Tuesday, April 22, 2014

US to provide $50 million for Ukraine's political and economic reforms

The USA will provide aid to Ukraine worth $50 million for carrying out political and economic reforms. This assistance is aimed at strengthening partnership between the US and Ukraine, says the White House’s statement published on Tuesday.

Of the mentioned sum, $11.4 million are designated for holding presidential elections in Ukraine that are scheduled for May 25. These funds are intended to support democratic processes, and not to aid any specific candidate, the White House stated.

In addition, the USA will provide $8 million to aid Ukraine’s armed forces, but this assistance doesn’t envisage arms shipments. These funds are meant to be used for buying communication systems, engineering equipment and transport facilities.

The White House published this statement along with the visit of US Vice President Joseph Biden to Ukraine. Biden is holding negotiations with the Ukrainian leadership in Kiev.

  • Background Press Briefing on Vice President Biden's Trip to Ukraine...

Aboard Air Force Two
En Route Kyiv, Ukraine
2:00 P.M. (Local)
MR. SPECTOR:  Just a reminder at the top this is on background as a senior administration official.  He will give some brief remarks at the top and walk through the schedule, and then he’ll take a few questions afterwards.  And again, senior administration official on background.
SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL:  Thanks, everybody.  We’re about an hour and a half out of Kyiv, and I just wanted to lay out for you what the Vice President will be doing while he’s here, and then speak to some of the themes from the trip and then answer some of your questions.
When we arrive today, he’s got an opportunity to meet with our embassy team that has been pretty much working around the clock for the last few months, even long before February 21st; and then he will sit down with a CODEL led by Congressman Royce to have the chance to speak with them before they have their series of official meetings on Tuesday as well.  So he’ll get brought up to speed on developments on the ground today from our ambassador and our team, and then he’ll go into his meetings tomorrow.
He starts in the morning with a meeting with acting President Turchynov, and then he will do a meeting with Rada representatives from every corner of the country -- from the center, the west, the east, the south -- from multiple generations of Ukrainian politics; some familiar names and then some younger faces and voices.  And the key message of that meeting from him is one of national unity and a successful constitutional reform effort that takes into account the perspectives and aspirations of all Ukrainians..................http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/04/21/background-press-briefing-vice-president-bidens-trip-ukraine

1 comment:

  1. Biden Announces Further Financial Aid for Ukraine to "Remain One Country" ...

    U.S. Vice President Joe Biden is calling for Russia to live up to its recent agreement to resolve the crisis in Ukraine, saying Ukraine is "in the struggle for its very future."

    During a joint appearance Tuesday with interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk in Kyiv, Biden said it is time for Russia "to stop talking and start acting" on commitments it made last week during international talks in Geneva to withdraw support for pro-Russian separatist forces who have taken over government buildings in eastern Ukraine.

    The U.S. vice president said Ukraine "is and must remain one country." He said the United States would not let Ukraine "walk down this road alone ... we will walk it with you."

    Biden said the U.S. would provide an additional $50 million for the Ukrainian government, including $11 million to help fund the May 25 presidential election..............http://www.voanews.com/content/biden-announces-further-financial-aid-for-ukraine-to-remain-one-country/1898426.html


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