Monday, July 11, 2022

Impose sanctions on Russia for new citizenship decree Kyiv orders EU

Ukraine has called on its allies to impose new sanctions on Moscow and step up new supplies of heavy weapons to Kyiv to punish President Putin’s government for simplifying their naturalization procedure for Ukrainian citizens.

Ukraine’s foreign ministry has condemned a decree from President Vladimir Putin that simplified the Russian citizenship procedure for all Ukrainians.

 The ministry described the move by Moscow as an encroachment on Ukrainian sovereignty and said it was inconsistent with principles of international law.



1 comment:

  1. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry on Monday called on Canada to reconsider its decision to return to Germany the repaired turbine for the Nord Stream pipeline so as to maintain the pressure of sanctions on Russia.

    The ministry on Monday summoned the Canadian charge d'affaires.

    "The Canadian side was urged to reconsider this decision, which undermines the Euro-Atlantic unity in the application of the international sanctions regime against the Russian Federation, and also creates the basis for Russia to continue to use energy as a hybrid weapon against Europe," the ministry said in a statement on its website.


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