsident Barack Obama hat nach eigenen Angaben noch keine Entscheidung über eine Militärintervention gegen das syrische Regime getroffen. Er erwäge aber einen begrenzten und eingeschränkten Einsatz, sagte er nach Berichten anwesender Reporter im Weißen Haus in Washington. Was auch immer die USA unternähmen, sei keine "große Operation". "Ein unbefristetes Engagement ziehen wir nicht in Erwägung", betonte Obama. Es würden auch keine Bodentruppen eingesetzt.

    Niemand sei "kriegsmüder" als er selbst, doch die USA müssten als Weltmacht für die Einhaltung internationaler Normen sorgen. Wenn es keine Reaktion auf den Einsatz von Chemiewaffen gebe, sende das ein falsches Signal. Nach Ansicht vieler Menschen weltweit müsse etwas getan werden, aber keiner wolle es tun. Er hätte es bevorzugt, wenn die internationale Gemeinschaft mit im Boot gewesen wäre, fügte Obama hinzu.

    Dem türkischen Ministerpräsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdogan gehen die Aussagen der US-Regierung nicht weit genug. "Eine begrenzte Aktion kann uns nicht zufriedenstellen", sagte er vor Journalisten, wie der türkische Sender NTV berichtete. "Das Ziel muss sein, das Regime zur Aufgabe zu zwingen."....


  7. Amerika als Weltpolizei... Obama will Giftgaseinsatz sühnen...

    Barack Obama will Syrien für den Einsatz von Giftgas bestrafen. Weil sich der UN-Sicherheitsrat als handlungsunfähig erwiesen habe, sei nun die Weltmacht USA in der Pflicht, so der US-Präsident.

    Die USA haben neue scharfe Vorwürfe gegen das Regime in Syrien vorgebracht, mit einem möglichen Militärschlag gegen Damaskus wollen sie aber noch abwarten. Er habe noch keine endgültige Entscheidung getroffen, erwäge aber nach wie vor ein "begrenztes" und "eingeschränktes" Eingreifen in Syrien, sagte Präsident Barack Obama am Freitag in Washington.....

  8. Turkish PM says limited action against Syria won't be enough, calls for Kosovo-like intervention...

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said the U.S. statement on a "limited" military action against Syria will not be enough to satisfy Ankara, pleading for an intervention similar to the one in Kosovo in 1999.

    "A limited military action will not satisfy us. It [the intervention] should be like in Kosovo," Erdoğan was quoted by daily Hürriyet as saying during the Victory Day reception at the presidential palace on Aug. 30.

    A few minutes earlier, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry had given signs during a press briefing in Washington that the United States would act following last week's chemical attack in Syria, but said its response would be "tailored."....

  9. Syrien: Widersprüchliche Signale aus Washington...

    Für Obama läuft in der Syrien-Krise alles schief. Nach lautstarken Kriegsdrohungen gegen Assad bekommt er von überall Gegenwind. Nun sind die USA wieder in der Rolle, die der Friedensnobelpreisträger eigentlich abstreifen wollte: Weltpolizist zu sein.

    Geradezu trotzig reagierte das Weiße Haus auf das Nein im britischen Parlament zu einem Militärschlag in Syrien. „Wir haben das Resultat der Abstimmung gesehen“, konstatierte kühl die Sprecherin des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates, Caitlin Hayden – um sofort nachzulegen, dass sich die USA davon nicht beeinflussen ließen. „Wie wir bereits sagten, wird Präsident Obamas Entscheidung von den besten Interessen der Vereinigten Staaten abhängen.“.....,24136514,24167190.html

  10. Ερντογάν: Δεν αρκεί μια περιορισμένη επιχείρηση στη Συρία...

    «Δεν θα μας ικανοποιούσε μία περιορισμένη επιχείρηση» είπε την Παρασκευή ο πρωθυπουργός της Τουρκίας Ρετζέπ Ταγίπ Ερντογάν, αναφερόμενος σε μια επιχείρηση εναντίον του καθεστώτος του Άσαντ στη Συρία.

    Ο πρωθυπουργός της Τουρκίας επεσήμανε ότι «η επέμβαση πρέπει να είναι όχι μιας ή δύο ημερών, αλλά σαν αυτή στο Κόσοβο. Πρέπει να αποσκοπεί στον εξαναγκασμό του καθεστώτος Άσαντ να τα παρατήσει», δηλαδή να εγκαταλείψει την εξουσία.

