Tuesday, March 13, 2018

We’ll respond if lives of our military, incl. from strikes on Damascus, are endangered : Valery Gerasimov

Valery Gerasimov
Moscow is ready to respond if lives of the Russian servicemen are endangered, including by strikes on Damascus, head of Russia's General Staff Valery Gerasimov said.

“There are many Russian advisers, representatives of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides and [Russian] servicemen in Damascus and at Syrian defense facilities,” Gerasimov stated.

In case lives of Russian military personnel are put in danger, the Russian Armed Forces will respond with certain measure to both “missiles” and “lauchers” which are delivering these projectiles.

Russian MoD also says it has information that militants in Syria are planning to stage chemical attacks against civilians under the guise of the Syrian government. According to Gerasimov, they have already sent ‘civilians’ in Eastern Ghouta who will ‘play victims’ of chemical attacks. Members of the White Helmets and film crews are already there, he pointed out.

"Following the provocation, the United States are planning to accuse Syrian government forces of using chemical weapons,” according to Gerasimov. In the aftermath it would “present the international community the so-called ‘evidence’ of the apparent mass deaths of civilians at the hands of the Syrian government and “supporting it, the Russian leadership.”

In response, Washington will strike the government quarters of Damascus, the general has alleged.

On Monday, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley warned that Washington will take action in Syria on its own if the UN Security Council fails to do so. When the UNSC “failed to act” after the Khan Sheikhoun chemical incident in 2017, the US “successfully struck the airbase from which Assad had launched his chemical attack,” Haley stated.


  1. After the false flag chemical weapons attack, the US planned to strike government held districts in Damascus as a "response," according to the Chief of the Russian General Staff Valery Gerasimov...

    Russian armed forces will respond if the lives of Russian servicemen in Syria are threatened, including in the event of a missile strike on Damascus, the Russian General Staff said.

    "According to reports, after the false flag attack, the US plans to accuse the Syrian government troops of using chemical weapons, and to provide the world community with the so-called 'evidence' of the alleged mass death of civilians at the hands of the Syrian government and "Russia supporting it," the chief of the General Staff said. In retaliation, Washington, according to Gerasimov, "plans to launch a missile strike on the government-held districts of Damascus."

    At the same time in Damascus, in the offices and facilities of the Ministry of Defense of Syria, there are now Russian military advisers, representatives of the Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties and military police, Gerasimov stressed.

    "We have reliable information about militants preparing to falsify a government chemical attack against civilians. In several districts of Eastern Ghouta, a crowd was assembled with women, children and old people, brought from other regions, who were to represent the victims of the chemical incident, " Gerasimov said.

    According to Gerasimov, "White Helmets" activists and film crews had already arrived at the scene with satellite video transmitters are already in place.

  2. Gli Stati Uniti vogliono usare la provocazione dei guerriglieri nella Goutha orientale come scusa per bombardare i distretti governativi delle forze governative siriane a Damasco, riporta ai giornalisti il capo dello stato maggiore Valery Gerasimov...

    "Abbiamo informazioni affidabili sulla preparazione da parte dei guerriglieri di una messa in scena sull'uso di armi chimiche contro i civili da parte delle forze governative. Con questo fine i guerriglieri stanno riunendo donne,anziani e bambini in Goutha orientale per mostrarli come vittime di attacchi chimici" ha detto il generale.

    A detta sua sul posto si trovano attivisti dei Caschi Bianchi con troupe cinematografiche e apparecchiature di trasmissione video satellitare.

    "Ciò è stato confermato dalla scoperta di un laboratorio per la produzione di armi chimiche nel villaggio di Aftriss, liberato dai terroristi" ha sottolineato Gerasimov.

    Secondo il generale, dopo la provocazione, gli Stati Uniti pianificano di accusare Damasco di usare armi chimiche e di presentare le "prove" della morte di massa di civili per colpa del governo siriano e della "leadership russa che lo sostiene".

    Per rappresaglia, Washington, ha osservato Gerasimov, "prevede di lanciare un attacco con bombe e missili nei distretti governativi di Damasco".

    Il capo dello Stato maggiore ha ricordato che a Damasco ci sono ora dei consiglieri militari russi, i rappresentanti del Centro per la riconciliazione delle parti belligeranti e della polizia militare.

  3. Der russische Generalstabschef, Waleri Gerassimow, hat die Verantwortlichen in Washington ermahnt, einen Angriff auf das Regierungsviertel in der syrischen Hauptstadt unbedingt zu unterlassen. Anderenfalls werde die russische Armee entschlossen eingreifen. Die Zeitung „Kommersant“ berichtet.
    Sollten russische Militärs in Syrien aufgrund eines US-Raketenangriffs gefährdet werden, würde nicht nur gegen die Raketen, sondern auch gegen deren Trägerplattformen das Feuer eröffnet – also gegen US-amerikanische Kampfschiffe und Kampfjets, erklärte Generalstabschefs Gerassimow laut dem Blatt.

  4. Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov asserted that terrorist organizations in Ghouta are preparing for carrying out “provocations” by using chemical weapons to use for making allegations against Syria.

    Konashenkov stated that the Russian Defense Ministry has warned several times that the terrorists under the US and UK control plan to carry out deliberate provocations using chemical weapons to accuse Damascus and its allies of using them.

    The Speaker said that all what the allegations released by the so-called American Syrian Medical Center, which is based in the American state of Illinois, and the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, about using chemical weapons in Ghouta is coordinated on a high political level in the West in order to justify increasing sanctions against Syria.

    The Russian Diplomat asserted that these lies were exposed, especially since the locals who left Ghouta via safe corridors denied that any chemical attack occurred in the area.


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