Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ban Ki-moon demands Security Council action on Syria. - He did not specify what measures the council should take.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon demanded on Wednesday that the Security Council take action in Syria on violations of international law as he reported to the body that none of the warring parties was adhering to UN demands for aid access.
In his second monthly report to the 15-member council on the implementation of a resolution demanding great humanitarian aid access in Syria, Ban said "none of the parties to the conflict have adhered to the demands of the Council."

"The Security Council must take action to deal with these flagrant violations of the basic principles of international law," he wrote in the 21-page report. 

He did not specify what measures the council should take.

1 comment:

  1. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Regular Press Conference on April 25, 2014...

    ........Q: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has asked the UN Security Council to take measures against Syria in response to its violation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions. What is China's comment?

    A: I have not seen the statement made by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. We believe that there are still a lot of destabilizing factors in the situation in Syria. We have been calling on all sides in Syria to realize ceasefire and cessation of violence as soon as possible, and press ahead with a political solution through dialogue and consultation. The sooner the country returns to stability, the sooner the life of the Syrian people can return to normal.

    Under the current circumstances, the Geneva talks need to be continued, and an inclusive political transition of Syria must be unrelentingly pushed forward. The UN and the international community should foster such efforts in a constructive way. China has been participating in UN discussions on Syria in that spirit, and played a positive role in moving ahead the process of Syria's political transition. We stand ready to continue our joint efforts with the international community so that Syria can achieve peace and stability at an early date.......


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