Friday, March 16, 2018

Turkey Slams Europe Over Calls to End Syria "Offensive"/invasion

Syria "Offensive"/invasion
Turkey has reacted furiously to the European Parliament’s motion calling for an end to Ankara's military offensive in Syria's Afrin enclave against a Kurdish militia.
The motion cited concerns for the hundreds of thousands of civilians trapped in Afrin city under siege by Turkish forces for almost two months. But beyond the diplomatic haranguing, both the European Union and Ankara appear anxious to continue to work to rebuild relations.

Speaking at his presidential palace, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed local representatives from across the country and contemptuously dismissed the European Parliament motion.

“Don’t get your hopes up. We will only leave Afrin once our work is done,” Erdogan said. “Hey, European Parliament, what are you doing? You should be honest. There is nothing the European Parliament can tell us on this. Your statement will go in one ear and out the other. What burden have you shared with us in hosting 3.5 million Syrians?”


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