Thursday, March 22, 2018

Theresa May to EU Leaders: Russia Is A Threat to Us All

Russia Is A Threat to Us All
Theresa May will tell EU leaders over dinner in Brussels on Thursday that Russia is a threat to the whole of the bloc that will last for years to come.

According to an advance briefing from the UK government, May will say the attack on the Russian double agent Segei Skripal in Salisbury earlier this month was “an indiscriminate and reckless act against the United Kingdom” amounting to “attempted murder using an illegal chemical weapon that we know Russia possesses.”

May will go on to say that other countries share the UK’s assessment that Russia is “responsible” for the attack before warning that the use of the Novichok nerve agent was “a clear violation” of international law, Politico reported.

The prime minister will warn EU leaders that Russia’s “disrespect for international rules and norms clearly threatens the basis for our advanced democracies, open societies, and free economies.”

She will add: “The Russian threat does not respect borders, and as such we are all at risk.”

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