Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Russia should reinforce guarding of Arctic boundaries.

Russia should reinforce the guarding of its boundaries in the Arctic region, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. "Oil and gas extraction sites, loading terminals, and pipelines should be reliably protected from terrorists and other potential threats," Putin said at a session of the Russian Security Council dealing with the state policy in the Arctic region on Tuesday.

"All security issues need to be addressed carefully through interagency training exercises and practice, in which Defense Ministry, Emergency Situations Ministry, and other services should be involved regularly," he said. Putin also called for improving the protection of Arctic boundaries, "including through reinforcing the sea component of the FSB [Federal Security Service] border force's maritime element," he said.

"It is necessary to simultaneously reinforce military infrastructure. In particular, the matter concerns the creation of a unified system of stationing of new-generation surface ships and submarines in our part of the Arctic," he said.



  1. « Selon les experts, les réserves totales de ressources énergétiques dans la zone arctique de la Russie dépassent plus de 1,6 trillions de tonnes, et le plateau continental contient environ un quart de toutes les réserves d'hydrocarbures offshore dans le monde », a déclaré le président russe Vladimir Poutine mardi lors d'une réunion du Conseil de sécurité russe....

    « L'attention de la communauté mondiale sur la région de l'Arctique s’accroit. De plus en plus, les intérêts des différents pays se croisent dans cette zone. On doit considérer la situation concernant la politique étrangère et socio-économique dans le monde qui change dynamiquement et pourrait se heurter à de nouveaux risques », a noté le président russe.

    Poutine a souligné que la Russie est intéressée par le développement durable de la région « sur la base de la coopération et du respect inconditionnel du droit international ».
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_04_22/Lattention-du-monde-sur-lArctique-s-accroit-Poutine-8085/

  2. Meeting of the Security Council on state policy in the Arctic...

    Vladimir Putin held an expanded meeting of the Security Council On the Implementation of Russia’s State Policy in the Arctic in the Interests of National Security.

    PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA VLADIMIR PUTIN: Good afternoon, colleagues,

    I have just had a meeting with our young polar explorers. As you may know, they spent some time skiing to the North Pole. Now, in a broader group let us consider a related topic – let us discuss issues of implementing state policy in the Arctic.

    This region has traditionally been a sphere of our special interest. It is a concentration of practically all aspects of national security – military, political, economic, technological, environmental and that of resources.

    According to experts, the overall energy reserves of Russia’s Arctic section exceed 1.6 trillion tons, while the continental shelf holds almost a quarter of all the hydrocarbon resources on the entire world sea shelf.

    For dozens of years, systematically Russia has been strengthening, enhancing its presence, its positions in the Arctic. Our goal is not only to fully restore these positions, but also to make them even stronger. We have to strictly adhere to this vector of state policy, of our strategic planning.

    We are already implementing major projects in the Arctic. Thus, we are reviving the Northern Sea Route: over 1.5 million tons of cargo were carried along it in 2013. Only a few years ago the figure was slightly over half a million tons.

    The construction of the Arctic seaport of Sabetta – a future checkpoint on this route – is proceeding at a good pace. A major liquefied natural gas facility is being created at the South Tambey field in Yamal. Our companies are beginning operations on the Arctic sea shelf. Just a few days ago the first oil was shipped from the Prirazlomnaya offshore platform in the Pechora Sea.................http://eng.kremlin.ru/news/7065


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