Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Donald Trump backs out of Peru summit to "monitor" Syria situation & Smart america's missiles (updated)

Donald Trump
President Donald Trump will not attend the Summit of the Americas in Peru, but will stay in the United States to monitor the situation in Syria, the White House said Tuesday.

Press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement that Trump also won't be traveling to Bogota, Colombia, as originally planned.

Vice President Mike Pence will attend the summit in Trump's place.

***Voilà l'homme tout entier, s'en prenant à sa chaussure alors que c'est son pied le coupable. Ca devient inquiétant. Un des larrons fut sauvé. C'est un pourcentage honnête. 


  1. Donald Trump intends to skip a planned summit in South America. The president will instead remain in the US to oversee the American response to an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria by government forces.
    Trump was due to attend the Summit of the Americas in Lima, Peru on Friday and Saturday.He was expected to urge allies to take a hard line on Venezuela, but his unpopularity in the region may have stifled talks.

  2. Arabia Saudita está discutiendo con sus aliados los pasos de respuesta al supuesto ataque químico en Siria, ha afirmado el ministro de Exteriores del país, Adel al Jubeir, citado por Al Arabiya.

    "Nuestra postura es que los responsables deben ser llevados ante la Justicia", ha dicho al Jubeir.

    1. Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister says those responsible for a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria must be “held accountable.”

  3. США направляют в Средиземное море ударную группу ВМС во главе с авианосцем "Гарри Трумэн", сообщает издание Stars&Stripes (ежедневная газета министерства обороны США).
    В состав ударной группы также войдут ракетный крейсер "Нормандия", ракетные эсминцы "Арли Берк", "Балкелей", "Форест Шерман" и "Фаррагут", позднее к ним присоединятся эсминцы "Джейсон Данэм" и "Салливанс". Всего в составе группы около 6,5 тысячи военнослужащих.
    Ранее сообщалось, что к берегам Сирии движутся американские эсминцы. Donald Cook, на борту которого могут быть размещены до 96 крылатых ракет "Томагавк", находится примерно в 100 километрах от сирийского города Тартус. Эсминец прибыл накануне из кипрского порта Ларнака.
    По информации турецкой газеты Hurriyet, к эсминцу несколько раз приближались самолеты российских ВКС, однако Пентагон эту информацию опровергает.
    Также сегодня газета The Wall Street Journal со ссылкой на источник в министерстве обороны США сообщила, что в течение нескольких дней к берегам Сирии подойдет второй американский ракетный эсминец — Porter. Откуда Porter возьмёт курс – не уточняется. Однако известно, что он базируется в Испании, в городе Рота, на побережье Атлантического океана. Год назад, в апреле 2017 года, "Портер" под управлением капитана Андрии Слау, участвовал в нанесении удара по правительственной базе Шайрат в Сирии. Это случилось после того, как Штаты возложили ответственность на сирийские власти за якобы применение химоружия в Хан-Шейхуне.

    1. The US Navy announced that the USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, currently stationed in Norfolk, Virginia, will head for a new deployment in the Middle East. The carrier, along with the guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy and destroyers USS Arleigh Burke, USS Bulkeley, USS Forrest Sherman and USS Farragut, will head out for its new designation on April 11.

      According to the US Navy, two more destroyers, the USS Jason Dunham and USS The Sullivans, will join the strike group later. It was also reported that the German frigate FGS Hessen will accompany the group during the first half of the deployment.

  4. French President Emmanuel Macron says France will decide in the coming days with the U.S. and Britain how to respond to a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria.

    1. French President Emmanuel Macron has commented on the possibility of a military response to the alleged chemical attack in Syria, the decision will be made soon after consultations with the US and the UK.
      According to French President Emmanuel Macron, any French strikes on the Syrian government would target alleged chemical facilities.

      "Our decision will not target allies of the regime or attack anyone but rather attack the regime's chemical capabilities," he said, insisting he did "not want an escalation".

  5. Beijing has warned against military intervention at a “crucial phase” in the Syrian conflict, urging countries not to jump to conclusions over the alleged chemical attack in Douma. The US is considering a strike against Damascus.
    Following reports that Washington is refusing to rule out military action in Syria, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang urged the West to show restraint until an impartial investigation into the alleged incident in Eastern Ghouta on April 7 can be conducted.

    “Before that, parties should not make a prejudgment and jump to an arbitrary conclusion,” Shuang said during a press briefing on Tuesday. “The Syrian issue now stands at a crucial crossroads. Political settlement is the only viable way out and military means will lead to nowhere,” he added.

