Friday, April 25, 2014

EU-Ukraine: Commissioner Füle met with Minister Deshchytsia in Prague

European Commission, Press release, Prague, 25 April 2014:
The situation in the East of Ukraine and steps to implement EU’s support to Ukraine were the main topics during the meeting between Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neihbourhood Policy Stefan Füle and acting Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Andrii Deshchytsia in Prague on Friday.

“We are witnessing a serious and dangerous attempt to dissuade the Ukrainian people from taking up new opportunities and the international community from helping to defend their freedom of choice," Commissioner Füle said and stressed that no one can doubt the EU's firm commitment to providing strong political and financial backing to Ukraine.

Commissioner Füle and Minister Deshchytsia discussed concrete actions to implement EU’s support to the stabilization of Ukraine. With this aim the European Commission created at the beginning of April the Support Group to help Ukraine to implement the “European agenda for reform”, encompassing political and economic reforms agreed with Kyiv based on the needs of the country. 

  • The European Commission now works with the Ukrainian authorities to identify the areas where the European technical and financial assistance is most needed and how to use it in a most effective way for the modernization of Ukraine and helping it with the implementation of the Association Agreement and related reforms.

Commissioner Füle also highlighted the planned meeting in May between President Barroso and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, and key Commissioners and Ukrainian ministers respectively.


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