Wednesday, January 15, 2014

China hypersonic missile test not targeted at any country. -China's defense ministry/China Confirms Hypersonic Missile Carrier Test

China's defense ministry reiterated that its hypersonic missile test was aimed at scientific research and not targeted at any country.
In a faxed response to the press, the ministry said that the test was conducted over Chinese territory.
Earlier, a US website reported that the hypersonic missile was detected last week flying at 10 times the speed of sound, or 12,000 kilometers an hour. A spokesman for the US Defense Department told the newspaper it was aware of the test.

The website Free Beacon said the test made China the second country after the United States to have successfully tested a hypersonic delivery vehicle, which is able to carry nuclear warheads at a speed above Mach 10.

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  • China Confirms Hypersonic Missile Carrier Test


  1. China testet Überschall-Rakete.....

    Der Test des Raketenträgersystems habe rein wissenschaftlichen Zwecken gedient, betont das Verteidigungsministerium in Peking.

    China hat ein Raketenträgersystem mit Überschallgeschwindigkeit getestet. Das Verteidigungsministerium in Peking bestätigte am Mittwoch einen entsprechenden US-Medienbericht und sprach von rein wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen. "Die Tests richten sich nicht gegen ein Land und haben kein konkretes Ziel", erklärte das Ministerium auf Anfrage der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters.

    Nach dem Bericht des Branchenportals "Free Beacon" wurde das Trägersystem in der vergangenen Woche über chinesischem Territorium getestet und erreichte dabei eine Geschwindigkeit, die zehn Mal schneller ist als der Schall. Ein Sprecher des US-Verteidigungsministerium erklärte, das Pentagon habe Kenntnis von dem Vorgang.

    China hat in den vergangenen Jahren seine Rüstungsausgaben drastisch erhöht, was in der Region mit zunehmender Sorge verfolgt wird. Für Spannungen sorgte zuletzt eine Reihe von Territorialstreitigkeiten zwischen China und mehreren Nachbarländern wie Japan um mutmaßliche Bodenschätze unter dem Meeresspiegel.

  2. US concerned by China's new hypersonic missile ...

    China’s recent test of a new ultra-high speed strike vehicle highlights growing concerns that Chinese military advances will overtake those of the United States in as few as five years, a senior Pentagon official told Congress Tuesday. Frank Kendall, the Pentagon's chief weapons buyer, told lawmakers that when it comes to "technological superiority, the Department of Defence is being challenged in ways that I have not seen for decades, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region."

    Citing China's major investments in anti-ship missiles, stealth fighter jets, hypersonic vehicles and other hi-tech weaponry, Kendall said the United States could lose its dominant position if it failed to respond to the altered strategic landscape.

    The Pentagon is investing some resources in two forms of hypersonic arms: a ballistic missile boost glide vehicle and a jet powered, atmospheric cruise missile, he said.

    Kendall said the threat of such hypersonic vehicles to the United States is that they are difficult for missile defenses to counter. The vehicles travel and maneuver while flying at speeds of up to Mach 10 or 7,680 miles an hour.

    “The high speed of these systems makes it much more difficult for air defenses to engage,” he said.

    "Their budget is far smaller than ours, but their personnel costs are also far smaller than ours," said Kendall, undersecretary of defence for acquisition, technology and logistics.

    "Our budgets are going in the opposite direction. So just by that metric alone, it's not positive."

    “A boost glide missile theoretically would be intended to counter existing mid-course missile defenses,” Mark Stokes, a former US Air Force officer said.

    “The beauty of the HGV is that it can perform hypersonic precision strikes while maintaining a relatively low altitude and flat trajectory, making it far less vulnerable to missile defenses,” Rick Fisher, an analyst at the International Assessment and Strategy Center, told the Washington Free Beacon.

    The Chinese are “actively seeking global military power to challenge the United States, and it is not yet in any mood to talk, or engage in arms control, about it,” Fisher said.

    US officials said that, while the glide vehicle test was not an intelligence surprise, it showed China is moving much more rapidly than in the past in efforts to research, develop, and test advanced weaponry.

    Adm. Samuel Locklear, commander of the US Pacific Command, noted that the hypersonic test demonstrated China’s ability to move quicker than the United States in developing some advanced arms.

    Voice of Russia, RT,,
    Read more:

  3. China podría desplegar este año submarinos con misiles que alcanzan a Alaska o Hawái....

    China está lista para desplegar este año submarinos militares con misiles nucleares con capacidad para alcanzar Alaska o Hawái, según sugiere un informe de la Oficina de Inteligencia Naval estadounidense (ONI, por sus siglas en inglés).

    Los submarinos clase Jin de la Marina de Guerra china dotados de misiles balísticos nucleares clase Ju Lang-2 (JL2) están a punto de empezar las patrullas en 2014, según sugiere Jesse Karotkin, oficial de alto rango de la inteligencia naval de EE.UU. en un informe enviado a finales de enero a la Comisión de Revisión Económica y de Seguridad EE.UU.–China.

    "Con un alcance de más de 4.000 millas náuticas [7.400 kilómetros], el submarino JL-2 puede lanzar misiles balísticos capaces de alcanzar Hawái, Alaska y partes occidentales del territorio continental de EE.UU. y, posiblemente, el este de Asia", dijo Karotkin en un testimonio escrito a la Comisión.......Texto completo en:


    Experimental hypersonic missile system of the United States exploded during its trial stage four seconds after it was launched from the launching vehicle. The trials were conducted at the trial grounds in Alaska on the 25th of August. And on the 7th of August, China failed to conduct successful trials of its hypersonic weapon.

    Taking into account the number of trials of two each – United States has reached the numbers equal to those being conducted by China. On the 9th of January this year, China successfully launched a rocket where the gliding hypersonic warhead-carrying modules get detached from the launcher. United States conducted its first trials of such type of weapons much earlier - in November 2011. Then the flying vehicle launched by the rocket successfully flew from Hawaii to one of the atolls in the group of the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean. True, it did not reach the calculated speeds, which was 5 times the speed of sound. Many experts reckon this with much dithering to name America's first trials as successful.

    This time, in less than four seconds after the launch, American military sent a command for self-destruction of the missile. During the flight, some anomalies got revealed. By the way, China's equipment also failed shortly after launching. It is not known whether it exploded on its own self or was destroyed at the command of the Chinese military...................Read more:

  5. Chinese Hypersonic Strike Vehicle May Overcome US Missile Defense: Expert ...

    Igor Korotchenko, Director of the Center for the Analysis of the World Arms Trade told Sputnik on Friday that China’s successful testing of a Hypersonic Strike Vehicle (the HGV) demonstrates the country’s potential to affect US national security in a serious way.

    “US anxiety is centered on the fact that China is actively experimenting with weaponry that is based on hypersonic speed, which is nearly impossible to intercept using currently-available US missile defense systems,” Korotchenko told Sputnik..............

  6. La Chine teste un missile hypersonique....

    Le ministère chinois de la Défense a confirmé avoir testé avec succès un missile hypersonique WU14, annonce vendredi le journal japonais Yomiuri.

    "La tenue d'essais scientifiques et techniques sur le territoire chinois est un phénomène courant, ces essais ne visant aucun pays et aucun site concret", indique le ministère chinois.

    Selon le journal japonais, ce missile serait capable de déjouer les systèmes de défense américains. Il s'agit du troisième test de ce missile, le premier s'étant déroulé en janvier et le deuxième en août 2014.

    Le WU14 est un missile hypersonique capable d'atteindre Mach 10, soit 12.000 kilomètres/heure.


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