Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Israel ready to 'stand alone' on Iran, Netanyahu says. (video ONU)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the UN on Tuesday that Israel was ready to "stand alone" if necessary to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and called Iran’s President Hassan Rohani “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”.

By FRANCE 24 (text)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the UN General Assembly on Tuesday that his country would not allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons even if it must "stand alone", as a nuclear-armed Iran would continue to seek the destruction of Israel.

"Israel will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons," Netanyahu said. "If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone."

He went on to warn that recent conciliatory remarks on the nuclear issue made by Iran’s new president, Hassan Rohani, were merely a ploy to get the international community to ease its tough sanctions regime while Tehran continues to develop a nuclear weapon.
“Rohani is a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” the Israeli premier told the delegates. “A wolf who thinks he can pull the wool over the eyes of the international community."

Iran an "unforgiving regime"
The Israeli leader said all Iranian presidents serve the same “unforgiving regime” – for which the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, dictates policy – and urged the international community not to back down.
“Don’t let up the pressure [on Iran],” Netanyahu told the General Assembly, adding that the only deal that could be made with Rohani was one that “fully dismantles Iran’s nuclear weapons programme”.
The only way to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons is to combine tough sanctions with a credible military threat, Netanyahu said.
He also accused Iran of supporting the Syrian regime, which he said massacres its own people and uses chemical weapons against them.
Following Netanyahu’s address Khodadad Seifi, a deputy ambassador at Iran's UN mission, told the General Assembly that the Israeli premier’s remarks had been "inflammatory".
(FRANCE 24 with wires)


  1. Netanyahu Slams Iran at UN; Iran Lashes Back...

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Iran is continuing a "vast and feverish" effort to acquire nuclear arms and that his country is ready to stand alone in defending itself against Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

    Mr. Netanyahu made the comments in a speech Tuesday to the U.N. General Assembly as he pressed his concerns about Iran's controversial nuclear program. His comments triggered a rebuttal from Iran's U.N. envoy who called Mr. Netanyahu's speech "inflammatory."

    The Israeli leader said the only way to peacefully stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons is to combine tough sanctions with a credible military threat.

    He urged the international community not to let up the pressure on Iran and accused President Hassan Rouhani of masterminding a strategy to advance Iran's nuclear weapons program, calling him "a wolf in sheep's clothing."

    The Israeli leader said all Iranian presidents serve the same "unforgiving regime" where the supreme leader dictates.

    Iran has long insisted its nuclear program is peaceful. But Mr. Netanyahu said its efforts to acquire a nuclear arsenal have continued since Mr. Rouhani's election.

    Iran's deputy U.N. ambassador responded in comments to the General Assembly, saying "no one can dictate to Iran what to do."

    Khodadad Seifi said Israel is the only non-party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons.

    Israel has not acknowledged it has such arms......http://www.voanews.com/content/netanyahu-slams-iran-at-un-iran-lashes-back/1760794.html

  2. Full text Netanyahu’s 2013 speech to the UN General Assembly...


    I feel deeply honored and privileged to stand here before you today representing the citizens of the state of Israel. We are an ancient people. We date back nearly 4,000 years to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We have journeyed through time. We’ve overcome the greatest of adversities.

    And we re-established our sovereign state in our ancestral homeland, the land of Israel.

    Now, the Jewish people’s odyssey through time has taught us two things: Never give up hope, always remain vigilant. Hope charts the future. Vigilance protects it.

    Today our hope for the future is challenged by a nuclear-armed Iran that seeks our destruction. But I want you to know, that wasn’t always the case. Some 2,500 years ago the great Persian king Cyrus ended the Babylonian exile of the Jewish people. He issued a famous edict in which he proclaimed the right of the Jews to return to the land of Israel and rebuild the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. That’s a Persian decree. And thus began an historic friendship between the Jews and the Persians that lasted until modern times.....http://www.timesofisrael.com/full-text-netanyahus-2013-speech-to-the-un-general-assembly/

  3. Israel amenaza con atacar a Irán aún sin el apoyo internacional...

    Pese al llamado a diálogo de Irán sobre el programa pacífico nuclear, Israel continúa con su política de ataque al llamar a la comunidad internacional a ejercer presión sobre la nación persa y fortalecer las sanciones por el desarrollo atómico. Instó a no acceder a acuerdos parciales.....http://www.telesurtv.net/articulos/2013/10/01/israel-amenaza-con-atacar-a-iran-aun-sin-el-apoyo-internacional-1571.html

  4. Netanjahu: Israel wird iranische Atomgefahr auch im Alleingang bannen...

    Israel wird die iranische Atomgefahr nach Worten von Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu auch im Alleingang bannen.

    „Wir werden nicht zulassen, dass der Iran in den Besitz von Kernwaffen gelangt, und werden diese Gefahr im Notfall auch allein abwenden“, erklärte Netanjahu am Dienstag in der 68. UN-Vollversammlung in New York.

    Führende israelische Politiker misstrauen der friedlichen Rhetorik des neuen iranischen Präsidenten Hassan Rouhani. Diesen „Rauchschleier“ nutze Teheran für die Fortsetzung seines militärischen Atomprogramms, behaupten sie.

    Israel erklärte das iranische Atomprojekt für die Hauptbedrohung für seine nationale Sicherheit und ruft die Welt auf, Sanktionen durch die Androhung von Gewalt zu erweitern. Dabei hatte Israel einen selbstständigen Schlag gegen Atomobjekte der Islamischen Republik nie ausgeschlossen. „Sollte Israel allein bleiben, wird es auch allein standhalten“, betonte Netanjahu.


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