Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Turkish Army Extends Clashes with Kurds to Hasaka

Turkish Army
The Turkish army engaged in clashes with Kurdish forces in Hasaka despite the international warnings about the bad humanitarian conditions in the town of Afrin.

Local sources in the town of Ra'as al-Ain in Northeastern Hasaka reported on Wednesday that the Turkish army's artillery units have targeted the Kurdish forces' watchtowers and checkpoints around the town at the Syrian-Turkish borders.


They added that the Turkish army has launched artillery attacks on Kurdish positions in the villages of Tal Halaf, Kashtou, Tal Arqam and Alouk, saying that after the offensive, the Kurdish forces withdrew towards their positions inside Ra'as al-Ain.

Following the attacks, 2 Kurdish forces were killed and a number of others were wounded.

Meantime, sources reported that the Turkish army has targeted Alouk hydro power plant in Ra'as al-Ain, which disconnected the power grid flow and water in Hasaka.

1 comment:

  1. The US-led Coalition has once again accused the Syrian military of building up its forces along the eastern bank of the Euphrates River...

    According to a new report from CNN, the Syrian military (described as “pro-Syrian regime forces”) were observed building up their forces near the US-led Coalition’s front-lines in the Deir Ezzor Governorate.

    “The pro-regime forces are assembling near where similar forces allied with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad initiated an unprovoked attack on US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces,” US Army Col. Ryan Dillon, a spokesman for the coalition told CNN.

    Dillion claimed that the US-led Coalition is usually the first party to attempt to deescalate the situation; however, they have no direct channels of communication with the Syrian military outside of their Russian counterparts.

    The Syrian government has repeatedly called on the US to withdraw its forces from Syria, adding that they are illegally operating inside the country.


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