Friday, May 25, 2018

Chemicals arms watchdog wants attack perpetrators identified

Chemicals arms watchdog wants attack perpetrators identified
The head of the world's chemical weapons watchdog said Friday his organization needed a mechanism to identify the perpetrators of attacks, despite fears it could lead to accusations of politicization.

Under its current mandate to implement the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the watchdog has largely been restricted to determining whether chemical agents have been used as a weapon - and has faced criticism of bias in that more limited role.

But the high-profile use of chemical weapons in recent years in places as far afield as Kuala Lumpur, Syria and Salisbury in southwestern England requires global action, according to Uzumcu.
***Voilà l'homme tout entier, s'en prenant à sa chaussure alors que c'est son pied le coupable. Ca devient inquiétant. Un des larrons fut sauvé. C'est un pourcentage honnête.

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