Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Trump warns North Korea of military might on visit to Seoul

We cannot allow North Korea to threaten all that we have built
US President Donald Trump has warned North Korea he was prepared to use the full range of military power to stop any attack.

However, in a more conciliatory appeal than ever before, he also urged North Korea to "make a deal" to end the nuclear standoff.

Speaking on North Korea's doorstep during a visit to Seoul, Mr Trump said that while "we hope to God" not to have to resort to the use of full US military might, he was ready to do whatever was necessary to prevent the "North Korean dictator" from threatening millions of lives.

"We cannot allow North Korea to threaten all that we have built," Mr Trump said after talks with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who has supported diplomatic outreach to Pyongyang.

But at times taking a more measured, less confrontational tone, Mr Trump also urged North Korea to "do the right thing" and added that: "I do see some movement," though he declined to elaborate.

"It really makes sense for North Korea to come to the table and make a deal," Mr Trump told reporters at a joint news conference with Mr Moon.


  1. La Corée du Sud va acheter aux États-Unis des armements pour "des milliards de dollars", afin de faire face aux menaces de la Corée du Nord dotée de l'arme nucléaire, a indiqué ce mardi le président américain, Donald Trump.

  2. US President Donald Trump attempted to make a surprise visit from Seoul to the demilitarized zone (DMZ) on the border of North and South Korea but had to abort the mission due to foul weather.


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