Friday, July 8, 2022

Russia exercised veto power in the UN Security Council on the issue of assistance to Syria - BB-CNTV

According to the draft resolution prepared Ireland and Norwaythe mechanism for cross-border assistance to Syria was extended for a year, until July 2023.

It is specified that China abstained from voting. The remaining members of the Security Council supported the project.

Earlier, Russia convened a meeting of the UN Security Council on the topic of neo-Nazism and fascism in Ukraine. As stated by the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation UN Dmitry Polyanskythe meeting is “a response to those Western colleagues who question one of the goals of our SVO in Ukraine – denazification”, accusing the Russian side of “exaggerating the scale of the problem.”


Western countries have buried the mechanism for cross-border aid to Syria by voting against Russia’s draft resolution envisaging a six-month extension of this mechanism, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky said on Friday.

"Those who did not support our draft have demonstrated their real attitude to the needs and hopes of Syrians. <…> You proved that today having buried the cross-border aid mechanism for good," Polyansky said at a Security Council meeting.

"I don’t think that anyone in Syria would suffer from that, whatever you might say. You still have possibilities to supply terrorists entrenched in Idlib," he said.

"You had a choice and you have made it. Now, this page has been turned over once and for all," he stressed.

1 comment:

  1. Российская делегация при Совете Безопасности ООН использовала право вето по западному проекту резолюции о продлении механизма трансграничной помощи правительству Сирии, передает ТАСС.

    По данным агентства, китайская сторона воздержалась при голосовании, остальные члены Совета Безопасности ООН полностью поддержали проект резолюции.

    Уточняется, что документ резолюцией, подготовленный Ирландией и Норвегией, предусматривает продолжение действия механизма еще на протяжении года – до июля 2023 года.

    Ранее посол России в Китае Андрей Денисов заявил, что эффективность дискуссии и работы Совбеза ООН снижается из-за деструктивных шагов стран Запада.


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