Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Russia’s speaker asks parliament to look at scrapping Norway sea treaty

Responding to comments in parliament accusing Norway of blocking food deliveries destined for Russian-populated settlements on the Svalbard archipelago, State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin asked the head of the chamber’s international affairs committee to look into “denouncing” the treaty.

The treaty, which was signed in 2010, aimed to put an end to disputes between Russia and Norway in the Barents Sea, the part of the Arctic Ocean adjoining the northern coasts of Norway and Russia.


  1. The treaty with Russia on maritime delimitation and cooperation in the Barents Sea is not subject to denunciation, Ane Haavardsdatter, Spokesperson for the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, said on Tuesday.

    The treaty "has no provision for the possibility to denounce it," she told the NRK broadcasting company.

    "Treaties of this kind that concern border delimitation are usually in effect indefinitely. We assume that Russia adheres to this principle," the Foreign Ministry spokesperson said. She also said that both Moscow and Oslo were interested in preserving this treaty.

  2. When Norwegian authorities say that denunciation of the treaty with Russia on delimitation of waters and cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean would be impossible, they forget that they have imposed unilateral economic sanctions that violation international law, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on her Telegram channel Tuesday.

    The diplomat pointed out the remark, made by Norwegian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Ane Havardsdatter, who said that denunciation is not provided for by the text of the agreement.

    "Oh, how interesting. So, legislation, jurisprudence and laws in international relations do exist for Western regimes after all? Maybe, someone will recall, which agreement provides for unilateral economic sanctions, stealing assets and xenophobia against an entire nation?" Zakharova said.

    Earlier, Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin ordered the Committee on International Affairs to review an option to denounce this treaty.


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