Friday, May 2, 2014

OSCE calls on Kiev to stop operation in Slavyansk. - Humanitarian corridors should be set for the civilians to leave the city

At Russia's request the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has called on Kiev to stop the active phase of the special operation against federalists in the eastern city of Slaviansk, Russian Permanent Representative at OSCE Andrey Kelin said Friday.

"We undertake all the necessary demarches for the OSCE leadership to intervene and stop this operation," Kelin said, adding that Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Swiss President are to get in touch with Ukraine's acting President Alexander Turchynov and acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenuk.

Kiev has launched an active phase of its special operation against the federalists in the eastern city of Slaviansk early Friday, using aviation and armored vehicles to crack down on the protesters.

  • "Ukrainians respond and say that the operation aims to surround and isolate Slaviansk,' Kelin said. 'We demanded to stop it, and if so then humanitarian corridors should be set for the civilians to leave the city, and the aviation flights should be suspended," he added.

The military operation, according to Kelin, "complicates implementation of the Geneva agreements and the work of OSCE observers' in Ukraine."


1 comment:

  1. La Russie a demandé une réunion d'urgence du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU sur la situation en Ukraine qui devrait se tenir en fin de matinée vendredi à New York, ont indiqué des diplomates...

    La demande russe est motivée par "la grave escalade de la violence dans l'est de l'Ukraine" et la réunion sera publique, ont-ils précisé. Cette rencontre sera la treizième depuis le début de la crise ukrainienne, aucune des précédentes réunions formelles ou séances de consultations n'ayant abouti à une prise de position commune du Conseil sur ce dossier. (Belga)


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