  6. Gorbachev expressed “great concern” on Tuesday over the mounting tensions over Syria and emphasized the need for the U.S. and Russia to prevent incidents between their military forces in the region.

    He said he is confident that “no one wants a war,” but added that “such incidents could result in a huge disaster in the current tense environment.”

  7. Moscow has warned Washington of serious consequences of a possible strike on Syria if it causes casualties among Russian citizens, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov said on Tuesday...

    "Russia has warned US representatives, both publicly and via corresponding channels, including military ones, about serious consequences that might follow possible strikes [on Syria], if Russian citizens are hurt in such strikes, accidentally or not," he said in an interview with Euronews.

  8. Situation in the Eastern Ghouta is stabilizing. Hostilities in Douma have been ceased for several days now.

    The Russian side continues working of release of hostages taken by terrorists. As a result of agreements reached yesterday, 134 people have been released. In total, the Jaysh al-Islam has freed 195 hostages.

    The Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides and Russian military police conduct withdrawal of militants with their families from Douma under security measures via the Muhayam al-Wafedin humanitarian corridor.

    Over the last 24 hours, 3,627 militants with families have left the city by 70 buses. They were escorted by the Syrian patrol cars, SARC ambulance cars and Russian military police to the northern part of Aleppo province.

    Second group of insurgents is getting ready to unforcedly leave Douma. It is planned to transport some 4,000 people. For this, 86 buses have arrived at the loading site.

    More than 2,000 militants with families have been screened, and have already left the city. They are waiting in the area to get on buses. The Russian side is working on departure of the second group.

    Since February 28, in total 37,297 people have left Douma.

    In total, since the humanitarian pauses were introduced, with support of the Russian Centre for Reconciliation 161,207 people have been evacuated from the Eastern Ghouta.

    The Russian Centre for Reconciliation is above all focused on stabilizing the humanitarian situation, providing medical assistance to the people in need and meeting the priority needs of citizens.

    The Russian Centre for Reconciliation jointly with the Syrian government continues providing comprehensive assistance to residents of the Eastern Ghouta settlements that have been recently liberated from militants. Taken measures enable people to return back to their homes.

    The reconstruction of the destroyed social infrastructure and the establishment of peaceful life in the Syrian provinces enable people to return back to their former homes.

    Over the past day, 83 people have returned to Hama province, 200 people – to Homs province and 720 people – to the province of Deir ez-Zor (on the eastern shore of the Euphrates).

    Over the last 24 hours, 942 people with their properties have made their way from Tall-Sultan to Abu-al-Duhur via a humanitarian corridor. The Russian Centre for Reconciliation carried out a charitable action there. Those who decided to leave the Idlib de-escalation zone received fresh-baked bread with a total weight of 1 ton.

    The Russian military medics provided medical aid to 182 Syrians including 78 children.
    -Briefing by Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria (April 10, 2018)-

  9. Russia has urged the US to avoid taking military action in response to an alleged chemical attack in Syria.
    "I would once again beseech you to refrain from the plans that you're currently developing," Moscow's UN envoy Vasily Nebenzia said on Tuesday.
    He warned Washington that it will "bear responsibility" for any "illegal military adventure" it carries out.

    1. Australia would support "targeted" US airstrike in response to Syrian chemical attack, Julie Bishop says .

  10. The European organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (Eurocontrol), based in Brussels, late Tuesday warned airlines operating in the Eastern Mediterranean of possible missile airstrikes in Syria in the next 72 hours.

    Eurocontrol, an international organization overseeing air traffic and aviation safety in Europe, said in a statement posted on its website that airlines with planned flight operations in the Eastern Mediterranean area should exercise their services with caution.

  11. Le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies n'a pas adopté le deuxième projet russe, visant à envoyer des inspecteurs de l'OIAC sur les lieux de l'attaque chimique présumée en Syrie.
    Deux membres permanents du Conseil, la Russie et la Chine, ont soutenu la proposition, ainsi que trois autres pays: la Bolivie, l'Éthiopie et le Kazakhstan. Les États-Unis, le Royaume-Uni et la France (membres permanents), tout comme la Pologne, ont voté contre le document. Six pays ont préféré s'abstenir.

