Monday, April 9, 2018

Syria air base 'hit by missile strike', US denies responsibility

T-4 airfield near Homs
Syrian state TV said there were casualties in what it said was a suspected U.S. missile attack on a major air base in central Syria but the United States denied it had launched any air strikes against the country.

The state broadcaster earlier said explosions were heard at the T-4 airfield near Homs, which is close to the ancient city of Palmyra in central Syria.

A Syrian military source was quoted as saying air defences shot down eight missiles fired at the base, where defence analysts say there are large deployments of Russian forces, and where jets fly regular sorties to strike rebel-held areas.

The state broadcaster said there were several dead and wounded.

"An aggression was perpetrated on T-4 air base in several strikes that is most likely to be an American attack," state television said in a news flash.

The U.S. Pentagon said it was not conducting air strikes in Syria "at this time," formally denying the Syrian state television report.

When asked about the explosions, an Israeli spokeswoman declined to comment.

Israel has struck Syrian army locations many times in the course of the conflict, hitting convoys and bases of Iranian-backed militias that fight alongside Syrian President Bashar al Assad's forces.


  1. According to Lebanon’s Al Mayadeen broadcaster, the missiles were coming from the Mediterranean Sea, through Lebanese airspace. Meanwhile, Al Masdar News is reporting that “unknown jets” have entered Syrian airspace from Lebanon, and is speculating that the jets could be Israeli. In response, the Syrian Air Defense system at Mezzeh Air Base was activated, the report added.

  2. A rocket strike has been reported Sunday night on Syrian T-4 airbase by local media. It is so far unclear, who stands behind the attack as the US Defense Ministry which could be responsible as was alleged by local media, said that it is not carrying out airstrikes on Syria, denying the reports of the US attack.

  3. El grupo terrorista Estado Islámico ha atacado posiciones de las fuerzas gubernamentales sirias tras el bombardeo contra una base aérea en ese país. Militantes intentaron lanzar una ofensiva en varias áreas de la provincia siria de Homs, según informó el canal de televisión libanés Al Mayadeen.

  4. Expertos del centro de análisis estadounidense Stratfor creen "muy posible" que Israel esté detrás del ataque lanzado a primera hora de lunes contra la base aérea siria de Tiyas (T-4), en la gobernación de Homs.
    "Aunque no se ha confirmado, existe una gran posibilidad de que las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel hayan estado detrás del ataque", señala un artículo publicado en el sitio web de esta empresa.

    1. Телеканал "Аль-Маядин" утверждает, что ракеты, атаковавшие авиабазу "Тийфор" (Т-4) в провинции Хомс, пролетели через воздушное пространство Ливана со Средиземного моря. Кадры атаки публикуют местные жители. Сирийские ПВО частично атаку отразили — они смогли поразить восемь целей. Сообщается о жертвах среди военных, но их число пока неизвестно.
      Кроме того, телеканал утверждает, что израильские ВВС совершали разведывательные полеты в пограничном пространстве между Сирией и Ливаном в момент, когда был нанесен ракетный удар по аэродрому Т-4. В Армии обороны Израиля корр. ТАСС отказались комментировать сообщения об ударе по аэродрому в Хомсе.

    2. The Israeli Air Force carried out reconnaissance flights in the border area between Syria and Lebanon when a missile strike was delivered on the T-4 military airfield in Syria’s Homs province, Al-Mayadeen television reported on Monday.

    3. El ataque contra una base aérea siria en la provincia de Homs fue llevado a cabo por dos aviones F-15 de la Fuerza Aérea de Israel, informa el Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia.

    4. In a statement on Monday, the Russian military said: “Two Israeli Air Force F-15 jets fired eight guided missiles at the T-4 airfield.” The Israeli aircraft did not enter Syrian airspace and launched the strikes while flying over Lebanon.

      “Syrian air defense units have shot down five guided missiles,” the military said, but confirmed that three of the missiles “reached the western part of the airfield.”

  5. Tehran declared on Monday that four of its military advisers have been martyred in Israel's overnight airstrikes on T4 airbase in the Syrian province of Homs.

    Two Israeli fighter jets attacked the Syrian army's T4 military base in Homs province from the Lebanese airspace on Sunday night, killing and wounding over a dozen militaries, including 4 Iranian military advisers.

    The Iranian casualties have been identified as Seyed Ammar Moussavi, Medi Lotfi Niyasar, Akbar Zawwar Jannati, Mehdi Dehqan Yazdeli.

  6. The US president has said that he is discussing with military leadership the situation surrounding the alleged chemical attack in the Syrian town of Douma, which he slammed as a "heinous" act against innocent civilians.
    Donald Trump said at a cabinet meeting that "major decisions on Syria" will come in the next 24 to 48 hours after he figures out who was responsible for the alleged attack in Douma — Russia, or Syria, or Iran, or "all of them together."

    When asked by reporters about the military option in Syria, Donald Trump said that "nothing is off the table."

    1. El presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, ha afirmado que decidirá sobre la respuesta de EE.UU. al supuesto ataque químico en Siria "probablemente antes de que acabe el día de hoy".

      El mandatario ha tachado el ataque, supuestamente producido en Guta Oriental el sábado pasado, de "atroz", agregando que "se trata de humanidad y no se puede permitir que esto ocurra".

      Trump ha detallado que se reunirá esta tarde con la cúpula del Pentágono. "No se descarta ninguna acción", ha afirmado el presidente. "Los generales lo solucionarán", ha expresado el mandatario. "Todos pagarán un precio", ha agregado.

  7. L’Iran a averti Israël que son opération de frappes contre l’aéroport militaire Tiyas en Syrie, qui a provoqué la mort de quatre citoyens iraniens, «ne restera pas sans réponse», a déclaré un responsable du pays, en visite à Damas ce mardi, selon Al Mayadeen.


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