Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Greece to Work for Solidarity in EU. - Greek Ambassador to Sofia

The new Greek EU Presidency will work towards establishing greater solidarity within the European Union, stated Greece's ambassador to Bulgaria Demosthenes Stoidis.

"Greece assumes the Presidency of the EU at a time of very important changes, for 2014 is the beginning of the new 7 year programing period, as well as a year of European Elections and the constitution of a new European Commission," said Stoidis.

Tuesday the Greek diplomat spoke at a meeting of the Euroclub at the Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

"We are ready to carry out this presidency in the best interests of all European citizens," said Stoidis.

"The end coal is the development of the European community of shared values, following the European model of a social economy and solidarity," stressed the Greek ambassador to Sofia.

Stoidis added that solidarity will be the background for all priorities of the Greek EU Presidency, including further effort to strengthen the EU banking union.

He commended work done with the two preceding countries part of the current presidency troika - Ireland and Lithuania - as well as with presidency successor Italy.




>>>>Roumains et Bulgares sont libres de travailler partout dans l'UE...<<<<

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