Saturday, April 14, 2018

Paris releases VIDEO of military planes taking off to bomb Syria

The French presidency has released footage of military planes taking off for Syria. The video comes hours after Emmanuel Macron announced the strike on Damascus, along with the US and the UK.

It’s not yet clear if the jets were taking off from a military base or an aircraft carrier.

In its statement, the Elysee Palace stresses that French armed forces are taking off against “the illegal chemical arsenal of the Syrian regime.”
***Voilà l'homme tout entier, s'en prenant à sa chaussure alors que c'est son pied le coupable. Ca devient inquiétant. Un des larrons fut sauvé. C'est un pourcentage honnête.


  1. Irán advierte sobre las "consecuencias regionales" que tendrá el ataque de Occidente contra Siria...

    Irán ha advertido sobre las "consecuencias regionales" que tendrá el ataque de EE.UU., Francia y el Reino Unido, perpetrado contra el Estado sirio, informa AFP.

  2. Residents of the Syrian capital of Damascus are gathering in the center of the city to express their support to the country's army and President Bashar Assad after the United States and its allies hit multiple government targets in the country with air strikes.
    The attack by United States, the United Kingdom and France was in response to the alleged chemical incident in the Damascus' suburb of Duma.

    Dozens of Damascus residents gathered in the city's center waiving Syrian flags and chanting anti-US slogans.

    "We are here to show that we are not afraid of [the strikes]. Our country is capable of resisting the aggression, people are backing the army and the president," one of the activists told Sputnik.

  3. Le chef de la diplomatie française a assuré ce 14 avril que les frappes réalisées par les Etats-Unis, le Royaume-Uni et la France en Syrie, en réaction à une attaque chimique présumée que ces pays attribuent à Damas, était «proportionnée et ciblée».

    L'opération militaire menée par les Etats-Unis, le Royaume Uni et la France est «légitime», «proportionnée et ciblée», a fait savoir ce 14 avril le ministre français des Affaires étrangères Jean-Yves Le Drian, s'exprimant depuis l'Elysée lors d'une conférence de presse conjointe avec la ministre de la Défense Florence Parly. Il a ajouté que «le régime de Bachar el-Assad savait à quoi il s'exposait.

  4. UN Chief Urges Member States to Avoid Acts That Could Escalate Situation in Syria

  5. SANA: life is normal in Damascus and other Syrian cities

  6. Russian MoD: Syrian Air Defenses Downed Most of Missiles Launched by West

  7. Estados Unidos no notificó a Rusia del ataque a Siria

  8. La advertencia de Rusia a Estados Unidos tras el ataque a Siria: "Tales acciones no quedarán sin consecuencias"

  9. The Russian ambassador to the United States on Saturday issued a warning to the United States, the United Kingdom and France after they struck targets in Syria.

    Anatoly Antonov issued a statement via the Russian embassy in Washington DC in the wake of the allied attacks targeting the Syrian regime's chemical weapons capabilities.

  10. L'Otan "soutient" les frappes occidentales contre la Syrie

  11. L'ambassadeur russe aux Etats-Unis: les frappes en Syrie sont une "insulte au président russe"

  12. Moscou réfute la participation de la DCA russe pour repousser les frappes contre la Syrie

  13. Moskau: Syrien in der Zeit beschossen, als es Chance auf friedliche Zukunft bekam

  14. Mattis: Time for ‘civilized nations’ to unite to end Syria civil war!!!!!!!!

  15. Government compound, presidential palace in Damascus unharmed by coalition’s strike

  16. Минобороны РФ: США и союзники выпустили по Сирии более 100 ракет

  17. Syrien-Angriff: "Russland wurde nicht gewarnt"

  18. Iran: U.S., allies responsible for regional consequences of Syria attack

  19. Syrian state media: Missiles were diverted, injured 3 civilians

  20. NATO's Stoltenberg supports US-led Syria airstrikes

  21. Targets of US-led airstrike were evacuated on Russian warning, Assad official says

  22. Iran allows Russia to use airbase for refueling

  23. Syrian Army: 110 missiles launched by aggression powers US, Britain, France

  24. French defense minister says Russia was warned ahead of military attacks on Syria

  25. Ministro de Defensa ruso comunica a Putin todos los datos sobre la situación operativa en Siria

  26. At least six loud explosions were heard in Damascus and smoke was seen rising over the city, a Reuters witness said.

  27. A senior official in a regional alliance that backs Damascus told Reuters that the Syrian government and its allies had "absorbed" the attack, and that targeted sites were evacuated days ago thanks to a warning from Russia.

  28. Mr Mattis, who US officials said had earlier warned in internal debates that too large an attack would risk confrontation with Russia, described the strikes as a one-off to dissuade Assad from "doing this again."

    But a US official familiar with the military planning said there could be more air strikes if the intelligence indicates that Assad has not stopped manufacturing, importing, storing or using chemical weapons, including weaponised chlorine.

  29. The Syria presidency posted a video on Twitter that shows President Bashar Assad apparently arriving to work following a US-led strike on Syria in response to a suspected chemical weapon attack.
    The short video, which lasts six seconds, shows Assad in a suit and with a briefcase walking into the marble-floored entrance of a building. The tweet says in Arabic: “The morning of resilience.”

  30. Rusia: "Los sistemas antiaéreos sirios interceptaron 71 de los 103 misiles de crucero lanzados"

    1. Die syrische Luftabwehr hat beim Angriff westlicher Mächte in der vergangenen Nacht auf Syriens Territorium 71 Marschflugkörper abfangen können. Das berichtet der russische Generalstab am Samstag. Insgesamt haben die USA, Frankreich und Großbritannien 103 Marschflugkörper gegen Syrien abgefeuert.

  31. Putin: Attack on Syria 'Act of Aggression' Against Sovereign State Fighting Terror

    1. "Rusia convoca una sesión extraordinaria del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas para discutir las acciones agresivas de EE.UU. y sus aliados", ha anunciado el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin.

    2. Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat am Samstag den jüngsten Militärschlag der westlichen Koalition gegen Syrien aufs Schärfste verurteilt. Washington ermunterte mit seinen Handlungen faktisch die Terroristen, betonte er.

  32. Merkel nennt westlichen Angriff auf Syrien erforderlich und angemessen

  33. Army General Command:US, British and French aggression with 110 missiles on Syrian targets, air defense downs most of them


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