  12. The armed forces of Russia and the United States keep using special deconfliction lines to prevent incidents both in Syria’s airspace and on the ground, a spokesman for US Air Forces Central Command, Lt. Col. Damien Pickart, has told TASS.
    "I can confirm <...> that the deconfliction line at the CAOC [Combined Air Operations Center at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar] remains in use and continues to offer a constructive mechanism with which to mitigate risk and miscalculation," he said.

  13. US has 'own mechanism' to probe Syria chemical attack...

    The U.S. does not doubt that chemical weapons were used on Syrian civilians in Eastern Ghouta, and is set to use its "own mechanisms" to investigate the attack, the State Department said Tuesday.

    "The United States is convinced and knows that some sort of a chemical weapon was used," spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters when asked whether the U.S. will wait for an investigation by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    1. 'Some Substance': Nauert Fails to Name Type of Chemicals Allegedly Used in Douma...

      The United States is aware that some kind of chemical was used in the alleged attack in the Syrian city of Douma, but is not sure at present what kind of substance it was, the US State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said during a press briefing on Tuesday.
      "We do know that some sort of a substance was used," Nauert told reporters. "A chemical was used, we’re just not sure at this point today exactly what was used."

      Nauert explained the United States will rely on information collected by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) regarding the alleged chemical attack, but said the US government also has its own mechanisms to investigate the incident.

    2. One US official said the White House was most likely to coordinate with the French on a potential response since there are apparently concerns that May wouldn't receive approval from the UK parliament for strikes, CNN reported.

    3. Theresa May has been warned by MPs not to ignore Parliament when joining with Donald Trump in his expected military action in Syria, following an alleged chemical attack that reportedly killed dozens.

      MPs from all the main political parties have urged the UK prime minister to consult Parliament before lending military support to the US and France, which are discussing options to target Bashar Assad over the alleged chemical attack in Douma.

  14. Al-Jaafari went on to say that the "monster" that has funded, armed and sponsored terrorism in Syria over the past seven years is the United States, Britain and France, noting that these countries have done the same in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan through sponsoring the terrorist organizations of al-Qaeda, Taliban, Daesh and then Jabhat al-Nusra, Jaish al-Islam, Failaq al-Rahman, as well as the White Helmets which is the least invention by the UK intelligence body.

    He pointed out that in response to the allegations made against Syria by some western countries in the wake of the fake reports on the alleged use of chemical weapon in Douma in eastern Ghouta of Damascus, the Syrian government officially invited the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapon (OPCW) to send a fact finding mission to Douma as to investigate the alleged use of chemical weapon there......http://syriatimes.sy/index.php/news/local/35890-damascus-won-t-allow-repeating-iraqi-libyan-scenario-in-syria

  15. Russia's ambassador to Lebanon has said any U.S. missiles fired at Syria would be shot down and the launch sites targeted...

    Alexander Zasypkin, in the comments broadcast on Tuesday evening, said he was referring to a statement by Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian chief of staff.

    "If there is a strike by the Americans then ... the missiles will be downed and even the sources from which the missiles were fired," he told Hezbollah's al-Manar TV.

  16. The Russian ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Zaspikin told Al-Manar that the US and Western escalation against Syria will lead to a major crisis, adding that they resort to the ‘chemical allegations’ to justify their offensive acts.

    Zaspikin stressed that the Russian forces will confront any US aggression on Syria, by intercepting the missiles and striking their launch pads.
    Source: Al-Manar Website

  17. "Russia will comply with its president’s statement on US aggression against Syria, downing the US missiles,” Ambassador Alexander Zasypkin was quoted as saying by al-Manar TV. He added that the sites from which the missiles were fired would also be targeted.

  18. «Tout missile américain tiré sur la Syrie sera abattu», a prévenu ce 10 avril l'ambassadeur russe au Liban Alexander Zasypkin. Il a précisé que l'endroit d'où ces missiles étaient lancés serait également visé.

    Alexander Zasypkin, l'ambassadeur russe au Liban, a fait savoir ce 10 avril dans la soirée que si des missiles américains étaient tirés sur la Syrie, ils seraient détruits. Il a précisé que les sites de lancement de ces missiles seraient également visés.

    «S'il y a une frappe des Américains, alors... les missiles seront détruits et même les sources à partir desquelles les missiles ont été tirés», a-t-il déclaré à la chaîne al-Manar du Hezbollah.

