Tuesday, April 29, 2014

China: Sanctions on Russia not helpful, dialogue needed

The Chinese government has been maintaining close contact with all sides in the ongoing Ukrainian crisis. 

But in some of its strongest words yet on the Ukrainian crisis, China’s Foreign Ministry has criticized this latest imposition of sanctions by the US on Russia.

"Imposing sanctions is not helpful in terms of solving the problem. It will only exacerbate the tension. 

We call for all parties to continue dialogue and negotiation, and promote a political solution. Imposing sanctions goes against the interests of all parties," said Qin Gang, Spokesman of Chinese Foreign Ministry.

1 comment:

  1. China strongly opposes unilateral sanctions against Russia, Beijing's ambassador to Moscow told reporters Wednesday, adding that US and EU sanctions would not resolve the crisis in Ukraine.....

    “We are against imposing unilateral sanctions on Russia. They are not a way out,” Chinese Ambassador Li Hui said.

    The remarks followed Washington’s announcement on Monday that it had added seven high-ranking Russian officials and 17 Russian companies to a blacklist of sanctioned persons.......Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_04_30/China-comdemns-sanctions-against-Russia/


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