Friday, June 30, 2023

Ukraine says its forces advance in all directions of counteroffensive, terms for peace in Ukraine will be different now

Ukrainian troops are advancing in all directions of their counteroffensive against occupying Russian forces, a senior defence official said on Friday.

Since the start of the counteroffensive this month, Ukraine says it has reasserted control over clusters of villages in the southeast although Russia still holds swathes of territory in the east, south and southeast.

"If we talk about the entire front line, both east and south, we have seized the strategic initiative and are advancing in all directions," Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Maliar told Ukrainian television.


 Russia’s preconditions for reconciliation with Ukraine will differ from those put forward in March 2022, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya told the UN Security Council session on Thursday.

"After the chance for peace was missed in March last year through the fault of the United States and the European Union, [peace] preconditions for Ukraine will certainly be different," Nebenzya said.

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