Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Syria Slams Ankara's Capture of Afrin, Wants Immediate Turkish Withdrawal

Syria Slams Ankara's Capture of Afrin
Syria’s government condemned the capture of Afrin by the Turkish military, calling on Ankara to “immediately” pull out troops from the Northwestern Syrian city.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry voiced strong opposition to Turkey’s takeover of Afrin in two letters to the United Nations on Monday, protesting the move as "illegitimate”, SANA reported.

"Syria condemns the Turkish occupation of Afrin and the crimes it is committing there, and demands the invading forces immediately withdraw from the Syrian territory they occupied," the ministry said in its letters.

"Turkey's behavior and attacks do not only threaten citizens and the unity of Syria's land and people --- they also prolong the war on Syria as a service to terrorism and its supporters," it added.

The remarks were made a day after Turkish soldiers, backed by members of the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) militia, captured the city from Kurdish militants, particularly those of the People's Protection Units (YPG).

Damascus has on several occasions criticized Ankara for its military offensive on Syrian soil, accusing it of supporting "terrorist" groups.

1 comment:

  1. The Turkish Foreign Ministry underscored that the Turkish operation in Syria's Afrin was targeting terrorists, not civilians, in response to a statement by the US State Department.
    Heather Nauert, the spokeswoman for the US Department of State, said Monday that Washington was extremely concerned over the situation in the city of Afrin because of reports that most residents had to leave the city as they feared attacks by the Turkish forces.

    "The statement made today by the Spokesperson of the US Department of State regarding the situation in Afrin reveals that the US authorities still cannot or unfortunately do not want to comprehend the reason, purpose and nature of Operation Olive Branch. Operation Olive Branch is a counter-terrorism operation. The operation in no way targets civilians," spokesman Hami Aksoy said in a published statement on Monday.


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