  19. Russland wird sich das Recht vorbehalten, alle Raketen sowie Feuerquellen im Fall einer US-Aggression gegen Syrien zu vernichten. Dies sagte der russische Botschafter im Libanon, Alexander Sassypkin, gegenüber dem TV-Sender „Al-Manar“.
    „Russland wird laut Aussagen des Botschafters Russlands im Libanon, Alexander Sassypkin, gegenüber dem TV-Sender ,Al-Manarʻ die Erklärung seines Präsidenten erfüllen, die mit jeglicher Aggression der USA gegen Syrien verbunden ist, wobei es amerikanische Raketen abschießen und Feuerquellen angreifen wird“, so zitieren russische Medien den TV-Sender.

  20. Earlier this week, the Russian Defense Ministry said that medics in the Syrian city of Douma had not received patients with signs of chemical poisoning.
    About 500 people came to health facilities with signs and symptoms consistent with exposure to hazardous chemicals after the reported chemical attack on the Syrian city of Duma on Saturday, the World Health Organization (WHO) said in a statement on Wednesday.

    1. WHO spricht von 500 Opfern in Duma: „Niemand hat diese Daten“ – Russlands Generalstab

  21. Tornado bombers are being readied at a British air force base on the island of Cyprus in case British Prime Minister Theresa May should order air strikes on Syria, Greek newspaper Kathimerini said .

  22. Donald Trump warned Russia to "get ready" after Moscow vowed to shoot any missiles fired at Syria down. "They will be coming, nice and new and smart," Trump tweeted.

    1. El presidente de EE.UU., Donald Trump, ha advertido a través de su cuenta de Twitter que Rusia debe estar preparada para un ataque con misiles contra Siria.

      "Rusia promete derribar todos y cada uno de los misiles lanzados contra Siria. ¡Prepárate, Rusia, estarán llegando, bonitos y nuevos e inteligentes! ¡No deberías ser socia del Animal Asesino del Gas que mata a su gente y disfruta!", ha escrito Trump en su cuenta personal.

    2. Le président a affirmé sur Twitter qu'il était prêt à lancer des frappes sur la Syrie malgré la mise en garde de l'ambassadeur russe au Liban. Ce dernier a déclaré le 10 avril que l'armée russe intercepterait tout missile tiré sur la Syrie.

      Donald Trump s'est dit prêt à lancer des frappes contre la Syrie ce 11 avril.

      «La Russie promet de descendre tout missile tiré sur la Syrie. Prépare-toi Russie, parce qu'ils vont venir, tout beaux, tout nouveaux et "intelligents"», a-t-il lancé sur Twitter. Une allusion sans doute au dévoilement en mars dernier par le président russe Vladimir Poutine de toute une série de nouvelles armes sophistiquées.

    3. Donald Trump has warned Russia in an incendiary tweet to “get ready” for US missile strikes in Syria after a UN security council meeting failed to stave off the prospect of military confrontation over the chemical weapons attack outside Damascus at the weekend.

      “Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria,” the US president tweeted. “Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!”

      The Kremlin has warned the US and its allies that a military strike against Syria could lead to further instability in the region. Responding to Trump’s tweet, a Russian foreign ministry spokesman said “smart missiles should fly towards terrorists, not [a] legal government”.

    4. Responding to Moscow's warning to shoot down any missile fired at Syria, US President Donald Trump has addressed Russia via Twitter, warning of "nice and new and smart" missiles coming to the war-torn country.
      Russian Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman Maria Zakharova took to Facebook to respond to Trump's outburst on Twitter.

      "Smart missiles must strike terrorists, not the legitimate government that has been fighting international terrorism on its territory for several years," she wrote.

    5. “Smart missiles should fly towards terrorists, not [Syria’s] lawful government, which has spent several years fighting against international terrorism on its territory,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said in response to Trump’s tweet on Wednesday.

      She added the US may be seeking to undermine an inspection by chemical weapons experts, who are planning to investigate on the ground in Syria after the alleged attack which sparked the current confrontation between Russia and the US.

      “Are the OPCW inspectors aware that smart missiles are about to destroy all evidence of the chemical weapons use on the ground? Or is that the actual plan – to cover up all evidence of this fabricated attack with smart missile strikes, so that international inspectors had no evidence to look for?” Zakharova asked.

  23. Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said Wednesday that Australia would support a potential military strike by the United States on Syria in connection with the alleged chemical weapons attack in Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta.

  24. Damascus affirmed on Wednesday that the US recent claims against Syria demonstrate lack of principles, values, wisdom and rationality, adding that the chemical weapons’ pretext is an unsubstantiated flimsy argument to target Syria.

