Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Norway allowed cargo for the village of Barentsburg on Svalbard to cross the border

Two containers with food and technical equipment for the settlement of Barentsburg on Svalbard were nevertheless sent to the archipelago after a long idle time on the border with Norway. The cargo is on board a Norwegian ship heading to the capital of Svalbard Lognir.

The delay was related to the sanctions, and not to an attempt to cut off supplies to Barentsburg, reported on July 6 broadcaster NRK with reference to the Norwegian Foreign Ministry. The decision to deliver to the destination was the result of negotiations with the Russian authorities. “The containers were taken by Norwegian trucks from Storskog to Tromsø, then they will be delivered to Svalbard by sea. The vessel is already on its way,” the Norwegian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Norway had previously rejected Russia’s application for the passage of food, medical equipment and building materials for the village on Svalbard. At the only checkpoint on the Russian-Norwegian border, 20 tons of goods for Barentsburg have accumulated. Without new supplies of food supplies to the inhabitants of dshould only last until august.

The Russian Federation said that Norway violated the Paris Treaty of 1920, according to which the import of goods should not be subject to restrictions. State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin instructed to study the issue of suspension or denunciation of the agreement between the Russian Federation and Norway on cooperation in the Barents Sea and the delimitation of maritime spaces.



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  1. Норвегия согласилась пропустить через свою территорию грузы, предназначенные для российских поселений на Шпицбергене. Об этом 6 июля сообщает ТАСС со ссылкой на местное телевидение.

    «МИД Норвегии проинформировал, что контейнеры перевозятся с помощью норвежского грузовика от КПП «Стурскуг» на границе в норвежский город Тромсё и далее морским путем на Шпицберген. Грузы уже находятся на судне, которое направляется в сторону архипелага», — сказано в сообщении.

    Как пишет РИА Новости со ссылкой на норвежский МИД, решение было найдено в результате переговоров с российскими властями.

  2. El Gobierno de Noruega ha decidido permitir el paso de un cargamento de productos procedentes de Rusia destinado al asentamiento ruso de Barentsburg, en el archipiélago de Svalbard, ubicado al norte del país escandinavo, comunicó este miércoles la portavoz del Ministerio de Exteriores noruego, Ane Haavardsdatter Lunde, en declaraciones a la prensa local.

    A finales de mayo, 20 toneladas de mercancías rusas fueron detenidas en Storskog, en la frontera ruso-noruega. Posteriormente, Oslo rechazó las solicitudes de Moscú para enviar los cargamentos a través de su territorio debido a las sanciones contra Rusia.

    Ahora, el cargamento está siendo trasladado por un transportista noruego vía marítima hasta el puerto de Longyearbyen, desde donde será llevado por tierra hasta Barentsburg.


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