Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Russia: West Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Donbass, Ukraine | Farsnews Agency

(FNA)- The West should be aware of its responsibility for the deaths of civilians in both Donbass and Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday.

During a press briefing in Vietnam, Lavrov was asked to comment on Kiev’s allegations that Russian forces are shelling their own cities to disrupt the supplies of Western weapons to Ukraine, RT reported.

“Well, in short, they lie,” the foreign minister stated.

He added that the Russian Defense Ministry presents the real facts on a daily basis, and that the West should acknowledge its own responsibility, “no matter what [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky and his team are saying".

Since the launch of the military operation in Ukraine, Moscow has warned the US and its allies against “pumping up” Ukraine with weapons, saying it will only prolong the conflict and lead to serious long-term problems in the future.

Lavrov noted the West “must be aware of its responsibility” for the deaths of civilians, as Kiev uses the weapons supplied from abroad as “a means of intimidation. This is state terror".


Девочка, погибшая при обстреле Донецка, ранее победила тяжелую болезнь


ВСУ превратили жизнь людей в ад: жители Киевского района Донецка — об обстрелах города


Lavrov called Kyiv's statements about Russia's shelling of their own cities a lie


Сергей Лавров призвал Запад взять ответственность за гибель мирных жителей Донбасса.


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