    Speaking to SANA, an official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that the reckless escalation by the US is not a surprise as it comes from a country that has sponsored and is still sponsoring terrorism in Syria.

    1. La Syrie a dénoncé ce 11 avril comme une «escalade dangereuse» les menaces de frappes du président américain Donald Trump contre son territoire, selon l'agence officielle syrienne Sana.

      «Nous ne sommes pas étonnés par cette escalade dangereuse en provenance d'un régime comme celui des Etats-Unis qui a parrainé et parraine encore le terrorisme en Syrie», a fait savoir une source du ministère des Affaires étrangères, citée par Sana.

  25. Soil Analysis in Douma Didn't Reveal Any Poisonous Substances - Russian MoD

  26. Syrian Terrorists/Opposition to Launch Counter-Offensive After Possible US Strike ...

    News about a new possible offensive in Syria comes as US President Donald Trump threatens with a missile strike on the country. Washington blames Damascus for conducting an alleged chemical attack in Douma, using reports by the controversial White Helmets as proof. Syria and Russia have denied the accusations, branding them a pretext for invasion.
    A Free Syrian Army (FSA) commander Fateh Hassoun has announced that it will start a new offensive following a possible US strike on Syria. According to him, the FSA is planning on regaining lost areas and capturing new ones. He also claimed that the possible US strike would weaken Damascus' positions and will allow the start of "real negotiations."

    "We will try to take advantage of this strike, […] since these strikes will lead to the dispersion of the regime's forces, the chaos in its ranks and the retreat of the regime. Such circumstances will subsequently prepare the armed forces […] for launching attacks, during which it will be possible to regain control of certain areas and capture new ones," Hassoun said.

    1. Al-Nusra Positions in Hama, Idlib Province Destroyed by Syrian Armed Forces' Fire

    2. The Washington-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) has called on the US army to provide support for its gunmen to enter Deir Ezzur battlefields to fight against the Syrian Army men and ISIL, militant-affiliated websites reported on Wednesday.
      The websites reported that the terrorists of Maqavir al-Thowrah, affiliated to the Free Syrian Army, have demanded the US army to support them to take part in battle against the Syrian pro-government forces in the Eastern province of Deir Ezzur.

    3. En el caso de que EEUU ataque Siria, la oposición empezará una ofensiva para recuperar algunos territorios y conquistar nuevos, dijo a Sputnik uno de los comandantes del Ejército Libre Sirio.

  27. El Estado Mayor de las Fuerzas Armadas de Rusia ha afirmado que no se encontraron ni heridos ni cuerpos de víctimas en Duma (Siria) tras el supuesto ataque químico reportado en el lugar.

    1. La défense russe a affirmé que l'attaque chimique présumée dans la ville syrienne de Douma avait été simulée par les Casques blancs.

  28. Das Pentagon plant Schläge gegen Syrien, ist aber besorgt, dass während dieser Aktionen russische Militärs betroffen sein könnten. Dies schreibt die amerikanische Zeitung „Los Angeles Times“ am Mittwoch.

  29. The Russian and Syrian fighter jets have been carrying out frequent flights over Syrian coastal waters in the Western Mediterranean Sea after the US threatened to conduct an imminent raid on the Syrian territory.

    Field sources in Lattakia province reported that the Syrian Air Force has sent a number of its fighter jets to the Russia-run Humeimim airbase in Southern Lattakia, adding that the Russian and Syrian forces are to share the Humeimim base in Jebleh.

  30. Estado Mayor ruso: "Tras el supuesto ataque químico en Duma no se hallaron cuerpos ni víctimas"

    1. Russia is reiterating that its officers who inspected the town of Douma outside the Syrian capital have found no evidence to support claims that a chemical attack happened there.

      Lt. Gen. Viktor Poznikhir of the Russian military's General Staff says ground samples from Douma showed no trace of chemical agents. He says doctors at a local hospital told the Russians they haven't treated any victims of purported attacks.

      He also noted that local residents told Russian officers they were unaware of any burials of victims of a purported chemical attack.

  31. Russian military sources announced that the country's air and naval forces are fully prepared to show immediate response to any possible US attack after Washington dispatched more warships to the Mediterranean sea near Syria.
    The Arabic service of RT news channel quoted a Russian military diplomatic source as warning that any increased military build-up in the Mediterranean will intensify tensions, adding that Moscow is pursuing and assessing the developments.

