Friday, May 2, 2014

38 die in fire lit by Right Sector radicals at Odessa trade union council building

As many as 38 people died in a fire lit by Ukraine’s Right Sector and Self-defence radicals at the building of trade union council in the Black Sea city of Odessa on Friday, a spokesman for the Ukrainian interior ministry said.
According to the ministry, thirty people died of carbon oxide intoxication, eight died having jumped out of windows. As many as 50 people sought medical assistance, including ten policemen.

At least 38 anti-government activists died in fire at Odessa’s Trade Unions House after suffocating with smoke or jumping out of windows of the burning building, Ukrainian Interior Ministry reported. The building was set ablaze by the pro-Kiev radicals.

Some 50 people, including 10 police officers, were also injured in the incident, the official statement said. It was not immediately clear whether those injured in Friday street clashes in Odessa were included in those numbers.
According to the ministry, the Friday standoff on Odessa included “anti-Maidan” activists on one side and “football fans” from Odessa and Kharkov, as well as "euro-Maidan" activists, on the other. A criminal case on the charges of mass unrest has been opened........


  1. Der Brand ist nach Auseinandersetzungen zwischen pro-russischen Separatisten und Anhängern der ukrainischen Landeseinheit ausgebrochen.....

    02.05.2014 | 21:41 | (

    Auch in der Millionenstadt Odessa im Süden der Ukraine, wo es bisher vergleichsweise ruhig war, eskalierte am Freitag die Gewalt: Beim Brand eines Gewerkschaftsgebäudes sind in der Hafenstadt Dutzende Menschen ums Leben gekommen, in ersten Meldungen war von bis zu 38 Toten die Rede. Dies gab die Polizei in der Schwarzmeerstadt am Abend bekannt.

    Der Brand sei nach Auseinandersetzungen zwischen pro-russischen Separatisten und Anhängern der ukrainischen Landeseinheit ausgebrochen, so die Polizei. Es handle sich um eine "kriminelle Brandstiftung". "38 Menschen sind ums Leben gekommen. 30 starben an einer Rauchgasvergiftung, acht weitere nachdem sie auf der Flucht vor den Flammen aus dem Fenster gesprungen waren", hieß es.........

  2. Ukraine's interior ministry has said 40 people died when a trade union building was set on fire in the Ukrainian port city of Odessa....

    Police said 38 people had choked to death on smoke or were killed when jumping out of windows after the trade union building was set on fire.

    Regional police said the trade union building was set on fire in some of the worst violence in the largely Russian-speaking Black Sea city since former president Viktor Yanukovych was ousted in February. ......


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