    Ο Τούρκος πρωθυπουργός, απαντώντας σε ερωτήσεις δημοσιογράφων σχετικά με τις δηλώσεις που έκανε ο Αμερικανός υπουργός Εξωτερικών Τζον Κέρι, είπε επίσης ότι «αν ληφθούν υπόψη οι δηλώσεις Κέρι, η επιχείρηση μπορεί να πραγματοποιηθεί πριν από τη σύνοδο της G20», η οποία πρόκειται να γίνει στις 5-6 Σεπτεμβρίου στην Αγία Πετρούπολη της Ρωσίας....

  11. Комментарий официального представителя МИД России А.К.Лукашевича в связи с заявлениями США о силовой акции против Сирии...

    Прозвучавшие из Вашингтона заявления с угрозой применения силы в отношении Сирии неприемлемы. Вместо выполнения решений саммита «восьмерки» в JIox-Эрне, последующих договоренностей представить комплексный доклад в Совет Безопасности ООН экспертов, расследующих возможные случаи применения химического оружия в Сирии, в отсутствие каких-либо доказательств звучат угрозы нанесения удара по Сирии. При этом даже союзники США призывают взять «паузу», дождаться завершения работы группы экспертов ООН для того, чтобы получить объективную картину произошедшего и определиться с дальнейшими шагами в сирийском кризисе. Именно такой подход был на днях заявлен и Генсекретарем ООН Пан Ги Муном.
    Любая односторонняя силовая акция в обход Совета Безопасности ООН, какой бы «ограниченной» она ни была, станет прямым нарушением международного права, подорвет перспективы политико-дипломатического разрешения конфликта в Сирии, приведет к новому витку конфронтации и жертвам. Нельзя допустить такого развития событий.

    1. Russia FM: Military Strike on Syria without UNSC Approval Is Act of Aggression...

      Moscow Informed Washington Saturday through diplomatic channels that any military operation against Syria, without the authorization of the UN Security Council, is an act of aggression and a violation of the principles of international law.

      "The Russian side has confirmed that any use of force against Syria by the United States, without authorization of the UN Security Council, is an act of aggression and flagrant violation of the principles of international law," a statement posted on the Foreign Ministry official website after the meeting between the deputy Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov and the U.S. Ambassador to Moscow Michael McFaul read.

      It also indicated that "Michael McFaul presented all the arguments which the US administration relies upon in accusing the Syrian government of involvement of the use of chemical weapons on August 21, 2013 in East Ghota."

      According to all those arguments, Sergei Ryabkov called the American side to "refrain from attempts to use this incident in order to justify military pressure on Damascus, and to allow the full implementation of the agreement reached by the G8 summit in June."

      Ryabkov also stressed the need to submit the report of UN experts working in Syria to the UN Security Council for consideration.

  12. US claim on Syria chemical attack 'nonsense' - Putin...

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed US claims that Syria's regime used chemical weapons, describing them as "utter nonsense".

    Mr Putin challenged Washington to present the evidence behind its claims to the United Nations Security Council.

    US President Barack Obama has said he is considering military action against Syria based on intelligence reports.

    The Russia leader's remarks came after UN chemical weapons inspectors ended their visit to Syria.

    They crossed into neighbouring Lebanon after four days of inspections, including investigations of what happened in the Damascus suburbs on 21 August.

    Hundreds of people including children were killed in the suspected chemical weapons attacks, which the US says was carried out by the Syrian government.

    Syria said the US claim was "full of lies", blaming rebels for the attacks.....

  13. Putin: US should present Syria evidence to Security Council...

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared ‘utter nonsense’ the idea that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons on its own people and called on the US to present its supposed evidence to the UN Security Council.

    Further to this, Putin told Obama that he should consider what the potential fallout from a military strike would be and to take into consideration the suffering of innocent civilians.

    On Friday, Washington said a plan for a limited military response was in the works to punish Assad for a “brutal and flagrant” chemical attack that allegedly killed more than 1400 people in the capital Damascus 10 days ago.

    The Syrian government has been denying all allegations of chemical weapons use, calling the accusation preposterous and pointing its own accusations against rebel forces, especially Al-Qaeda-linked extremists.

    Washington has been basing its proposed strategy of an attack on Syria on the premise that President Bashar Assad’s government forces have used chemical agents, while Russia finds the accusations unacceptable and the idea of performing a military strike on the country even more so. Especially as it would constitute a violation of international law, if carried out without the approval of the UN Security Council.


  14. International weapons experts leave Syria, Obama to make statement...

    (Reuters) - U.N. experts arrived in the Netherlands with evidence gathered in their investigation of a poison gas attack in Syria, as the White House said President Barack Obama would make a statement to the public on Saturday on the Syria crisis that would not be an announcement of an imminent military strike.

