Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Local Syrians Form Militia to Evict US-Backed Forces From Raqqa

US-Backed Forces  Raqqa
US-backed Kurdish-dominated forces, who control much of northern Syria and large swathes of the oil-rich eastern province of Deir ez-Zor, are facing increasingly high levels of resistance from Arabs living in cities and villages they hold, especially in areas which aren’t predominantly Kurdish.

Local Sunni Arab tribesmen have formed a militia to fight and oust the US-backed SDF from Raqqa, according to media reports and reports circulating on social media.

The group, which has called itself the Popular Resistance of Raqqa (PRoR), currently has just a few dozen fighters in its ranks, but is covertly recruiting additional combatants.

Armed with only small arms and light weapons (SALW), they are currently only able to conduct hit-and-run attacks, as they simply don't have the manpower to take and hold territory.

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