Saturday, May 26, 2018

US-Turkey agree ‘roadmap’ / occupation on Kurd-held Manbij in Syria

US-Turkey agree ‘roadmap’ / occupation on Kurd-held Manbij in Syria
Turkish and US officials on Friday agreed on a “roadmap” for further cooperation to ensure the security of a Kurdish-held city which became a major headache between the NATO allies, according to a joint statement.

The northern city of Manbij is held by the People's Protection Units (YPG) Kurdish militia, a group which Ankara says is the “terrorist” offshoot of Kurdish hardliners in Turkey.

The US has a military presence in Manbij and has provided military support to the YPG in the fight against the ISIS extremist group, causing anger among Turkish officials.

US officials were in Ankara on Friday as part of a working group on Syria. After talks with Turkish counterparts, the statement was issued by the Turkish foreign ministry and the US embassy in Ankara.

“The two sides outlined the main contours of a roadmap for their further cooperation in ensuring security and stability in Manbij,” the statement said, giving no further detail.

manbij syria


  1. Hundreds demonstrated in Syria's northeastern city of Qamishli on Saturday, in response to a call by Kurdish authorities for global protests against Turkey's military presence in the flashpoint Afrin region.

    Turkish forces and allied Syrian rebels seized the northwest Afrin region from Kurdish fighters in March, after a two-month military offensive that prompted tens of thousands of people to flee.

    Since then, thousands of people displaced from other parts of Syria -- notably the Eastern Ghouta suburb of Damascus -- have been resettled in the emptied city.

    Syria's Kurds, who have built up their own autonomous administrations in the chaos of the country's seven-year war, say that amounts to demographic change.

  2. La portavoz del Departamento de Estado de EE.UU., Heather Nauert, ha declarado que "todavía no tenemos ningún acuerdo con el Gobierno turco" respecto a la ciudad siria de Manbij, reporta TASS.

    La representante afirmó que las partes continúan celebrando consultas sobre Siria y otras cuestiones y que han esbozado la hoja de ruta de la futura cooperación, incluyendo la cuestión de Manbij.


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