    He stressed that the Russian A-50 reconnaissance planes have been monitoring the guided-missile destroyer the USS Donald Cook's voyage in the past few days, saying, "The Russian warships are able to give a rapid response if necessary."

    The source noted that the Russian navy also has deployed submarines in the Mediterranean equipped with torpedoes and missiles to destroy marine and ground targets.

    Meantime, Russia's Humeimim airbase in Syria's Lattakia province is equipped with anti-ship cruise missiles of Kh-35 type.

    1. A senior Russian lawmaker says Russia will engage its warships in the Mediterranean Sea to protect Russian assets in Syria from a possible U.S. strike. Alexei Kondratyev, a deputy head of the upper house's defense committee, said on Wednesday

  32. Israel held top-level security consultations on Wednesday amid concern it could be targeted by Syria or Iran if the United States strikes Syrian government forces over an alleged poison gas assault.

  33. German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday refused to comment on whether or not her country would support a possible airstrike into Syria, led by the United States.

  34. The Russian military says it will deploy troops to the Syrian town of Douma that was the site of a purported chemical weapons attack over the weekend.

    Lt. Gen. Viktor Poznikhir of the General Staff of the Russian armed forces said on Wednesday that Russian military police will deploy to Douma on Thursday to ensure security of the town.

    1. Rusia desplegará a partir del 12 de abril la Policía militar en la ciudad siria de Duma, comunicó el jefe adjunto de la Dirección de Operaciones del Estado Mayor ruso.

  35. Citée par l'agence RIA, l'armée russe a signalé que les échantillons récupérés sur le lieu de l'attaque chimique présumée en Syrie ne contenait pas de «substances toxiques».

  36. A number of British military men were held captive by the Syrian army in Eastern Ghouta of Damascus, media reports disclosed on Wednesday, saying that they had infiltrated the region for the last month US plot to attack Damascus in collaboration with terrorists and NATO forces that failed.
    The Arabic-language al-Mayadeen news channel's correspondent in Moscow reported that a number of British forces have been captured during the military operations in Eastern Ghouta.

    Earlier reports had disclosed last month that foreign military forces were deployed in Eastern Ghouta of Damascus to launch a ground assault against Damascus in cooperation with the US.

    The US and Israel planned to launch attacks on Damascus from several fronts in collaboration with the NATO and Jordan, but the plot failed after the Syrian army scored rapid, major victories in Eastern Ghouta.

    Informed sources disclosed that the US and Israel intended to support the terrorists in Eastern Ghouta by airstrikes so that they could capture vast areas of Damascus to pave the ground for the Syrian government's collapse.

    "After the plot was disclosed, the Syrian-Russian military commanders started operations in Eastern Ghouta to repel it," the sources said.

  37. El jefe del Pentágono, James Mattis, ha anunciado que Estados Unidos sigue analizando datos de Inteligencia sobre el supuesto ataque químico en Duma (Guta Oriental, Siria) y que los militares norteamericanos están "preparados para proporcionar opciones militares" si el presidente estadounidense Donald Trump "las considera apropiadas", informa NBC.

    1. US still assessing data on alleged chemical attack in Syria, defense chief says

  38. In the event France decides to strike Syria in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons by Syrian government forces in the city of Douma, it is more likely to launch the attack from an airbase located on its mainland rather than from its bases in the Middle East, Le Figaro reported on Wednesday.

  39. Facing possible retaliatory strike from Syria if US military launches attack on the Russian-backed regime for a recent chemical weapons attack, minister says Israel must 'be prepared for any scenario.

    1. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have discussed the situation in Syria over the phone. The Russian leader called for refraining from the actions destabilizing the situation in that country, the Kremlin press service reported on Wednesday.
      "A conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu initiated by the Israeli side has been held. [The two sides] discussed the Syrian issue, including in light of the recent missile strikes by the Israeli Air Force on the T-4 airfield in the Homs province. Vladimir Putin stressed it was fundamentally important to respect Syria’s sovereignty and urged to refrain from any moves that further destabilize the situation in that country and pose a threat to its security," the press service said.

  40. The top adviser to Iran’s supreme leader said Wednesday that Tehran would support Damascus against any “foreign aggression”, in an apparent response to Trump’s comments about a possible military strike in Syria.

    “We will stand by Syria’s government against any foreign aggression ... Iran backs Syria in its fight against America and the Zionist Regime (Israel),” Ali Akbar Velayati told state TV during a visit to Syria's Eastern Ghouta.

