Saturday, July 9, 2022

EU warned of mass unrest due to energy crisis

This winter, Europe faces a devastating "strong conflict and discord" due to high energy prices, to prevent mass unrest, the countries of the European Union (EU) must return to the use of fossil energy. This was stated on July 8 by the Vice-President of the European Commission (EC) Frans Timmermans to The Guardian.

 “If our society is plunged into strong conflicts and disputes due to lack of energy, we will certainly not achieve our [climate] goals,” the politician said.

According to him, if citizens' homes are not warm enough in the upcoming winter, this will have disastrous consequences for solving the climate crisis in the EU.

"I've been in politics long enough, over 30 years, to realize that people are most worried about the immediate crisis, not the long-term crisis," he said.

He called the goal of the EC policy to convince the EU public no later than November 1 that citizens will not face a crisis in heating their homes this winter.

According to him, the EU countries will have to use coal to solve this issue. 


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