Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Holding elections when army used against parts of population rather unusual (Sergei Lavrov)

New Geneva conference on Ukraine is possible, but no progress will be made without the participation of the south-east, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said. “Nothing was thwarted (the Geneva accords of April 17),” the minister said, adding that “some attempts are being taken consistently to make senseless the agreements which had been worked out for the last few months."
Holding elections at a time when army is being used against part of the population looks rather unusual, Lavrov said. The Ukrainian regime must pull back the army and overturn orders to use the military against the people, the foreign minister added. 

Lavrov said that cancellation of the orders to use the army and national guard against protesters must be the first step towards deescalation of the situation in Ukraine.

Europe wants to tear Ukraine away from Russia
It looks like the EU made a decision at a certain point to tear Ukraine away from Russia, and the outcome is now obvious to all, the foreign minister said.
Russia is certain that the US and EU used contradictions in Ukraine to advance unilateral interests, Lavrov stressed.
Russia regrets that the West has been refusing to follow the principle of indivisibility of security, Lavrov said.

Russia not involved in organizing 'color revolutions'
Russia is not involved in changing the regimes and organizing 'color revolutions', especially 'brown revolutions', Lavrov said.
The Russian army stays in its own territory and is engaged in legal activities, the minister noted. “We have nothing to hide,” he said. “Our army is in its territory and is engaged in activities that no one has ever banned, that do not violate any legal or moral principles, and that fit in well with the framework of international agreements," Lavrov noted.

European Council favors compromise on Ukraine
The majority of the European Council’s member-states have spoken in favor of looking for compromise in Ukraine on the basis of the interests of the people, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.
Russia is convinced that there is a way out of the Ukrainian crisis, but it can be found only on the basis of the national dialogue, the minister stressed.
Russia has also called upon the European Council to pay attention to the resurrection of the Nazi ideology on the European territory, Lavrov added.


  1. Ukraine talks must include rebels, says Lavrov...

    Ukraine will back new talks in Geneva in a bid to defuse a political crisis with Russia as long as Moscow supports presidential elections on May 25, Ukrainian Acting Foreign Minister Andriy Deshchytsia said on Tuesday.

    “If Russia is ready to commit itself to support these elections, and to eliminate this threat, and eliminate its support for the extremist elements in Ukraine, we are ready to have such a round of meetings,” he said.

    Deshchytsia was speaking to a news conference after a Council of Europe meeting in Vienna on the crisis in Ukraine, where there are widespread clashes between Ukrainian soldiers and armed pro-Russian separatists.

    Earlier on Tuesday however, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said it would be “unusual” to hold a presidential election in Ukraine while the government was deploying the army against some of its people..................http://www.france24.com/en/20140506-ukraine-talks-include-rebels-lavrov/

  2. Russia does not organize color revolutions - Lavrov...

    Russia does not promote regime change and color revolutions in other countries, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

    "We don't do regime change, we don't do color revolutions, let alone brown-hued ones like those in Ukraine," he told a press conference after a session of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers. At the same time, Russia is not walking away from contacts with the current Kiev authorities, Lavrov said. "We are not walking away from contacts with our Ukrainian counterparts, and one result of such contacts was the Geneva Statement of April 17," the minister said.

    Western partners are not ready to agree to the equitable participation of southeastern Ukraine in the national dialogue, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

    "Practical steps can be taken only by the Ukrainians themselves if they are not restrained from cooperating with each other. Alas, our Western partners are not ready to agree to the equitable participation of southeastern Ukraine in the national dialogue," Lavrov told a press conference in Vienna.

    Disagreements had been growing in Ukraine but, clearly, "the Western partners in the EU and the US actively used them to promote their unilateral agenda, their unilateral interests in disregard of the interests of the entire Ukrainian people," the minister stressed.

    "We honestly speak about that, in particular, with our American and European colleagues. They claim this is not so. But if this is not so, then anything is possible and let us not tear Ukraine apart between the East and the West but pool efforts and help start the dialogue, which can coordinate practical steps towards the fulfillment of all agreements and statements," Lavrov said, Interfax reports.

    Sergei Lavrov said he urged NATO to confirm the stance declared in February on unacceptability of using army to resolve domestic issues of Ukraine.......Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_05_06/Russia-color-revolutions-Lavrov/

  3. Kiev and Moscow have mapped out their positions on a possible continuation of the talks in Geneva on defusing the crisis in Ukraine....

    Ukraine will agree to a second round of talks in Geneva if Russia supports the presidential election, which the authorities have scheduled for May 25, Ukraine's Acting Foreign Minister Andrii Deshchytsia told a news conference onTuesday.

    “If we get a confirmation that all the sides involved in the Geneva format are committed to abiding by the document, which will likely be coordinated at the next meeting, then we’ll support a proposal of this kind,” Deshchytsia said.

    He added that the government sees the presidential election as an absolute priority. “If Russia is ready to support the election and to stop the threats, then we’ll be able to hold the meeting,” Deshchytsia said...................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/730642


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