  41. Bolivia, another non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, has asked for the 15-member council to meet on Thursday "on the escalation of rhetoric regarding Syria and these threats of unilateral military action," its UN ambassador, Sacha Sergio Llorentty Soliz, has said.

    "There's a consistency in these threats, so we are concerned because any unilateral action would be a violation of the principles and purposes of the (UN) charter," he told reporters, adding that he expected the closed-door meeting to be held on Thursday morning.

  42. UK Prime Minister Theresa May appears ready to get the UK involved in a possible military strike against Syria without seeking the Parliament’s approval, the BBC reports citing “well-placed sources.”
    May reportedly sees an “urgent” need for a response, according to government insiders. She also appears to believe a military intervention will prevent further chemical incidents in Syria.

  43. Syria’s military has repositioned some of its aerial assets to avoid fallout from possible missile strikes, US officials told Reuters on Wednesday. The officials declined to comment further and it was not clear whether the Syrian actions would affect US military planning for potential action against the regime.

    But Syria’s attempt to shelter aircraft, perhaps by locating them alongside Russian military hardware that Washington might be reluctant to strike, could limit the damage that the United States and its allies might be able to inflict on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s military.

  44. According to the UK's Daily Telegraph newspaper, British submarines have been ordered to move within missile range of Syria, as strikes against the Assad regime are expected as early as Thursday night.

  45. Syria 'chemical attack': US weighs up military response...

    The US says "all options are on the table" in response to a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria, as Western leaders continue to weigh up military action.
    White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters that no final decision had been taken on military strikes.
    But she said the US holds Russia and Syria responsible for the incident.
    The US National Security Council is to meet on Thursday, while UK PM Theresa May has called a cabinet meeting....etc

    1. Toutefois, après les tweets présidentiels va-t-en-guerre du matin, la Maison Blanche s'est montrée plus prudente dans l'après-midi. "Le président tient la Syrie et la Russie pour responsables de cette attaque aux armes chimiques", mais "toutes les options sont sur la table, la décision finale n'a pas été prise", a déclaré sa porte-parole, Sarah Sanders.

  46. Dans le contexte des menaces du Président américain sur d'éventuelles frappes contre le territoire syrien, la compagnie aérienne koweïtienne Kuweit Airwais a pris la décision d'annuler ses vols vers la capitale libanaise, Beyrouth.
    Le Koweït a suspendu tous ses vols réguliers en direction de Beyrouth à des fins de sécurité vu des avertissements émis par les autorités chypriotes.

    «Nous avons décidé de suspendre les vols en direction de Beyrouth à partir de ce jeudi 12 avril», est-il dit sur la page Twitter de la compagnie Kuweit Airwais.

  47. The White House has refused to clarify if Donald Trump's belligerent tweets signal a planned strike on Syria, but insisted that Moscow is responsible for last week's alleged chemical attack, as it failed to rein in Bashar Assad.
    Asked to respond to Moscow's claims that the "civil defense" group White Helmets, which has links to Syrian rebels, was behind the April 7 incident, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told the media during an emergency briefing that "the intelligence provided certainly paints a different picture, and the President holds Syria and Russia responsible."

    When confronted about US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis' statement that the US was still "assessing intelligence" about the specifics of what happened in the Islamist-controlled suburb of Damascus, Huckabee Sanders answered that she "can't get into the details," but that the administration was "confident" that the attack was ordered by advancing government forces.

  48. British PM order submarines to get within missile range to Syria - newspaper

  49. Syrien-Krieg: Guterres warnt vor Kontrollverlust

    1. Syrie : l’ONU alerte sur le risque d’une « situation hors contrôle »
      LE MONDE

  50. 'Americans Planned Military Intervention': No Plans for Aftermath – Analyst

  51. US President Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to clarify that he never specified when the US would conduct an attack on Syria.
    “Never said when an attack on Syria would take place,” Trump wrote on Thursday. “Could be very soon or not so soon at all!”

    1. President Trump raised the prospect today of delaying military strikes against Syria for weeks as he tried to keep the Assad regime guessing about the timing and scale of the response to last week's gas attack.“Never said when an attack on Syria would take place,” Mr Trump tweeted.

    2. President Donald Trump says an attack on Syria could take place “very soon or not so soon at all!”

      The president made the statement in a tweet Thursday morning. Trump on Wednesday warned Russia to “get ready” for a missile attack on its ally Syria, suggesting imminent retaliation for last weekend’s suspected chemical weapons attack.

