Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Russia Expels Canadian Diplomat

Russia has announced the expulsion of a first secretary at the Canadian Embassy in Moscow, in response to Canada's expulsion of a Russian diplomat from Ottawa.
Russian media reported Tuesday that Margarita Atanasov of the Canadian diplomatic mission in the Russian capital has been given 14 days to leave the country.

The reports said her expulsion is in retaliation for the deportation of a Russian military attache from the Russian Embassy in the Canadian national capital.

Canada's foreign minister, John Baird, told reporters Tuesday that Canada has a "moral responsibility" to stand with NATO and its allies in support of Ukraine in the face of Russian intimidation. He said Canada wants Ukraine to have "peace, prosperity, security, and freedom." 



  1. Moscú anunció la expulsión del primer secretario de la embajada de Canadá en respuesta a la expulsión del asistente del agregado militar de Rusia en Ottawa, según una fuente del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores ruso....

    Según las fuentes, el 22 de abril la embajada de Canadá en Moscú "fue informada de la expulsión de la Federación de Rusia de la primera secretaria de la embajada Margarita Atanasov, que debe cumplirse en el transcurso de los próximos 14 días".

    "Este paso se dio en respuesta a la reciente expulsión de Ottawa del agregado militar adjunto de la Federación de Rusia", señaló la agencia Itar-Tass.

    El pasado 8 de abril se dio a conocer a través de medios de comunicación canadienses que el Gobierno del país norteamericano ordenó la expulsión del teniente coronel Yuri Bezler, agregado militar asistente en la embajada de Rusia en Ottawa, la capital canadiense.

    Los rotativos señalaron entonces que la razón que justificaba esta medida no se había aclarado.

  2. Canadian businesses are interested in making investments in Russia and for these ends think that the Canadian government’s sanctions against Russia should not affect business interests, Mark Trevisiol, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian mining company Silver Bear Resources, told ITAR-TASS on Tuesday.....

    Trevisiol said his company had close contacts with Russia’s Siberian republic of Yakutia and personally with Yakutia’s head Yegor Borisov. The company, in his words, was carrying out prospective works at the Mangazeiskoye silver field and planned to begin silver production in the next few years. He stressed he believed that political problems must not impact business relations between the two countries.

    In late March, Canadian companies doing business in Russia asked the government of their country to take into account their interests when imposing sanctions against Russia. They said they were afraid Russia could take some reciprocal steps. Among those who signed the appeal were CEOs of Silver Bear Resources and Kinross Gold Corp engaged in gold mining in Russia’s Far Eastern Chukotka......http://en.itar-tass.com/world/729180

  3. Moscow will impose economic sanctions against Canadian companies if Ottawa sanctions Russian banks, the Russian ambassador to Canada said in an interview with Bloomberg....

    “If the Canadian government or NATO will do something crazy – imposing sanctions against our banks – we will certainly have to reciprocate,” Georgiy Mamedov said.

    “If it will affect Canadian transactions in Moscow, we will be sorry. But it will not be our initiative,” he added.

    Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper earlier said that Ottawa could impose sanctions targeting Russian banks.

    On Tuesday, Moscow expelled the first secretary of the Canadian embassy in Moscow in response to the recent expulsion of a staff member of the Russian embassy in Ottawa, a source in the Russian Foreign Ministry told RIA Novosti. “This step has been taken in response to a recent expulsion of an aide to the Russian military attaché in Ottawa," the official said.

    Relations between Russia and Canada have soured amid the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Last month, Canada joined the US in imposing targeted sanctions on several Russian officials.

    In February, the Ukrainian parliament backed by far-right movements ousted President Viktor Yanukovych and scheduled an early presidential election for May 25.

    Moscow has described the uprising in Kiev as an illegitimate fascist coup and a military seizure of power, which resulted in it taking steps to protect ethnic Russians in Ukraine, including the reunification with Crimea.


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