Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Serbia says ready for Kosovo compromise in view of EU membership

Serbia says ready for Kosovo compromise
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Wednesday that his country is ready for a compromise over Kosovo since resolving a dispute with its former province is key to its European Union bid.

Serbia has refused to recognize Kosovo's independence, declared unilaterally a decade ago.

Brussels insists that normalization of ties between the former foes, who fought each other in a 1990s war, is a key condition they both must meet in order to join the EU.

"For us, the most difficult hurdle on the European path is indeed the situation over Kosovo and that is why Serbia is .... ready to talk about possible compromises," Vucic told reporters.

He spoke after meeting with Wess Mitchell, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.

Mitchell is on a tour of the region that has already taken him to Kosovo and FYROM***.

"I see a tremendous window of opportunity for all of us," Mitchell said. "A window of opportunity to make progress, resolve issues that have held Western Balkans back for too long."

Mitchell urged the Balkan nations to take the opportunity to resolve the remaining disputes with Western help, including the EU's renewed commitment to accept new members from the region in the future.

"That is a job for all of us," the U.S. official said. "Now is the time to work together to solve these problems for the benefit of future generations."
***[After the necessary corrections with the name "FYROM"]

***[GREECE recognized this country with the name "FYROM"]
***[UN  resolution A/RES/47/225 of 8 April 1993]
***El Etos uses the recognized name FYROM.
By using El Etos, you agree to the U.N. Charter in this issue.

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