      But his tweet Thursday said he “Never said when an attack on Syria would take place.”

    3. President Donald Trump on Thursday attempted to cloud the timing of potential airstrikes on Syria, a day after indicating they were imminent.

  52. The French president promised to make a decision on whether or not to strike Syria 'when the time comes', and promised that Paris would not allow an escalation in the region.
    According to Emmanuel Macron, France's possible Syrian response would come 'at a time of its choosing.'

    The president said he would decide on whether to hit Syria after the necessary verifications are carried out. "We will need to take decisions in due course, when we judge it most useful and effective," he said.

  53. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on April 12 that a range of measures must be considered to tackle the crisis in Syria, but German forces will not attack the Syrian Army or other government forces...

    She also said that "it is important to show unity on Syria" and warned that it's "obvious" the Syrian government has not destroyed its entire stockpile of chemical weapons, as it agreed to do in 2013.

    "Germany will not take part in possible military action — I want to make clear again that there are no decisions — but we see, and support this, that everything is being done to send a signal that this use of chemical weapons is not acceptable," Chancellor Merkel said on Thursday.

  54. Putin discusses situation in Syria with President of Turkish regime...

    Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the President of Turkish regime Recep Tayyip Erdogan the situation in Syria.

    The two sides expressed, during a phone call, concern over the current aggravation of the situation in and around Syria amid allegations about the use of chemical weapons in the city of Douma, the Kremlin press service said.

    They also stressed the importance of ensuring the necessary conditions for the work of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) inspectors travelling to Syria.

    The statement also affirmed that the two sides underlined the need of intensifying the Syrian political settlement process based on UN Security Council Resolution 2254 and the decision made by the Syrian National Dialogue Congress, agreeing to continue bilateral contacts at different levels.

  55. Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari: The Syrian government will facilitate access of OPCW team to any point they want to reach in Douma

  56. Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, Syria's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, has stressed that the Syrian government will facilitate the access of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapon's (OPCW) team members to any point they want in Douma.

    In a press statement on Thursday in New York, al-Jaafari said that the OPCW has informed the Syrian government that it will send a team to Syria, whose members will arrive on Thursday and Friday.

    According to SANA, al-Jaafari pointed out that any delaying or confusing on this visit will be a result of a political pressure practiced on the OPCW by US, UK, France and their allies to hinder the experts’ visit.

    Speaking about the experts’ working schedule, al-Jaafari said that “when will they start work? This subject is due to them and we are ready to accompany them wherever they want to go and at any time, as the first batch of the team arrived in Beirut.”

    He pointed out that there are terms of reference agreed between the Syrian government and the OPCW, which are applied in dealing with such cases.

    In response to a question about who used chemicals in Syria, al-Jaafari said that “we have said it many times. They are the terrorists. They have chemical substances form the Libyan stock for a long time and that the arrival of these substances were facilitated by the Turkish, Saudi, American and French intelligences. They smuggled chemicals from Libya to Istanbul on civil airlines and the person responsible for the smuggling of these materials was Haitham al-Qassar.”

    He affirmed that the British policy is a part of the problem and not part of the solution, adding that Britain has pushed the US through history to undertake adventures in failed wars.

    “So we do not pay attention to what the British government might say because we already know that Britain is pushing for escalation, the complexity of the international situation and working against peace and stability in the world,” said al-Jaafari.

    As for the US stance when Syria will head the presidency of the Conference on Disarmament, al-Jaafari said that “it is not up to the US, UK or France to determine who will be and who will not be the president of the conference. We will chair this conference when our turn comes.”

  57. According to a new statement from Downing Street, the United Kingdom's prime minister and top-level advisers "agreed on the need to take action to alleviate humanitarian distress and to deter the further use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime."

    1. The threats to take military action against Damascus already constitute a violation of the UN Charter, Russia’s envoy to the UN said, expressing hopes that the situation will not escalate beyond the “point of no return.”
      “The threat to international peace and security is a violation of the UN charter. We’re very concerned with the situation, with this dangerous escalation. We hope that there will be no point of no return, that the US and their allies will refrain from military action against the sovereign state,” Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, told reporters on Thursday.

  58. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis took pains on Thursday to walk back President Trump's threats of an imminent strike on Syria, reflecting mounting concerns at the Pentagon that a concerted bombing campaign could escalate into a wider conflict between Russia, Iran and the West


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