Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Saudi Arabia Ready to Send Troops to Syria if Proposed : Foreign Minister

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir
Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said Monday that Riyadh is willing to send troops to Syria as part of a wider international coalition if it receives a proposal to do so, as cited by Saudi State TV.

"We've been discussing sending forces from the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition to Syria," the minister said at the joint press conference with UN Secretary-General António Guterres after a meeting in Riyadh.

This comes as Jubeir on Sunday said that the Arab League during the summit had condemned the use of chemical weapons by Damascus; however, the released document did not include such a provision.

  • Trump’s Syria withdrawal plan: Arab occupational force and Arabs will pay for it – report...

Washington reportedly wants Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar to replace the US in terms of troop deployments and funding in “stabilizing northeastern Syria,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
The US currently has two major points of military presence on the ground in Syria: one on the border with Jordan in the south and one in northeastern Syria in an area controlled by the predominantly Kurdish Syrian Democratic Force (SDF). President Donald Trump announced plans to withdraw American troops from Syria, apparently dismayed by the cost of the operation. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Trump administration wants to shift the burden of occupying northeastern Syria – which is touted as an effort to stabilize the area by the newspaper – to Arab countries.....https://on.rt.com/93gs

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