Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Kerry urges NATO members to increase defense budget. --["Freedom isn't free"]

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday urged members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to boost their spending on defense in response to what he called Russia's efforts to change the "security landscape" of East and Central Europe.

Describing the events in Ukraine as a "wake-up call," the top American envoy cautioned that "We cannot continue to allow allied defense budgets to shrink," a refrain repeated oftentimes by U.S. officials over the years.

"Clearly, not all allies are going to meet the NATO benchmark of two percent of GDP overnight or even next year," he said in remarks delivered at the Atlantic Council think tank in Washington D.C., adding "But it's time for allies who are below that level to make credible commitments to increase their spending on defense over the next five years."

He once again alleged that Russia has taken "not one single step" to help to de-escalate tensions in eastern Ukraine but rather done to the contrary.

Pro-Russia militants are continuing to occupy government buildings in some cities in Ukraine's east and refusing to release seven military inspectors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

On Monday, the U.S. and the European Union slapped fresh sanctions on more Russian officials and entities, and threatened to target its key sectors of economy in the event of further destabilizing moves in eastern Ukraine.

Kerry alleged that Russia seeks to change the security landscape of East and Central Europe through its integration of Crimea and subsequent destabilization of eastern Ukraine.

"So we find ourselves in a defining moment for our transatlantic alliance, and nobody should mistake that," he said. "And we are prepared to do what we need to do and to go the distance to uphold that alliance."

"We have to make it absolutely clear to the Kremlin that NATO territory is inviolable. We will defend every single piece of it," he added.

Washington has sent some 600 troops to Poland and the Baltic states in preparation for a series of military drills.

In his remarks, Kerry also urged European nations to reduce their dependence on Russian gas with "a sense of urgency," and move fast to complete the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations aiming to create the world's largest free- trade area.

Russia has rejected suggestions that it is orchestrating events in eastern Ukraine, insisting it has no plan to invade that vast region.



  1. Ukrainische Truppen "in voller Kampfbereitschaft"...

    Die Streitkräfte der Ukraine sind nach Angaben von Übergangspräsident Oleksander Turtschinow in "voller Kampfbereitschaft". Bei einer Kabinettssitzung in Kiew sagte Turtschinow, die Bedrohung durch einen von Russland angezettelten Krieg gegen die Ukraine sei real. Die ukrainische Streitkräfte wappneten sich gegen eine mögliche Invasion der an der Grenze zusammengezogenen russischen Truppen.

    Turtschinow sagte weiter, "oberstes Ziel" der Regierung sei es, dass sich "der Terrorismus" nicht von den östlichen Regionen Donezk und Lugansk auf den Rest des Landes weiter ausdehne. "Wir haben uns entschlossen, vor Ort Milizen zu gründen, die aus Freiwilligen aus jeder Region bestehen", sagte der Übergangspräsident.............

  2. Interview With Television Espanola (TVE)...Victoria Nuland...

    Question: Mrs. Nuland, what is your opinion on the situation in Ukraine, now after these 24 hours?

    Assistant Secretary Nuland: Well, before we talk about Ukraine, I hope you will let me talk a little bit about Spain. I think you know that I’m here because we have a deep and long relationship between the United States and Spain. I have to say that after this day here I am really encouraged by how Spain is growing again, by all that you have done to rejuvenate the economy. We just had a fantastic day here with young entrepreneurs. They are Spain’s future, we had some great conversations about how our Embassy here can support entrepreneurship, youth employment, this is something that is very important for both of us, so I’ve gotten a lot of energy being here today and we hope Spaniards can have confidence as well in your recovery.

    Question: So do you feel comfortable with the Spanish people?

    Assistant Secretary Nuland: I very much do and we are very high on what is happening in our relationship, on the trade going forward, on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which will release energy and bring jobs and growth on both sides of the Atlantic, so it’s been a really really good day, but we have a lot more to do together. And one of the things we are doing together is working on Ukraine, supporting the people of Ukraine in their desire to live in a clean, non-corrupt, democratic country, where they have opportunity. That’s why we are supporting them as they go to elections at the end of May; that’s why we are supporting them in the reforms and the economic change that they are trying to make, but that’s also why we have to be absolutely firm with Russia in saying that the destabilization that they are engaged in is dangerous and that there will be costs for it.

    Question: If it seems that I ask the same question more than once don’t worry, because I’m trying to get the same response but using different words.

    Assistant Secretary Nuland: Okay, good.

    Question: President Obama said on Saturday that it’s absolutely necessary for the United States and Europe to offer a message of unity…

    Assistant Secretary Nuland: Yes........


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