Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lavrov: If Russian troops attacked, we'll respond in line with international law. - Russian citizens being attacked is an attack against the RF

The coup-appointed Kiev government’s order to use force against Ukrainian citizens is “criminal,” the Russian Foreign Minister told RT. He also denied claims that there is Russian military presence on Ukrainian territory.
In an interview with RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze, Sergey Lavrov called acting Ukrainian President Alexander Turchinov’s order to reinitiate an anti-terror operation in East Ukraine, a criminal act.
Referencing the four-sided talks between the EU, the US, Russia and Ukraine that took place in Geneva on April 17, Lavrov accused Kiev’s coup-appointed government of going back on its pledge to put a stop to all violence.

“In Geneva we agreed there must be an end of all violence. Next afternoon [interim Ukrainian President Aleksandr] Turchinov declared almost a state of emergency and ordered the army to shoot at the people.”

Turchinov announced the resumption of the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday. Moscow has decried the operation and urged the Ukrainian government to refrain from using force on civilians living in the region.
The Russian Foreign Minister said the buildup of troops on the border with Ukraine was within the bounds of international law and denied the presence of Russian troops in East Ukraine. Lavrov said the troops were participating in routine military drills, something that has been verified by international inspectors.
Describing a worst case scenario in the Ukrainian crisis, Lavrov said Russia would be forced to respond if it were attacked.

“If we are attacked, we would certainly respond. If our interests, our legitimate interests, the interests of Russians have been attacked directly, like they were in South Ossetia for example, I do not see any other way but to respond in accordance with international law,” he said.

“Russian citizens being attacked is an attack against the Russian Federation,” he told RT.

The foreign minister also spoke about American involvement in the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, accusing Washington of trying to manipulate the situation.

  • “There is no reason not to believe that the Americans are running the show,” said Lavrov, referencing US Vice-President Joe Biden’s visit to Kiev and its coincidence with the renewed counter-terror operation on activists in eastern Ukraine.

“It’s quite telling they chose the moment of the Vice President of the US’ visit to announce the resumption of this operation because the launching of this operation happened immediately after [head of the CIA] John Brennan’s visit to Kiev,”
said Lavrov.

  • The situation in Ukraine is just another example of Washington trying to gain ground in the geopolitical fight, the minister said.
“Ukraine is just one manifestation of the American unwillingness to yield in the geopolitical fight. Americans are not ready to admit that they cannot run the show in each and every part of the globe from Washington alone,” said Lavrov, adding Washington’s “ready-made solutions” cannot remedy a crisis that it does not understand.

The Russian government does not recognize Kiev’s interim government, which took power on February 22 following weeks of deadly protests ending with the ouster of President Victor Yanukovich.


  1. Les forces armées russes doivent être prêtes à intervenir en cas de menace contre les citoyens du pays, a déclaré mercredi le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov dans une interview à la chaîne de télévision RT....

    « Si nous sommes attaqués, il ne fait aucun doute que nous riposterons. Si nos intérêts légitimes, les intérêts des Russes sont directement attaqués, comme cela s'est passé en août [2008] en Ossétie du Sud, je ne vois aucune possibilité autre que de répondre conformément au droit international. Une agression contre les Russes est une agression contre la Russie », a affirmé le ministre.

    « Nous n'avons jamais nié avoir déployé des troupes supplémentaires le long de notre frontière [avec l'Ukraine], tout comme les autorités ukrainiennes ont rapproché leurs troupes des frontières de la Russie, en les déplaçant vers les régions est et sud de l'Ukraine », a répondu M. Lavrov interrogé sur la concentration de troupes russes près des frontières ukrainiennes.

    Le ministre a également souligné que les dirigeants russes organisaient régulièrement des exercices militaires dans différentes régions du pays.

    Le porte-parole du président russe, Dmitri Peskov, a fait savoir vendredi 18 avril que Moscou avait le droit de déployer ses troupes à la frontière avec l'Ukraine où un coup d'Etat avait eu lieu en février dernier.

    « Dans ce contexte, n'importe quel pays prendrait des mesures de prévention spéciales pour garantir sa sécurité. Il ne faut pas oublier que la Russie est un Etat souverain qui a le droit de déployer ses troupes partout où il le veut sur son territoire », a souligné M. Peskov dans une interview à la chaîne de télévision Rossiya-1.
    Lire la suite:

  2. Ukraine's leaders say have U.S. backing to take on 'aggressors'...

    (Reuters) - Ukraine's government relaunched a security operation to crack down on pro-Russian armed groups after an Easter pause on Wednesday and said it had the backing of the United States.

    Prompted in part by the discovery of the body of a Ukrainian politician who appeared to have been tortured, officials in Kiev decided to renew what they call an "anti-terrorist operation" against separatist militias who have seized control of about a dozen public buildings in eastern Ukraine.

    But it was unclear what steps, in reality, Kiev could take to restore its authority in the mainly Russian-speaking east, without wrecking an international deal, signed last week in Geneva, designed to defuse the stand-off.................

  3. Russia surprised by US, Ukraine misinterpreting Geneva agreement ..

    Moscow is extremely surprised by the US and Ukraine's distorted interpretation of the Geneva agreement, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday. "Moscow is extremely surprised by the Kiev's authorities distorted interpretation, as well as the American partners [interpretation], of the content of the statement adopted April 17, in Geneva on the results of the quadripartite meeting of the representatives of Russia, US, EU and Ukraine," according to a statement published on Wednesday on the official website of the Foreign Ministry.

    The Russian Foreign Ministry underlined that Russia continues to believe the western partners' readiness to a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis.

    "The Russian side continues to believe in the seriousness of our western partners, when they declare their aspiration to endorse a peaceful settlement of the crisis in Ukraine. However, the facts, alas, show the opposite," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
    Read more:


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