Thursday, March 15, 2018

Turkey will not hand over Afrin to Syrian government after seizing it

Turkey will not hand over Afrin to Syrian government
Following an official statement by Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s spokesperson saying that Ankara is willing to cooperate with Washington in Syria to create a shared security zone around the city of Manbij (currently held by US-backed forces), additional commentary was made regarding Turkey’s intentions for Afrin.

According to Ibrahim Kalin, President Erdogan’s spokesperson, Turkey has no intention to hand over the city of Afrin to the Syrian government once it is captured from Kurdish fighters.

At the present time, the Turkish Army and allied proxy militias are on the verge of seizing the small northwest Syrian city from Kurdish paras. It is expect to fall within the next couple of days, if not sooner.
 ***Un jour, ça ne vous suffit pas, un jour pareil aux autres il est devenu muet, un jour je suis devenu aveugle, un jour nous deviendrons sourds, un jour nous sommes nés, un jour nous mourrons, le même jour, le même instant, ça ne vous suffit pas ?


  1. Reports are beginning to emerge that Turkish and US forces are planning to establish a ‘safe zone’ around the Kurdish-held city of Manbij in Syria’s Aleppo province.

    The reports cite Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin who said that Ankara is willing to engage in such a cooperative act with Washington in Syria given the US ‘keeps its promises.’

    Recently, Turkish foreign policy authorities stated that Turkey does not trust the US because it ‘always lies’ to its partners.

    Following the capture of Manbij by US-backed forces (among which Syrian Kurdish units the main component) from ISIS, Ankara has long since made threats to seize the city and its surrounding area by use of the Turkish military and proxy militias, deeming the presence of Kurdish fighters there to be a threat to the country’s national security.

  2. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin has announced that Ankara and Washington would form a "safe zone" around Syria's Manbij if the US "keeps promises."...

    In an interview with the TRT Haber broadcaster, Kalin said that the deal was binding and that a change in the US Secretary of State would not change it even if it leads to a 1-2 week delay.

    According to him, Ankara expects to clear Afrin of the Kurdish militants "very soon."

    However, Turkey has no intention to hand over the town to the Syrian government after the military operation ends, he added.


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