Saturday, April 14, 2018

Russian President: Attack on Syria 'Act of Aggression' against Sovereign State Fighting Terror

в Сирии американцы выступают на стороне террористов
Russian President Vladimir Putin called the attack against Syria "act of aggression" against the country which is combating terrorism on its soil, adding that Russian servicemen help legitimate government to fight terrorist threat in the country.

Putin has vehemently condemned the US-led missile strikes against Syria, which "aggravate humanitarian catatrophe, inflict suffering on civilian population and connive at terrorism," RIA Novosti reported.

Western countries cynically disregarded the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) probe into an alleged chemical incident in the Syrian city of Douma and undertook military action even before the investigation is completed, according to the Russian President.

Washington launched “an aggression against a sovereign state which is at the forefront of the fight against terrorism,” the statement from the President said, RT reported.

Putin stressed that the multi-national strikes were not sanctioned by the UN Security Council, and were carried out “in violation of the UN Charter and principles of international law”.

By using force, Washington is only prompting a new wave of asylum-seekers from Syria and the whole region, according to the Russian leader.

The President stated that escalation in Syria has destructive impact on the entire system of international relations.

Russia is calling an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the aggressive actions of the US and its allies, the statement concluded.



  1. The UK Parliament, not US President Donald Trump, should define British foreign policy, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said, criticizing Theresa May’s decision to join the US-led military intervention in Syria.
    The main question that the British PM hasn’t answered yet is how “this action” against Damascus “taken without parliamentary approval,” will halt the use of chemical weapons or bring “long term peace,” the Scottish National Party (SNP) leader wrote on Twitter. “UK foreign policy should be set by Parliament, not US President, (sic),” she stated.

    According to Sturgeon, air strikes have not resolved the crisis situation in Syria so far. “Nothing I’ve heard persuades me they will do so now,” she said, calling for “an international strategy for peace,” not “a course that risks dangerous

  2. Syria strikes: MIssiles fired from French naval ship
    Footage shows cruise missiles being launched from a ship in an unknown location and French Rafale jets taking off.
    France joined the US and the UK targeting chemical weapons sites in the biggest military action against President Assad so far.

  3. RAF planes departed from their airbase in Akrotiri ahead of the strikes in Syria.

  4. Leader of the UK Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn has criticized UK Prime Minister Theresa May for her decision to carry out missile strikes on Syria without first seeking parliamentary approval.

  5. Turkey's Incirlik Airbase Wasn't Used for Airstrikes on Syria - Deputy PM

  6. Resolution gescheitert - Russischer UN-Botschafter: „Trauriger Tag für die Welt“

  7. UN Security Council fails to adopt Russian resolution on Syria

  8. Syria strikes are "important signal" to Iran and Hezbollah -Israeli minister

  9. Washington plans to slap Moscow with a new batch of sanctions as early as Monday, the US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley said. The new measures are said to be a response to Russia’s alleged “aggressive actions.”
    Haley blamed Moscow for the tense relations between the US and Russia and accused it of continuously engaging in aggressive behavior. She added that Washington would respond with a number of aggressive steps of its own.

    1. Speaking to Fox News, Haley accused Russia of de-facto facilitating the alleged chemical attack in the city of Douma in the Damascus suburbs by supporting the Syrian government. “Assad knew that Russia had its back, Assad knew that Russia would cover for them at the United Nations, and Assad got reckless,” she said, adding that the US has to be “conscious of the fact that we can’t allow even the smallest use of chemical weapons.”

  10. France and the UK - Europe’s two biggest military powers - took a gamble in lining up behind US President Donald Trump to bombard Syria. Now they need to make sure it doesn’t backfire.

    Critics swiftly accused France and Britain of playing loyal deputies to an unpredictable American leader, viewed by many in Europe with suspicion or outright scorn. Some worried it could further antagonise Europe’s unpredictable neighbour Russia at an already tense time.

    French President Emmanuel Macron was accused of compromising the independence of a country that famously stayed out of former US President George W. Bush’s 2003 invasion of Iraq. British Prime Minister Theresa May was decried for not seeking parliamentary approval for Saturday’s coordinated airstrikes.

    1. Emmanuel Macron se félicite d'avoir «convaincu» Donald Trump de «rester dans la durée» en Syrie au moment où ce dernier s’apprêtait à s'en désengager.

    2. Macron destaca importancia de dialogar con Rusia, Irán y Turquía para la solución en Siria

    3. French President Emmanuel Macron said that the US-led strike on Syria was legitimate, but "history will judge" whether the operation was justified. He added that neither France nor its allies are at war with the country.

  11. El Reino Unido, EEUU y Francia esperan que China y Rusia estén a favor de un nuevo proyecto de resolución sobre los mecanismos de investigación de los ataques químicos en Siria, declaró la embajadora británica ante la ONU.


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