Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Egypt to receive US funds only if peace with Israel preserved. - 10 Apache helicopters in support of Egypt's counterterrorism efforts in the Sinai.

US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel told his Egyptian counterpart Col. Gen. Sedki Sohby on Tuesday night that American financial aid will continue only if Egypt maintains its obligations under the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty.
Hagel also told Gen. Sohby that the US was "not yet able to certify that Egypt is taking steps to support a democratic transition" - a necessary condition for a continued "strategic relationship" between the two countries.

Gen. Sohby was also informed of US President Barack Obama's decision to deliver ten Apache helicopters in support of Egypt's counterterrorism efforts in the Sinai. 

The gesture was meant to help the Egyptian government counter extremists who threaten Egyptian, Israeli and US security, Hagel said.

1 comment:

  1. U.S. to send Egypt new Apache attack helicopters...

    The United States will lift a suspension on the delivery of Apache helicopters to Egypt after concluding Cairo has upheld its peace treaty with Israel, U.S. officials said Tuesday.

    Despite concerns about Egypt's failure to embrace democratic reforms following the ouster of president Mohammad Morsi, the U.S. government will provide Cairo with 10 Apache aircraft, officials said.

    Pentagon chief Chuck Hagel informed Egyptian Defense Minister General Sedki Sobhy of President Barack Obama's decision in a phone call Tuesday, his spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby said in a statement.

    The choppers are meant to bolster counterterrorism operations in the Sinai, he said..........


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