Friday, June 30, 2023

The EU expressed its readiness to "make a contribution" to ensuring the security of Ukraine - En attendant Godot

EU leaders are ready, together with international partners, to contribute to the development of commitments to ensure the security of Ukraine, according to a document following the discussion of the Ukrainian conflict at the EU summit in Brussels.

"The European Union and Member States stand ready, together with partners, to contribute to future security commitments to Ukraine that will help it defend itself in the long term," the document says.

At a summit in Brussels, the leaders restated their condemnation of Russia's war against Ukraine and said the EU and its member countries "stand ready" to contribute to commitments that would help Ukraine defend itself in the long term.

In a text summarizing the conclusions of the summit, the leaders said they would swiftly consider the form these commitments would take. 

Josep Borrell, the bloc's foreign policy chief, suggested they could build on existing EU support, such as the European Peace Facility fund that has financed billions of euros in arms for Ukraine and a training mission for Ukrainian troops.

"The military support to Ukraine has to (be for the) long haul," Borrell told reporters, suggesting the EU could establish a Ukrainian Defence Fund, modelled on the Peace Facility.

"The training has to continue, the modernisation of the army has to continue. Ukraine needs our commitment to continue ensuring their security during the war and after the war," he added.

1 comment:

  1. Лидеры ЕС на саммите в Брюсселе традиционно высказались за продолжение военной поддержки Украине, но на этот раз с оговоркой, что такая поддержка будет осуществляться "без ущерба" для специфики политики безопасности и обороны отдельных стран союза, а также "с учетом" интересов безопасности и обороны всех стран ЕС.


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