Thursday, September 19, 2013

UN must 'be prepared' to act next week on Syria - Kerry (2+1 video 19-9-13)

The UN Security Council must be prepared to draw up a binding resolution on Syria's chemical weapons next week, US Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday.

A "definitive" UN report had proved that the Syrian regime was behind an August chemical weapons attack, Kerry said.
"Now the test comes. The Security Council must be prepared to act next week. It is vital for the international community to stand up and speak out in the strongest possible terms about the importance of enforcible action to rid the world of Syria's chemical weapons," he added.
Kerry also said that recent comments by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who on Wednesday said his government would never develop nuclear weapons, were positive but cautioned that "everything needs to be put to the test."

  • Secretary of State John Kerry gave a statement on Syria Thursday, pushing a U.N. report that confirmed the use of chemical weapons in the country.
"Despite the efforts of some to suggest otherwise, thanks to this week's long-awaited, U.N. report, the facts in Syria only grew clearer and the case only grew more compelling," Kerry said.
"The U.N. report confirms unequivocally that chemical weapons, including sarin, were used in Syria," Kerry continued.
Kerry's speech pushed back against Russian and Syrian claims that Syrian rebels used chemical weapons. Kerry said there's no evidence the Syrian opposition can carry out a chemical weapons attack.
"We know the Assad regime possesses sarin and there's not a shred of evidence, however, that the opposition does," Kerry said.
"So there you have it. Sarin was used. Sarin killed," Kerry said.
Kerry said the U.N. Security Council "must be prepared" to act.
"Time is short. Let's not spend it debating what we already know," Kerry said.
"The complete removal of Syria's chemical weapons is possible here through peaceful means," he continued.
Kerry's statement came after a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

  • Below, more from the AP:
WASHINGTON — Secretary of State John Kerry says the U.N. General Assembly should move swiftly to approve a U.S.-Russia deal to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons, saying that there is no time to argue with those who are remain unconvinced that Syrian President Bashar Assad's government carried out a chemical attack last month.
Speaking Thursday at the State Department, Kerry didn't mention Russian President Vladimir Putin, but his remarks were a clear attempt to rebut Putin's statement that Russia has strong ground to believe that Syrian rebels – not Assad – were responsible for the attack.
Putin says the perpetrators relied on "primitive" technology using old Soviet-made ammunition no longer in the Syrian army's inventory.
Kerry says the U.S. believes a report by U.N. inspectors proves Assad conducted the attack.
This post has been updated with more from the AP. Luke Johnson contributed to this report.

Kerry: U.N. Security Council must act on Syria... από reuters 






  1. Kerry urges UN to act on Syria chemical arms...US secretary of state says "it is vital for the international community to stand up and speak out" over August attack....

    The US has called for a binding UN resolution on Syria's chemical weapons next week, as a senior Syrian official said the country's conflict has reached a stalemate.

    John Kerry, the US secretary of state, said the "definitive" UN report had proved that the Syrian regime was behind an August chemical weapons attack.

    "Now the test comes. The Security Council must be prepared to act next week," Kerry said. "It is vital for the international community to stand up and speak out."

    Syria's deputy premier, meanwhile, said Damascus believed the conflict had reached a stalemate and would call for a ceasefire if long-delayed peace talks in Geneva were to take place.

    "Neither the armed opposition nor the regime is capable of defeating the other side," Qadri Jamil told the British newspaper The Guardian .

    When asked what his government would propose at the stalled Geneva-2 summit, he replied: "An end to external intervention, a ceasefire and the launching of a peaceful political process.".....

  2. Kerry Shoots Down Russia’s Syrian Chemical Attack Claims...

    WASHINGTON, September 19 (RIA Novosti) – US Secretary of State John Kerry issued a sharp rebuke to Russia on Thursday over its assertion that Syrian rebels were most likely behind the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack outside Damascus, saying a report issued by UN inspectors this week demonstrates there is no evidence to support Moscow’s claim.

    “Thanks to this week’s long-awaited UN report, the facts in Syria only grew clearer and the case only grew more compelling,” Kerry told reporters at the State Department, adding that the UN report clearly shows that the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad carried out the attack.

    Kerry’s comments followed comments earlier in the day by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who said Russia “has every reason to believe” that the attack was a “provocation” using Soviet-produced munitions no longer in the Syrian army’s arsenal.

    They also came as world leaders prepare to meet at the UN General Assembly next week, where Kerry said the UN Security Council must be “prepared to act” to hold Assad’s government accountable.

    “It is vital for the international community to stand up and speak out” and in “the strongest possible terms about the importance of enforceable action to rid the world of Syria's chemical weapons,” Kerry said.....

  3. Ο Κέρι θέλει απόφαση την επόμενη εβδομάδα...

    Ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ Τζον Κέρι κάλεσε σήμερα το Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ να εγκρίνει μέσα στην επόμενη εβδομάδα μια απόφαση για να δεσμεύσει τη Δαμασκό να εφαρμόσει την ρωσοαμερικανική συμφωνία που προβλέπει να παραδοθούν τα χημικά όπλα της Συρίας στη διεθνή κοινότητα για να καταστραφούν. Παράλληλα ζήτησε τη συνδρομή της Κίνας στην εξεύρεση διπλωματικής λύσης.

    «Το Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας πρέπει να ετοιμαστεί να αναλάβει δράση την προσεχή εβδομάδα. Είναι ζωτικό για τη διεθνή κοινότητα να αρθεί στο ύψος των περιστάσεων και να εκφραστεί με τον πιο σθεναρό κατά το δυνατό τρόπο όσον αφορά τη σημασία που έχει το να αναληφθεί δράση για ν' απαλλαγεί ο κόσμος από τα χημικά όπλα της Συρίας», δήλωσε ο Κέρι μιλώντας στους δημοσιογράφους στο Στέιτ Ντιπάρτμεντ, πριν αναχωρήσει για να λάβει μέρος στη Γενική Συνέλευση του ΟΗΕ στη Νέα Υόρκη.

    Ο Κέρι εξάλλου χαρακτήρισε θετική τη δήλωση που έκανε ο πρόεδρος του Ιράν Χασάν Ροχανί ότι η Ισλαμική Δημοκρατία δεν θα αναπτύξει ποτέ χημικά όπλα, αλλά προειδοποίησε πως «όλα πρέπει να αποδεικνύονται».

    Παράλληλα, ο Κέρι κάλεσε σήμερα την Κίνα, η οποία είναι μόνιμο μέλος του Συμβουλίου Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ, να παίξει "θετικό κι εποικοδομητικό" ρόλο ώστε να υιοθετηθεί από τον Οργανισμό μια απόφαση για το θέμα της Συρίας.

    Υποδεχόμενος τον Κινέζο ομόλογό του, Ουάνγκ Γι, στο Στέιτ Ντιπάρτμεντ, ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ παραδέχτηκε ότι η Ουάσινγκτον και το Πεκίνο είχαν διαφωνίες στο συριακό ζήτημα και εξέφρασε την ελπίδα η Κίνα να διαδραματίσει "σημαντικό" ρόλο στην εξεύρεση μιας διπλωματικής λύσης.....

  4. Kerry: Syrische Opposition konnte kein Giftgas einsetzen...

    Der Bericht der UN-Inspektoren hat laut US-Außenminister John Kerry die Beteiligung des syrischen Regimes an der Giftgas-Attacke am 21. August bei Damaskus bestätigt.

    „Der Bericht bestätigte die von uns gezogenen Schlüsse über die Schuld des Assad-Regimes. Anderenfalls müsste man annehmen, dass die Anhänger der Opposition in das vom Regime kontrollierte Territorium eindrangen, Startanlagen, die sie nicht haben, mit der Munition mit Sarin, das sie nicht haben, luden und anschließend das Feuer auf die eigenen Stellungen eröffneten“, sagte Kerry.

    Die syrischen Behörden erklären, dass der Giftgasanschlag auf das Konto von „Terroristen“ aus der Opposition geht.

  5. Syrie: Kerry parle à Lavrov d'une résolution "forte" et "ferme" à l'Onu...

    Le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry a annoncé vendredi s'être longtemps entretenu avec son homologue russe Sergueï Lavrov d'une résolution "forte" et "ferme" sur le désarmement chimique en Syrie au Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies, rapportent les médias internationaux.

    "Une longue conversation téléphonique a porté sur la coopération, non seulement pour adopter les règles de l'Organisation pour l'interdiction des armes chimiques, mais aussi pour adopter au sein des Nations unies une résolution ferme et forte qui garantisse que le président syrien Bachar el-Assad tienne sa promesse de détruire ses armes chimiques", a déclaré M.Kerry devant les journalistes.....

    1. CООБЩЕНИЕ ДЛЯ СМИ....О телефонном разговоре Министра иностранных дел России С.В.Лаврова с Госсекретарем США Дж.Керри...

      20 сентября по инициативе американской стороны состоялся телефонный разговор Министра иностранных дел Российской Федерации С.В.Лаврова с Государственным секретарем США Дж.Керри.

      Обсуждалась ситуация вокруг Сирии в контексте имеющейся договоренности о постановке сирийского химического оружия под международный контроль.

  6. Syria 'submits chemical weapons data' to Hague watchdog...

    Syria has begun sending details of its chemical weapons as part of a US-Russia brokered deal to make them safe, the chemical arms watchdog has said.

    The Hague-based OPCW added that it expected more details from Syria in the coming days and had postponed a meeting planned for Sunday.

    Syria was given a Saturday deadline to give a full list of its chemical arms.

    The US had threatened military action over a chemical attack in Damascus last month, which the UN called a war crime.....

  7. Syria details its chemical weapons arsenal...

    Syria has sent the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons an "initial declaration" outlining its weapons programme but still needs to provide more information to comply with a U.S.-Russian disarmament deal, the UN watchdog said Friday.....


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