Saturday, May 3, 2014

Tragic Loss of Life in Odesa

Marie Harf, Deputy Department Spokesperson,May 2, 2014:

"The United States today mourns with all Ukrainians the heartbreaking loss of life in Odesa. Today the international community must stand together in support of the Ukrainian people as they cope with this tragedy.

The violence and mayhem that led to so many senseless deaths and injuries is unacceptable. We call on all sides to work together to restore calm and law and order, and we call on the Ukrainian authorities to launch a full investigation and to bring all those responsible to justice.

The events in Odesa that led to the deadly fire in the Trade Union Building dramatically underscore the need for an immediate de-escalation of tensions in Ukraine. 

The violence and efforts to destabilize the country must end. We again call for the immediate implementation of the commitments made in Geneva on April 17. 

The United States stands ready to support this implementation."


  1. Police in Ukraine's Odessa detain 130 after fire, fighting kill dozens...

    More than 130 people have been detained in Ukraine's southern port city of Odessa after dozens were killed in a fire and street fighting involving pro-Russian and groups supporting the government in Kiev, police said on Saturday.

    In a statement, local police chief Petro Lutsiuk said those detained could face charges ranging from participating in riots to premeditated murder for Friday's street battles, which resulted in the city's trade union building being set on fire.

    Most of those killed either choked on smoke or died after jumping out of the building's windows, officials said.

    Police quickly lost control on Friday as hundreds of men including soccer fans staged running battles across the city. Lutsiuk said the police would do everything "to prevent such tragedies in the future".

  2. Ukraine forces move on rebels in Kramatorsk....Interior minister says the government will not stop its campaign, a day after deadly riots and battles killed 40 people....

    Ukrainian troops moved towards the rebel-held town of Kramatorsk on Saturday, with the government vowing it would not stop its operations to dislodge separatists. Russian media cited hospital sources as saying fighting overnight had killed one person wounded nine others.

    The interior minister, Arsen Avakov, said troops had seized control of rebel-held areas in Kramatorsk but gave no information on possible casualties.

    "The active phase of the operation continued at dawn," Avakov wrote on his Facebook page. "We are not stopping."

    "Overnight, forces participating in the anti-terrorist operation in Kramatorsk took control of the TV tower that was previously held by the terrorists," added the minister.

    Kramatorsk is near the rebel stronghold of Sloyansk, where rebels shot down two Ukrainian attack helicopters on Friday, killing two airmen and capturing a third...........

    1. Les autorités de Kiev ne sont pas disposées à arrêter la phase active de l'opération spéciale à Kramatorsk qui sera poursuivie, a communiqué le ministre ukrainien de l'Intérieur par intérim Arsen Avakov sur sa page Facebook....

      Il a ajouté que dans la nuit les combattants de la Garde nationale et des forces armées d'Ukraine avaient pris le contrôle d'une tour de télévision.

      Vendredi soir un combat a éclaté près de Kramatorsk lorsqu'une colonne de blindés ukrainiens bloquée par les partisans du fédéralisme avait décidé de donner l'assaut. 10 partisans du fédéralisme ont été tués et plus de 30 autres blessés.
      Lire la suite:


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