Sunday, April 8, 2018

Allegations of using chemical weapons unconvincing stereotype: Syria

Allegations of using chemical weapons unconvincing stereotype
A source at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said on Sunday that allegations of using chemical weapons have become an unconvincing stereotype, except for some countries which traffic with the blood of civilians and support terrorism in Syria.

Every time the Syrian Arab Army advances in combatting terrorism, the allegations of using chemical weapons emerge as a pretext to prolong the presence of terrorists in Douma, the source added.

“The pretext of using chemicals in Ghouta was pre-planned and there is documented and confirmed information about this against which the Syrian state has previously warned,” the source said.

A number of misleading media outlets and those that speak by the name of terrorist organizations have launched a campaign to accuse the Syrian Arab Army of using chemical weapons during operations against terrorists in Duma, followed by a US-led Western political campaign to justify any hostile moves against Syria aimed at supporting terrorists and preventing them from collapsing.



  1. Anti-government "activists", including the notorious White Helmets civil defense group, on Saturday blamed the Syrian authorities of using chemical weapons in the militant-held town of Douma in Eastern Ghouta, saying that dozens of civilians were killed and hundreds affected.

    The claims have renewed calls for a Syria intervention by the West, while Damascus said they were a "fabrication" and Russia's Foreign Ministry on Sunday called them "fake news."

    While a media storm immediately followed, accusing Syria's Bashar Assad of heinous crimes and predicting a new US strike against Damascus forces in response, journalists with knowledge of events on the ground in Syria wondered aloud if the claims should be treated with a grain of salt.

  2. Paris is concerned about reports on the use of chemical weapons in Syria's Eastern Ghouta and urges to convene the UN Security Council to discuss the situation, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said.
    "I recall that the use of chemical weapons is a war crime and a violation of the international non-proliferation regime. France, as the president of the republic, has repeatedly stated, will assume all the responsibilities in the fight against the spread of chemical weapons. France calls on the United Nations Security Council to convene a meeting as soon as possible to discuss the situation in Eastern Ghouta," French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in a statement.

    He also expressed his concern about reports of a new use of chemical weapons.

    "I express my outrage in connection with images and information [about alleged chemical attack], which is passed on to several organizations that have witnessed on the scene," Le Drian said.

    Le Drian added that France was actively cooperating with its allies and relevant international organizations to verify the reality and origin of these attacks.

    He also condemned the blockade of the city of Douma in Eastern Ghouta by the Syrian government forces.

    "I strongly condemn the continuation of the siege of the city of Douma in Eastern Ghouta by the Syrian regime and the bombing, which resulted in a large number of civilian casualties over the past 24 hours," the minister said.

  3. Claims about the use of chemical weapon in Syria have become a boring and unconvincing narrative except to the countries which participate in shedding the Syrians' blood through their support for terrorism in Syria, a source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said on Sunday.

  4. The European Union spokesperson in a statement on alleged gas attacks in Douma, Syria, called on Iran and Russia to use their influence to prevent further attacks in the country.

  5. El Consejo de Seguridad se reúne este lunes a petición de Rusia para debatir las "amenazas a la paz"

  6. "We have a lot of options militarily, and we'll be letting you know pretty soon. Probably after the fact," Donald Trump told reporters during the meeting with senior military officials on the situation in Syria at the White House.

  7. The US will act against the Syrian government with or without a UN blessing, US envoy Nikki Haley told the Security Council, blaming Russian “obstructionism” for allowing the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria and beyond.
    “We are beyond showing pictures of dead babies. We are beyond appeals to conscience. We have reached the moment when the world must see justice done,” Haley declared to the Security Council on Monday, accusing Russia of backing the “monster” [Bashar] Assad, who was murdering children with chemical weapons.

    “The Russian regime, whose hands are all covered with the blood of Syrian children, cannot be ashamed by pictures of its victims. We’ve tried that before,” Haley said, adding that “no civilized government would have anything to do with Assad’s murderous regime.”

  8. El secretario de Estado Interino de EEUU, John Sullivan, y el ministro de Exteriores del Reino Unido, Boris Johnson, mantuvieron una conversación telefónica donde discutieron los pasos potenciales ante el supuesto ataque químico en la ciudad siria de Duma (sudeste), dijo la vocera del Departamento de Estado, Heather Nauert...

    "El Secretario de Estado en funciones John J. Sullivan habló por teléfono dos veces hoy (lunes) con el Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores del Reino Unido, Boris Johnson", dijo Nauert.

    "Durante estas llamadas, discutieron el presunto ataque con armas químicas en Duma. Los dos líderes discutieron la respuesta de la comunidad internacional y posibles medidas adicionales que los gobiernos de Estados Unidos y Reino Unido podrían tomar en coordinación con otros socios", agregó.

  9. Russland soll laut dem TV-Sender NBC unter Berufung auf namentlich nicht genannte Quellen Radiosignale einiger US-Drohen in Syrien blockiert haben. Diese Information kommentierte der erste Vizechef des Verteidigungs- und Sicherheitsausschusses im Föderationsrat (russisches Parlamentshaus), Jewgeni Serebrennikow.
    Der TV-Sender NBC unter Berufung auf namentlich nicht genannte Quellen hatte am Dienstag berichtet, dass Russland vor einigen Wochen die Radiosignale einer Reihe von amerikanischen Drohnen in Syrien blockiert habe. Dies soll die Militäroperationen der USA wesentlich beeinflusst haben.

    „Das ist erneut eine Fake-Information seitens der US-Medien, von denen es in letzter Zeit so viele gibt. Russland hat mehrmals mitgeteilt, dass es unter anderem in Syrien nur den internationalen Verträgen gemäß agiere.

    „Solche Handlungen konnten tatsächlich nicht unternommen werden“, so Serebrennikow.

    Mitteilungen dieser Art können nur als „erneute Lüge seitens unserer amerikanischen gegnerischen Partner“ bezeichnet werden.

  10. Tony Blair, one of the chief architects of the Iraq War, seems to be backing another military intervention in the Middle East, as he said Theresa May needs no parliamentary backing to launch airstrikes on Syria.
    Proving that old habits die hard, the former Labour prime minister encouraged the UK to “be alongside” the US in future military action. President Donald Trump is widely expected to announce a military response in Syria, following allegations of a chemical weapons attack on the formerly rebel-held town of Douma.

  11. US President Donald Trump has canceled his trip to the Summit of the Americas in Lima, Peru in order to monitor the response to Syria, White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement on Tuesday.
    "President Trump will not attend the 8th Summit of the Americas in Lima, Peru or travel to Bogota, Colombia as originally scheduled," the statement said. "The President will remain in the United States to oversee the American response to Syria and to monitor developments around the world."

    Sanders added that Vice President Mike Pence will take Trump's place at the summit.


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