Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Beijing: Humanitarian aid must respect Syria’s sovereignty – SANA

China’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dai Bing has said that his country’s position on the humanitarian issue in Syria is consistent and clear, adding that Beijing has always stressed that humanitarian aid delivery to Syria must respect the sovereignty of the Syrian state.

“We look forward to the strict adherence of all parties to the basic principles governing international humanitarian assistance and to the strict compliance with the requirements of Security Council resolutions, in addition to ensuring the neutrality and transparency of aid, and making it more targeted and effective,” Xinhua quoted Dai as saying in a statement after the UN Security Council session yesterday, during which a resolution was adopted to extend the mechanism of cross-border aid delivery humanitarian aid into Syria.

“China’s position on the humanitarian issue in Syria “is as consistent as it is clear”, he said; namely, that aid to Syria must respect its sovereignty, that cross-line delivery should become the main channel for such aid, and that cross-border delivery is a temporary arrangement. Therefore, it is necessary to speed up the transition to cross-line relief.

Dai said that the unilateral Western measures imposed on Syria severely restrict the operations of international humanitarian agencies in it and contradict the efforts of the Security Council and the international community to improve humanitarian access and increase humanitarian resources in Syria.

He added that China urges the relevant countries to immediately and comprehensively lift the unilateral measures imposed on Syria.

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