Monday, July 11, 2022

EU Losing Battle Of Narratives Over Ukraine - Borrell - UrduPoint

The European Union is losing "the global battle of narratives" concerning Ukraine and has to work further to change the situation, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said following the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Bali.

"The global battle of narratives is in full swing and, for now, we are not winning. As the EU, we have to engage further to refute Russian lies and war propaganda, making it clear who is responsible for the aggression and hence its consequences," Borrell said on his blog on Sunday.

The official praised the consolidated stance of G20 countries, all of which, apart from Russia, supported the resolution condemning the Russian operation in Ukraine at the UN General Assembly. Still, Borrell pointed out that this unity breaks when it comes to discussing the steps forward and the consequences of the crisis. While the G7 and their allies are unanimous both in their sanctions pressure and "in trying to hold the regime accountable," others, the so-called majority of the "Global South," seem to have a different perspective.

Borrell also believes that most countries are reticent in "naming the aggressor" for a whole host of reasons: some are wary of the consequences for themselves, others complain about "double standards," seek to retain good relations with Russia or try to avoid jeopardizing their geopolitical interests.

The statement mentioned Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who left the G20 Meeting after delivering his speech, with Borrell using this walkout as a proof "how much Russia really cares about multilateral fora."

1 comment:

  1. EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting in Bali showed to him the different perspectives around the world on the situation in Ukraine and its consequences.

    "In the March vote at the UN General Assembly, 140 states condemned the Russian aggression and no member of the G20, apart from the aggressor, opposed this resolution. But on how to move forward and on the consequences of the war, views differ sharply," Borrell said in a statement published on the EU’s website on Sunday. "The G7 and like-minded countries are united in condemning and sanctioning Russia and in trying to hold the regime accountable. But other countries, and we can speak here of the majority of the `Global South’, often take a different perspective," he concluded.

    "The global battle of narratives is in full swing and, for now, we are not winning," Borrell emphasized.


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