Saturday, April 14, 2018

No US Missile Entered Zone of Russian Air Defense Shield in Syria - Russian MoD

No US Missile Entered Zone of Russian Air Defense Shield in Syria
The Russian Defense Ministry has commented on a joint US, British and French missile strike on Syria, which took place on the day, when the OPCW experts are set to start a probe into allegations of a chemical attack in Douma, a claim denounced by Damascus as a provocation.

"None of cruise missiles launched by the US and its allies did not enter the zone of responsibility of the Russian air defenses, covering objects in Tartus [naval facility] and Hmeymim [airbase located in the Latakia province]," the Russian Defense Ministry has announced.

According to the Russian military, the massive missile strike on objects of military and civilian infrastructure was conducted by US warships jointly with the UK and French air forces at 3:42-5:10 Moscow time.

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