    Obama was to make the televised statement at 1:15 p.m. EDT after meetings with top national security aides. The security team was also to conduct a conference call with senators later Saturday. The White House is to present classified information to lawmakers on Capitol Hill on Sunday....

  15. Obama hará esta tarde una declaración sobre Siria...Este viernes el mandatario apuntó la posibilidad de llevar a cabo una acción militar "limitada" contra el país árabe...

    El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, hará este sábado una declaración sobre Siria en la rosaleda de la Casa Blanca a partir de las 13.15 hora local (19.15, hora peninsular española), según ha anunciado la residencia presidencial. El mandatario informará sobre la evolución del proceso de toma de decisión de atacar Siria, pero no anunciará la operación miliar contra el país árabe, según un funcionario de la Casa Blanca.....

  16. Experten sehen keinen Sinn in Kurzangriff...

    Der US-Präsident will auf die Giftgasangriffe mit einem begrenzten Militäreinsatz antworten. Westliche Experten zweifeln an dem Zweck. Obama kündigte ein Statement an.

    Zahlreiche Nahost-Experten und US-Diplomaten zweifeln an der Sinnhaftigkeit eines begrenzten Militärangriffs der USA gegen Syrien. Wie die New York Times berichtete, hätte ein solcher Angriff laut US-Diplomaten zu viele unabsehbare Folgen für die Region und auch für das Ansehen der USA und die Verbreitung des Anti-Amerikanismus.

    Der ehemalige US-Botschafter in Syrien, Ryan Crocker, sagte der Zeitung, die USA seien über das Land Syrien allgemein ziemlich unwissend. Ein Angriff könnte zwar Präsident Baschar al-Assads Militär treffen, die Dynamik des Bürgerkrieges würde dies allerdings kaum ändern. Gleichzeitig ist es nach Ansicht der Experten unwahrscheinlich, dass eine Bombardierung die streitenden Parteien in Syrien zu einer diplomatischen Lösung zusammenbringen könnte. Die Times zitiert einen westlichen Offiziellen, nach dem eigentlich keine Vorteile eines solchen Angriffs zu erkennen sind......

  17. Obama Suriye açıklaması yapacak...

    ABD Başkanı Barack Obama, Türkiye saati ile 20.15'te Suriye konusuyla ilgili açıklama yapacak.

    Obama yönetimi bugün Suriye'ye verilecek yanıtı görüşmek üzere toplanacak. Toplantıya yönetimin üst düzey isimlerinin yanı sıra Cumhuriyetçi ve Demokrat senatörler de katılacak.

    Başkan Barack Obama, Suriye'ye verilecek yanıtla ilgili kararı henüz vermediğini söylese de Kongre üyeleri yönetimin planlarıyla ilgili bilgi almak istediklerini dile getirmişti.

    Toplantı Kongreyi bilgilendirmeye yönelik. Obama bunun için en üst düzey yetkilileri görevlendirdi.

    Beyaz Saray'dan yapılan açıklamada, toplantıda telekonferansla Cumhuriyetçi ve Demokrat senatörlere bağlanılacağı belirtildi.....

  18. Obama: “Fui elegido para acabar guerras, no para iniciarlas”...

    El presidente de EE UU defiende en la cumbre del g20 que existe un consenso unánime sobre la idea de que Siria usó armas químicas sobre la población civil.

    Asegurando que Washington no “ha fabricado” nada y que es unánime el consenso de la comunidad internacional de que se usaron armas químicas contra la población civil en Siria, el presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, ha declarado en la conferencia de prensa de cierre de la Cumbre del G20 que él fue elegido “para acabar guerras y no iniciarlas”.

    Obama se alejaba así de cualquier comparación posible con su predecesor, George W. Bush, que inició una guerra en Irak basándose en unas supuestas armas de destrucción masiva que el régimen de Sadam Husein nunca poseyó. “Más de 1.400 personas fueron gaseadas”, ha recordado con énfasis el presidente. “Más de 400 de ellas eran niños”, ha proseguido el mandatario para añadir: “No nos lo hemos inventado”.

    El presidente ha explicado su posición a favor de un ataque recordando que las normas están para cumplirlas [el tratado internacional contra armas químicas] y que “el mundo en el que vivimos va a depender de las decisiones que tomemos en los días que vienen”. Conocedor de la necesidad de que el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas debe aprobar cualquier ataque contra un país, Obama ha justificado su decisión de obviar ese requerimiento en la parálisis que sufre ese órgano debido al veto constante de naciones como Rusia desde el inicio de la crisis Siria hace más de dos años y medio.....


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